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Simple Wooden Boxes (adapted)

I suppose everyone has one particular summer vacation that stands out more than any other. For me, it was one summertime when I celebrated my seventh birthday.

Lego blocks were the “in” that time. Mama and papa knew how much I wanted to have even the starter set. So for my seventh birthday, they promised to give me one.

However, in January of that year, my father was laid off and my mother, who was a bank employee, became the bread winner of a family of five children.

Papa then stayed home doing the house chores because we had to give up our house help. While waiting for a job opening from a couple of overseas companies, he would stay in the garage, cutting and nailing together pieces of wood.

For months, I would hear him pounding on wood every night.

When my birthday came, there was no party, as was previously planned. Mama and papa brought me to church for mass that morning and we went home for breakfast. After breakfast, Papa then gave me a big box with a blue ribbon tied around it.

When I opened the box, I was touched to find small Lego-like wooden boxes painted red, yellow, and blue. I looked up to papa, and with tears in his eyes, he hugged me and said, “Happy birthday Anak!”

I have lived fourteen summer vacations and we have received a number of gifts from relatives and friends. But few of these compare with those simple wooden boxes.

I still keep those wooden boxes and cherish them more than the real Lego blocks that I now own… and it is no wonder that I get teary-eyed each time I think of papa, standing there, wondering if his gift was good enough.

Love , Papa, was always good enough…

Editorial Blog:

This story is so wonderful. It tells about a story of a father who worked late nights in order to create a gift for his son. It is the love that moved him to do it. He utilized his time and skills to come up with a gift which turned out to be a priceless treasure. It also turned out to be a gift which gave lasting happiness to his son. This story amazed me and some readers who read it already, because imagine that in spite and despite that the father was laid off from his work, he still did what he had promised to give to his son… and these were the Lego blocks (not even as durable and expensive than original Lego blocks). When I read and make this blog, I was with teary eyes because it reflects not only my father but mu mother as well. They did a lot in order to raise us, to give us quality life, and to make us a better part of our society. I remember when I was still young; my parents gave me everything I wanted. Until such time when my mother was laid off too from her work and my father has no permanent job. I think that was the worst thing that happened to me and to my family. But despite and in spite of everything what happened, they still continue to raise us… and that is the love that pushes them to continue. And that is how I really love my parents and I wanted to live with them as long as GOD will still continue to lend me the life I have.

Things to Ponder:

The greatest gift is offered when you give a portion of yourself to others. Almost always, what really makes your life happy and meaningful is what you are and what you can do for others, not necessarily what you have.


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