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An organization is the collection of structures, processes, and people working collaboratively to pursue a mission and achieve business goals. While organizations aim to pursue their missions and goals by adhering to principles of efficiency and effectiveness, many suffer various degrees of dysfunction during day-to-day operations. These issues can result in the erosion of stakeholder value up to the point of insolvency, but internal auditors can support management efforts and curtail these dynamics from taking hold by anticipating problems, reviewing current dynamics, and making recommendations for improvement.

Waste is anything done or acquired that is not required to successfully complete an activity or support a process. Waste manifests itself in many ways, often resulting in higher time consumption or underutilized financial resources. The Eight Areas of Waste Model provides a simple methodology to identify actions and items that reduce the value obtained from available resources. The model can be used as a diagnostic tool, as one of the elements used during the development of audit programs, and as a memory jogger when outlining the benefits expected from recommendations (Murdock, 2017).




Please provide your answers with a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words. Please use the link  Please observe proper citation and use APA format 7th edition. 



(2) IF YOUR POST IS MORE THAN 300 WORDS, PLEASE SPLIT IT INTO TWO OR THREE POSTS. The 2nd and 3rd posts will be posted as a reply to create a THREAD-like conversation.

(3) REPLY TO AT LEAST THREE of your classmates' perspectives to the best Es that impacts an organization. PLEASE MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL REPLY. Any reply without substance will not be graded. 

Cut-off date in posting to this discussion forum is until December 13, 2021 11:59PM Philippine Time.

NOTE: Do not create a new question in the Discussion Forum here. Please answer directly on the discussion link posted by Prof. Markie Grabillo.


  1. Hi! I am Leila Lauren, from Accountancy Department and if you are an aspiring successful entrepreneur that would like to maximize your business’ limited resources, worry no more! You’re just perfect in time! Sit back and relax! Follow the 4R steps and you’ll be good to go! But wait, what is this 4R by the way?
    4R stands for “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle towards Richness”. Is it important? Why?

    Waste reduction in a business can:
    / Save money on supplies
    / Conserve natural resources and energy
    / Reduce current disposal costs and hedge against increased future disposal costs
    / Meet customer demand for "green" products and environmentally conscious businesses
    / Avoid adding to the environmental burden caused by producing and disposing of unnecessary materials
    / Boost employee morale by giving staff members an opportunity to work together on an environmental project
    / Reduce the risk of future liability associated with the disposal of solid wastes.

    And it is just easy and simple to do! By changing your daily habits, you might reduce a lot of waste. Not only will it be beneficial for your business, but you will also be able to inspire others to do the same to save the world we are living in.

    Instead of continuously buying a writing or printing paper, you could just recycle. Make scratch pads from used paper, proofread before printing to avoid excessive usage of paper, save documents electronically instead of making hard copies (only if applicable), improve inventory file so items don’t expire and become unusable, avoid purchasing disposable products, and so much more ways! Easy, right?

    You see, you can make a difference from the simplest thing that you do. If all your employees will do the same, your business will save a lot! It will take an effective planning and preparation. Study your business and your market. Layout your plan and get the program on the line.

    Sherman, R. (2017). “How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste”. North Carolina, USA. NC State Extension Publications. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from,

    Leila Lauren M. Carlos 2019-101650

    1. Hi Lauren! I like that you gave points on why would it be advantageous for business to reduce the waste in their operations. That gives summarize to the most important idea that you want to teach or deliver to your audience. All in all, it is an excellent work. 10/10

      Bandola, Erica C.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Lauren, your speech is great I love how you deliver it easily and easy to understand. I like your point, very helpful to a business and also to a consumers.
      -Don Luis M. Villanueva (2019-102313)

    4. Hello there, Ms. Lauren Carlos! I like how you introduce yourself to us and how you present your pitch. I appreciate how you encourage your readers to consider your work to be of serious importance. Your pitch piqued my interest because you clearly explained to us the significance of your strategy, and I was impressed. Very good work! 10/10

      Casal, Christian T.

    5. Hello, Leila! I really like how you presented and constructed all of your ideas. Thank you for emphasizing the significance of this for a business. I agree that these are simple steps to take yet will have a significant impact on everyone. (10/10)

      -Bertiz, Coline B. (2019-100749)

    6. Hello, Lauren! I admire your pitch it is very detailed at the same time informative. i admire your work because you thoroughly discussed the importance of the 4R's and also it is very great that you presented a checklist. Overall, job well done! 10/10 

      RETONE, RENCE LOUIESE E. (2019-105248)

    7. Good Day, Lauren! I like the way you've introduce yourself to us, I agree with your thoughts about what you present to us.


      RATE: 10/10

  2. As I have always said to my customers in Sprint, now part of T-mobile, "it's a beautiful day!" My name is John Carlo De Vera or just JC and my mission is your resolution. Is your company still use a lot of paper for documentation, bookkeeping, or communicating? Is your company still incur costs in using paper for day-to-day operation and communication? Did you know that according to Allen (2018), Yale Information Technology Services realized more than $250,000 after using electronic processes or becoming paperless? In addition, he also includes that based on Nitro, 28% of organizations that invested in the paperless document received a complete return on investment for six months minimum and 59% achieved a complete return on investment in less than a year. Hence, utilizing paperless documentation and communication system would help a company save more and earn more. Not only that, becoming paperless will lessen the distribution costs of the company such as for the ink and printing. In addition, becoming paperless means having a lesser paper which results in saving space or having more space for other things. Furthermore, since we are moving to a world which is more digitized and people are becoming tech-savvy, engaging early on technology and its advancement would be an edge and advantage for the company not only to become knowledgeable to it but also to save more time, money, and space by becoming paperless through technology. To add up, based on the article of (DocuSign, 2018), going paperless has a vital impact on our environment. Going paperless will save trees, cut down pollution from factories that manufacture paper, and lessen the use of other stuff that has relation with paper such as inks. Ultimately, going paperless will promote the longevity of documents and information to the company. What are you looking for? Invest in going paperless because it will greatly affect the cost efficiency, the profitability, the image and reputation, and the overall performance of the company. I will leave a beautiful quote from John Grisham saying, “The digital age was dragging older lawyers like the Boones into the world of paperless files and storages, and not a minute too soon; Why destroy so many trees to produce much paper that becomes useless almost as fast as it is filed away.”

    Allen, S. (2018, September 12). Docuphase. Retrieved from
    DocuSign. (2018, November 22). Retrieved from
    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing. Florida: CRC Press.

    DE VERA, JOHN CARLO B. | 2019-104382

    1. Hi John Carlo!

      It's also a beautiful day to read your work. I really like how you began your elevator pitch. The message was quite interesting. The concept of "paperless" appeals to me. You are able to explain the concepts as well as their importance not only in the corporate world but also in our environment. You did an excellent job!

      HEDREYDA, HILARY N. (2019-103876)

    2. Drice, Arielle Jean G.December 12, 2021 at 9:13 AM

      Hi, JC! I love the concept of "paperless", it indicates that by reducing the company's paper materials the employees can be more productive. Nice work! 10/10

      DRICE, ARIELLE JEAN G. (2019-105710)

    3. Hello, JC!

      I enjoyed reading your work. It is nice that you actually come up with a scenario, you do not simply explain the topic. If only I have a business I would definitely invest in going paperless. Great work!

      Griarte, Lovely Rose

  3. This is Jerick E. Guasin, from Department of Accountancy of RTU-Boni Campus, I am here to share with you the importance of reduction of wasted resources as it is the key to business success. First, do you know that waste reduction is not about recycling things – it is more than that. According to CalRecyle (2020), inefficiency manifests itself in the form of waste. The development of a waste reduction strategy gives a chance to reorganize operations in order to generate less waste and, as a result, boost efficiency. It is also an opportunity to restructure agreements with suppliers and subcontractors in order to have them take back or minimize the amount of garbage that you are now paying to dispose of. Potential clients will have a compelling motive to select your facility over that of your rivals if you are "greening" your company and decreasing expenses.

    At this point, I would like to emphasize the step-by-step guide given by the CalRecyle to properly address and implement this waste reduction, and these are the following:
    - Policy
    - Goal
    - Plan
    - Information
    - Staff
    - Analyze
    - Space
    - Handling
    - Reduce
    - Budget
    - Evaluate

    Overall, in fact, developing and implementing a waste reduction strategy is simply one of two strategies that must be designed and executed at the same time. In order to thrive in the execution of the program, financial factors must be considered as well, just as they are with any other outstanding concept. Funding for your waste minimization program may be obtained from your current budget for management of solid waste and other charges. This is perhaps the most straightforward method of raising revenue. If you're interested in learning more about why savvy venue facilities and special event organizers contribute to trash reduction and recycling initiatives, check out these eight reasons. With the help of these conversation points, you can demonstrate to your finance director and other key management personnel why a waste reduction and recycling program is a wise business investment and where the savings for project start-up may come from.

    CalRecyle. (2020, February 10). Waste Reduction Planning and Implementation for Owners/Operators. CA.Gov. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from

    Jerick E. Guasin ; 2019-105702

    1. Hi Jerick, I love your speech, very informative. I love how you include a detailed step by step on how to formulate and a guide to reduce waste. Overall you did a very impressive work.
      -Don Luis M. Villanueva (2019-102313)

    2. Mr. Jerick Guasin, how are you? I appreciate your introduction to us and your pitch. I appreciate your insistence that your readers take your pride in work. Your pitch captivated me because you articulated the critical nature of your objective. Excellent work! 10/10

      Casal, Christian T.

  4. Many businesses often fail in their earliest stages because of the poor internal control established. And this ladies and gentleman, will be our topic for this discussion. My name is Erica Bandola from the Accountancy department of Rizal Technological University, and here, we will talk about the possible effects of reducing waste resources in the business. The internal controls that were mentioned in our previous discussion include the efficiency and effectiveness of the people in the workplace, such as office staff and direct laborers. That is why internal controls performed and monitored by the auditors in the organization took it strictly by implementing policies and standards that those employees can follow accordingly all over the process of production. According to the seven wastes of lean manufacturing, wastes can be exhausted in different parts of the production. From it, seven wastes are identified such as overproduction, inventory, motion, defects, over-processing, waiting, and transport. As we can see, these all seven can cause too much wastes if accumulated at the end of the period. This is due to poor handling and management of resources within the organization that cause shrinkage of profit and incurring too much expenses and losses for the organization. This specific failure in an organization is one of the causes of being not efficient and effective by the employees. The operations specifically on manufacturing products are poorly planned and conducted, thus resulting in bad outcomes of an organization. If this will be solved, the organization can benefit not just in a short period of time but also in the long run.

    The Seven Wastes of Lean Manufacturing. Safety Management.

    -BANDOLA, ERICA C. (2019-105307)

    1. Hello, Erica! Your discussion is well-organized, and as one of the audience, I agree with it. It is critical for businesses to reduce waste because it helps them achieve their goals and avoid failures, particularly when it comes to resource management. (10/10)

      -BERTIZ, COLINE B. (2019-100749)

  5. Good day! My name is Rhea Lyn, from the Accountancy Department. I’m not sure if all of you believe that the reduction of wasted resources is a key to business success. So today, I’m here to tell you about the relevance of reducing company waste.

    Is your company producing as much or even more waste today than it did two years ago? Reducing waste not only saves money on waste relocation, but it also shows business growth and development which makes a significant contribution to corporate social responsibility by lowering greenhouse gas emissions and hazards to human health caused by our residual waste.
    Your company's waste disposal and waste management services are probably not as cost-effective as they could be. Businesses can save money and become more environmentally friendly by implementing a waste management program that aims to minimize waste generation, reusing and recycling materials.

    Furthermore, assessing your waste production yields valuable information that can be used to reduce waste. Track and record your waste generation to determine where you can save money and how to best implement a recycling program. When you recognize how much waste your company produces, you can identify areas where you can reduce the purchase, production, and use of materials that cannot be reused or recycled, and try to incorporate a sustainable waste reduction program. (Sherman, n.d.) Creating an effective waste reduction program for your company entails three major steps: planning, laying the groundwork, and implementing the program as part of your company's daily operations. By taking steps to reduce waste, a business can spend less on supplies, conserve energy and natural resources,reduce current waste disposal costs while protecting against future increases in disposal costs, meet the demand for "green" products from customers and environmentally conscious businesses, avoid contributing to the environmental burden by producing and discarding unnecessary materials, boost employee morale by giving employees the opportunity to collaborate on an environmental project and reduce the risk of future liability associated with solid waste disposal.

    Therefore, using the company’s resources efficiently and effectively reduces business waste and makes economic sense. They can save money and improve efficiency by focusing on waste reduction and dealing with the waste that remains.

    Sherman, R. (n.d). How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste. NC State Extension Publications. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from

    - MENDOZA, RHEA LYN B. (2019-101819)

    1. Hi, Rhea. I like how you pinpoint what an organization must do in their operation to properly manage their wastes because most of the pitch here presented the benefits from waste management rather than what should be done in an operation. I definitely agree that a business will really save more by just reducing their wastes and its remains.

      Chavez, Catherine H,

    2. Thea Sofia A. BarabichoDecember 12, 2021 at 11:29 AM

      Hi, Rhea! Your conclusion was well-written. I believe that using the company's scarce resources effectively and efficiently will reduce organizational waste and produce more profit. I enjoyed reading your elevator pitch.

      Rate: 10/10
      Barabicho, Thea Sofia A.

    3. Hello Rhea. I applaud your work on your elevator pitch. You starting with a question is a nice start or good foundation to the whole pitch. Moreover, I have read all the necessary information as to how the reducing of waste would improve the business as a whole. I would give you credit for the conclusion you made as an ending statement.

      RATE: 10/10

    4. Good day, Rhea! I enjoy how you introduce yourself to us and what you have to say to us. I admire how you inspire your audience to pay attention to your work. Your pitch piqued my interest since you effectively described the significance of your objective to us. Good job!

      Salapare, Daryll A. (CBET-01-501A)

  6. Hello, my name is Mary Ann Cebuano, and I am a third-year accounting student at Rizal Technological University. I'm here to explain why reducing waste is important for corporate success. First, we must define waste reduction. According to the encyclopedia, waste reduction, also known as source reduction, is the practice of using less materials and energy to decrease waste production and safeguard natural resources. It has a broader scope than recycling and includes strategies to avoid goods from becoming waste before they reach the recycling stage. Meaning, waste reduction is also classed as a preventative measure to assist firms utilizing their resources and achieving efficiency and effectiveness in their business processes.
    At this stage, we're discussing the advantages of reducing wasted resources. There are four areas that, in my opinion, might benefit from the company's appropriate waste reduction initiatives. First, let's talk about the firm. By being efficient and effective, waste reduction may help the organization reach its goals and objectives. Second, in terms of finances, minimizing waste may assist the organization in being more cost-efficient and profit-maximizing. Furthermore, the money saved through waste reduction may be utilized for other corporate initiatives that provide greater value to the organization. The third component is the social community. If the firm implements effective waste reduction, the community's exposure to harmful or nuisance garbage will be reduced, and a high level of customer satisfaction may assist your company's reputation and drive your business. Finally, in terms of the environment, waste reduction has a huge impact on nurturing and preserving the environment, which is why every firm should prioritize waste reduction as it will assist the organization in enhancing sustainability.

    Waste Reduction | (n.d.). Encyclopedia.Com. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from

    Mary Ann J. Cebuano (2019-106907)

    1. Hi Mary Ann!

      Your pitch is quite enlightening. It's helpful to understand the benefits of minimizing waste in the four categories you listed. You understood the point of this elevator pitch. It's both educational and convincing at the same time. Great work!!

      HEDREYDA, HILARY N. (2019-103876)

    2. Hi, Maan! Upon reading your elevator pitch, I realized that in maintaining sustainability, an organization must have its contribution such as the proper waste reduction in order to preserve the environment. You explained your thoughts carefully and it is well-written.

      Rate: 10/10
      Barabicho, Thea Sofia A.


      Your pitch all around is well made and very insightful - there are opinions with the facts as supporting detail for your claim. Also, mentioning that waste reduction would help the enviroment is a wonderful touch and made me realize that waste reduction could not just help the business but the whole world itself. well done.

      RATE: 10/10


  7. Good day, I’m Don Luis M. Villanueva, studying Accountancy in Rizal Technological University. Today we will be talking about THE REDUCTION OF WASTED RESOURCES IS A KEY TO BUSINESS SUCCESS.

    Waste is any substance which is discarded after primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use. Waste reduction can result in an increase in profit, utilizing limited resources, reducing the cost and reducing the waste resources. Reducing waste can be beneficial to the company and to the environment. The eight areas of waste are waste the business incur that somehow affects its production and the management itself. Each area of the eight waste has a domino effect on the business. If the business reduces the defects, it will result in maximizing the profit, reducing the cost, using the resources efficiently and reducing the waste itself. Same principle goes to other waste. Overproduction is a waste from over producing goods that resulted in a waste. Waiting is a waste of time in waiting for the next process to occur, one example of this is the bottleneck effect in which the process limits the output. Unused talent is a waste coming from the employees, it is a waste of not utilizing and honing their talent and skills. Transportation can be a waste if it is not utilized well, it is a waste of time, money and resources coming from unnecessary moving of products from point A to B. Inventory is quite similar to over production waste, but waste in inventory is waste from excess production and materials that aren't processed that might cause the expiration of the goods. Motion is a waste in time and effect of the employees by doing unnecessary actions. Lastly is extra processing, that requires more time, more work and effort in unnecessary things. Reduction of waste resources as I mentioned earlier, will result in business success. Reducing wasted time will result in more profit. Reducing defected goods will also result in more profit and lesser cost. Reducing overproduction will utilize the resources well. Reducing all of this waste will result in success.
    Gay, C. (2016). 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing. Machinemetrics. Accessed on November 29, 2021. wastes-of-lean-manufacturing
    - Villanueva, Don Luis M. (2019-102313)

    1. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipDecember 13, 2021 at 2:54 AM

      Hi, Don.

      Your pitch is outstanding. You have eleborated the importance of eight areas of waste and its impact in the organization. Your work is indeed well-written, and it is clear that you have a thorough understanding of the topic. Great work!
      Rate: 10/10

      Macanip, Joanna Elaine O. (2019-103856)

  8. Hi! I am Khyla Bernadette S. Dalmacion, a 3rd Year College Student taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountacy at Rizal Technological University and I am here to discuss about one of the ways on how to become a successful entrepreneurs.

    Let me start with the meaning of waste reduction. Waste reduction or source reduction is the practice of preventing waste by decreasing or eliminating the amount of materials initially used. One of the examples include purchasing products in bulk quantities than single servings.

    And now that I am done with my introduction about the reduction of waste materials, let me present to you the importance of ways reduction in an organization, business or entrepreneurship.

    By taking steps to reduce waste, a business can

    • save money on supplies
    • conserve natural resources and energy
    • reduce current waste disposal costs and hedge against increased future disposal costs
    • meet customer demand for "green" products and environmentally conscious businesses
    • avoid adding to the environmental burden caused by producing and disposing of unnecessary materials
    • boost employee morale by giving staff members an opportunity to work together on an environmental project
    • reduce the risk of future liability associated with the disposal of solid wastes.

    Clinton County Michigan.

    Sherman, Ronda (2017, March 30). How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste


    1. Hi Khyla! I like the fact that you started your pitch by defining what waste reduction is. It would truly help the readers to have better understanding about the piece. You did a great job in enumerating the advantages of reducing waste. This way, readers would be more aware of its relevance for a business to succeed. Job well done!

      - LEYCO, PATRICIA DENISE P. (2019-101438)

    2. HI KHYLA!


      RATE: 10/10

      JOHN MICHAEL RUIZ / 501A / 2019-103444

    3. Drice, Arielle Jean G.December 12, 2021 at 9:04 AM

      Hi, Khyla! I like how you started your work. I am very satisfied on your work. I love that you enumerate the benefits that we can get when the businesses reduces their waste disposal. 10/10

      DRICE, ARIELLE JEAN G. (2019-105710)

    4. Hello Ms. Khyla!

      Your work is very concise. You explained the topic very well by defining first waste reduction. I appreciate that you stated some benefits that businesses would receive from reducing wastes because through these, owners might actually consider reducing wastes since their businesses will become more profitable.

      Griarte, Lovely Rose

  9. Stephanie BalaysocheDecember 11, 2021 at 5:13 AM

    Have you ever wondered how businesses manage to achieve success despite many challenges? Or how do they minimize their wasted resources? If you are curious just like me, then sit back and relax because I will give you an idea of how reducing wasted resources can contribute to the success of an enterprise. I am Stephanie Balaysoche, a third-year accountancy student and the one who will guide you in understanding this topic.

    Many businesses generate waste every single day and as much as possible, they want to reduce it to increase the efficiency of the day-to-day operations of the business. A certain enterprise can probably save more money by concentrating on how to reduce waste and cope with the waste that remains. In fact, waste is a resource that can increase business productivity when handled efficiently.

    Every business should at least know that emphasizing waste reduction can greatly assist them in lowering their operational costs. For instance, Unilever is one of the multinational companies existing today that are committed to waste reduction. At least 240 of its industrial facilities and 400 of its sites keep all non-hazardous waste out of landfills (Brucker, 2017). In fact, Unilever used the four 'R' strategy to meet zero-waste to landfills. First, waste should be reduced at the source, followed by reusing, recovering, or recycling any non-hazardous waste that persists. In addition to this strategy, Unilever entered into partnerships with waste management companies to assist in the identification of recycling and reuse outlets (Patel, 2016).

    According to Unilever, going zero-waste and incorporating eco-friendly approaches has resulted in the creation of lots of jobs and a $225 million savings for the company. Additionally, efficiencies created by reducing waste resulted in lower costs. The more waste that Unilever diverts through waste reduction, reuse, and recycling projects, the more money it saves on materials, energy, transportation, and disposal (Patel, 2016).

    This example from Unilever gives us an idea of how waste reduction can become a key to the success of a company. It was a given that it is extremely significant for a certain business to generate a high income every period. However, they must do their responsibility to preserve the environment not only for their sake but also for every living thing.

    Brucker, D. (2017, November 1). 10 zero waste companies leading the charge. Rubicon.

    Patel, S. (2016, November 7). How Unilever achieves zero waste to landfill. Refrigerated & Frozen Foods.

    BALAYSOCHE, STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    1. Hi Steph! It is great to see how you began your pitch by asking questions that will surely intrigue the readers. I also like how you incorporated an example to properly convey the message you want us to understand. It is an educational and informative pitch about the importance of reducing wasted resources! Well done!

      - LEYCO, PATRICIA DENISE P. (2019-101438)

    2. Hello Stephanie!

      I love that you started your elevator pitch by asking some question in relation business success. This made me think that you have something to share with business success. I also believe that reducing waste will increase the efficiency of the company. You provided all the information I am looking at. Overall, you did a great a job.

      Rate: 10/10

      JOHN MICHAEL RUIZ / 501A / 2019-103444

    3. Hi Stephanie! I like how you deliver your pitch. You explained well how waste reduction can become a key to the business success. You also provide an example to help your readers comprehend it better. Excellent work!

      -FRANCIA, ANGELIKA D. (2019-101440)

    4. Hi Stephanie! Yours is very interesting to read and I'm sure they would buy your pitch. I love how you deliver your ideas. It's very captivating. Great work.



    5. Hi Stephanie!

      I commend the way you started your pitch as it excites your readers. I like how you go from specific to general ideas as it represents the organization of your work. It is also impressive that you provided example to point out your stand. I'm excited to hear your pitch in the future!

      Rate: 10/10
      ALOROY, Genelyn T.
      CBET 01-501A

    6. Hi Stephanie!

      I love how you introduced the topic, the way you started your elevator pitch by asking questions. I also appreciate the fact that you gave an example. Actually, I didn't have an idea that Uniliver is using the 4R strategy. So, thanks for sharing this information because it enlightened me which added to my knowledge. Good job!

      Griarte, Lovely Rose B

  10. Hello there, everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about how reducing wasted resources is fundamental to a company's success. But before that, let me introduce myself to all of you. My name is Hilary N. Hedreyda, a third-year accountancy student at Rizal Technological University- Boni Campus.

    I believe to the saying that “Lahat ng sobra ay masama!”

    We can't deny that having too much of something is preferable to having too little of it. In some circumstances, though, the surplus becomes a waste. There are eight probable waste areas in corporate operations, particularly in manufacturing companies. Defects, overproduction, delayed action in production, unused worker talent, unnecessary transportation of the products, excessive inventory, excess motion or wasted time and effort, and redundancy of routine tasks, are some examples of these. Having these different kinds of waste can negatively affect your business by making your operating costs high resulting to a low net income, or worse, a net loss. It also gives the impression that you are not concerned about environmental issues. Another one is that, inefficiency and wasted time at work create lots of new long-term issues in the workplace.

    Therefore, firms should strive to reduce their waste of resources. Minimizing waste in the workplace allows you to keep you small business operating costs low while helping preserve the environment. You can save money by using raw materials, time, packaging, technology, and other resources more efficiently. It’s also important that you attach value to your time and effort. The way you spend your time and effort has a big impact on your company's performance. If you manage your time well, you will have more time to do other things. It can also help you build a better reputation with customers, suppliers, investors, and future staff. If you can properly manage waste, your company will be more productive, resulting in increased profitability and long-term success. Other than that, implementing waste reduction strategies does not have to be expensive or time-consuming.

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. Taylor & Francis group.

    Wastekit. (2018, May 31). Educate Your Staff on the Impact of Waste in Your Business.

    HEDREYDA, HILARY N. (2019-103876)

    1. Hi Hilary! Your pitch is very interesting and comprehensive. You did a splendid job by recommending to us how eliminating waste would be beneficial to firms. It is good how you listed the eight waste areas and how it can have a detrimental impact on organizations by increasing its operational costs. I enjoyed reading your piece! Good job overall!

      - LEYCO, PATRICIA DENISE P. (2019-101438)

    2. Hi Hilary! I applaud you for presenting us with such a well-organized pitch and how you made your work very interesting to read. Reading your pitch made me convinced that surplus can become a waste to a business. Besides, I agree with your point that implementing strategies for waste reduction should not be expensive or time-consuming. Keep up the good work!

      BALAYSOCHE, STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    3. Hi Hilary! I like how you delivered your pitch. I appreciate your ideas and perspectives on how to reduce wasted resources, as well as the relevance of this as a key to business success. You also highlighted well how the eight waste areas might have a negative impact on business operations.

      -FRANCIA, ANGELIKA D. (2019-101440)

    4. Hi, Hilary! I love how you expressed your thoughts in your pitch. It is well written and easy to understand. I also agree that proper waste management and waste reduction leads to productivity and profitability of a company.




    5. Hi Hillary! I like how you started your elevator pitch. I felt your energy while reading your work. I commend you for delivering such a well-organized and well-written pitch and for making your work enjoyable to read. I also agree with what you said, that companies should strive to reduce their waste of resources. In that way, they can save money while also helping preserve the environment.

      Rate: 10/10
      Buling, Catherine

    6. A well-executed and well thought presentation. Hi Hilary! I commend how you constructed your pitch, focusing on proving that too much of something is dangerous. As well as pointing out that having too little is also harmful. Therefore, concluding to the importance of having balance and sufficient resources. I agree with you that too much waste means more expenses, thus, limiting profitability. Hence, organizations should focus on waste reduction to attain higher income. Overall, it was an excellent and propelling output. Job well done! 10/10

      - Dizon, Jake C. (2019-106975)

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Me-an!

    I appreciate how you started your elevator pitch. It sounds like a well-known speaker. When I read your writing, I get the impression that I can hear your voice. It's because I admire your ability to deliver a speech. You did a fantastic job. It is educative. Rate: 10/10

    HEDREYDA, HILARY N. (2019-103876)

  12. Hello, good day. My name is Anthony Mangilog, an accountancy student at Rizal Technological University. I’ve heard that you opened a business. That is good to hear, and I know that our main objective is to earn a profit when opening a business. But of course, opening a business is really expensive. So, I want to tell you about the key for a business to success that I’ve learned in our lesson. The key for a business to succeed is simply a reduction of wasted resources. Yes, you hear it right.

    Now, I know you are wondering why I said so. When putting up a business, we pay for resources that we will use to build. And it will really cost a lot. Also adding the resources that you will pay for your product. And some of the resources are put on to waste and not used to their full potential. So, I’m here to tell you what benefit you can gain by reducing wasted resources.

    By reducing waste, your business can:
    • Reduce the cost of supplies
    • Reducing present trash disposal expenses and hedging against future increases in waste disposal costs, conserving natural resources and energy
    • Address the need for “green” products from customers and environmentally aware corporate enterprises
    • Prevent the creation and disposal of unwanted items from increasing the environmental strain on the ecosystem.
    • Increase employee morale by allowing employees to collaborate on an environmental project.
    • Reduce the risk of future liability related to the disposal of solid waste.

    Nowadays, consumers love to purchase eco-friendly products. So, doing these things will surely attract more customers to earn profit. You not only helped our mother Earth, but you were able to lessen your expenses and maximize the use of your resources.

    Sherman, R. (n.d.). How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste. NC State Extension Publications. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from


    Mangilog, Anthony C - 2019-104415

    1. Hi Anthony! The introduction of your pitch is truly interesting for me if I am planning to establish my own business. By reading your introduction, I feel like you are truly helping me to reach the success of my business and it's a good thing. Also, I understood very well your explanation regarding the reasons why reducing wasted resources is beneficial to a business. Job well done!

      BALAYSOCHE, STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    2. Good Day Anthony!

      Your elevator pitch is qiuet short but full of necessary information. If I am your listener, I will be convinced to the importance of waste reduction as you able to provide me the benefits of it. It is truly an essential key for business success and by not doing so, you areputting your business at risk. Thank you for this informations.

      Rate: 10/10

      JOHN MICHAEL RUIZ / 501A / 2019-103444

    3. Hi Baks! At the very beginning of your elevator pitch you already caught my attention. I felt like you are actually talking to me. Also, you explained the benefits of reducing wasted resources in a very informative way. Good job!

      Rate: 10/10

      Buling, Catherine

    4. hi, what a great way to elaborate the advantages you can get by reducing the waste in an organization. I like that it is full of information. You have done your elevator pitch really well. Great job.

      Rate: 10/10


  13. Numerous organizations fail in their initial stages due to a complete lack of effective internal controls. How do we solve this problem? Is there a method to use to ensure that a business would achieve success? Hi! I'm Patricia Denise Leyco and I'm here to explain how your business would prosper and be able to deliver sustainable value to your customers by reducing waste.

    Lean manufacturing is a method based on the philosophy of increasing productivity while minimizing losses in a manufacturing process (Daniel, 2020). Waste is everything that does not deliver benefits that buyers are willing to pay for. Whether it's from idle people, inefficient processes, or underutilized components, it is a production loss, and lean manufacturing strives to eradicate it. Regardless of the underlying objectives, there are four significant advantages of lean manufacturing that will contribute greatly to the success of your business that will surely make you apply this method.

    First, it eliminates waste. Waste must be eliminated since it has a detrimental impact on costs, timelines, and materials. It serves no useful purpose to the items and services it advocates. Second, it improves quality. Improved quality allows your business to remain relevant and learn to adapt to the clients' needs and desires. Establishing systems to match these goals and aspirations helps organizations stay ahead of the competition while also focusing on quality improvement. Third, it reduces cost. Storage costs are incurred as a result of overproduction or having more resources than are necessary. These costs can be decreased by optimizing operations and resources monitoring. Lastly, it reduces time. Inadequate working processes waste time and money, whereas more productive practices reduce lead times and enable goods and services to be produced relatively quickly. Let us all be reminded that for a business to flourish and achieve much wanted success, it will always be of importance to ensure that all resources are properly managed. To do this, diminishing wasteful resources is the key.

    Daniel, D. (2020). Lean Manufacturing.

    LEYCO, PATRICIA DENISE P. (2019-101438)

    1. Hi Patricia! I like the way you start your pitch by giving us some questions that will help us to understand your point about wastes. You explained very clearly what is lean manufacturing and its advantages to the business. Also, the way you deliver your ending pitch is truly remarkable. Nice job!

      BALAYSOCHE, STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    2. Hi Patricia! I like how you effectively deliver your pitch. I'm amazed with how you organize your ideas and how clearly you explain them. You explained well the importance of lean manufacturing and how it may boost productivity while reducing wastes in business operations.

      -FRANCIA, ANGELIKA D. (2019-101440)

  14. Thea Sofia A. BarabichoDecember 11, 2021 at 10:50 PM

    “When you refuse to reuse, it is the Earth that you abuse.” A pleasant day to each and everyone! My name is Thea Sofia A. Barabicho, an aspiring Certified Public Accountant, and I am here to strengthen your perspective about the importance of proper waste management in business and how this could possibly help you make you dominant and successful in the field!
    Is your company tired of experiencing lower profitability and increase in customer costs? Is your company suffering from a lot of wasted resources which can be harmful and costly? This is the time where you take a step back and review your internal control. Eliminating wasteful activities is one of the most significant actions an organization could do to become a successful company in the long run. Every business creates waste. For some companies, it may be excess paper or water; and for some it can be toxic and hazardous wastes which need proper disposal. However, there is only one thing certain - these wastes are incurring you extra costs in your business!
    Imagine your organization working hard to achieve your goals and objectives, meeting the customers’ standards and achieving satisfaction, and earning your employees trust and loyalty, but is constantly incurring a lot of extra costs due to the wasted resources you cannot reduce. Sounds uneven and unfair, isn’t it?
    Through this, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has mentioned ways to promote waste prevention such as purchasing durable and long-lasting materials, reusing recyclable materials, striving to eliminate raw materials that are not incorporated in your final product, using products that are free of toxic materials, reducing the amount of packaging, conserving water or energy, and implementing in-process recycling.
    Reduction of wasted resources is one of the keys to business success because of the cost savings and improved worker safety. Believe me or not, your current and possible customers are more willing to support your business if your waste management process is properly regulated. Always remember that a business who cares about the environment is always one step ahead of its competitors. Once again, this is Thea Sofia A. Barabicho, encouraging you all to stand up, reduce wasted resources, and continue preparing for your long-term success!

    Barabicho, Thea Sofia A.


    US EPA. (2021, November 5). Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial
    Buildings. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

    1. Hi, Thea!

      This is an unique idea. I completely agree with your remarks since they add to this topic and provide me with a more in-depth understanding of it.

      Thank you very much.

      Jerick E. Guasin ; 2019-105702

    2. Hey, Sofia. Before I put my remarks about your pitch, I would like to commend first your style of persuasion, I could feel your energy from here. Kidding aside, I totally agree, and swayed, that business must give such importance to waste management as it not just reduce the business' incurred cost but also will increase the support by customers resulting to more profit. And yes, this is a 10/10.

      Chavez, Catherine H

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hi Thea! I agree with you that in today's time, customers want companies that care about the environment since it would be beneficial to all of us. Regarding your ideas and thoughts, I am always amazed at your work. You really are a good writer, and you are the best ever!

      Cebuano, Mary Ann

    5. Hello Thea! I had fun reading this elevator pitch. Aside from the fact it is informative, the construction of ideas is very organized, and the tone of the speech is very positive and catchy. I also love how you started your introduction with a quote, as it adds more attractiveness to the elevator pitch. Furthermore, I love how you ended this work with one powerful sentence encouraging businesses to reduce wastes.

      It is definitely a 10/10 for me.

      Gesta, Charlotte G.

  15. Hello, my name is Angelika D. Francia from the Accountancy Department of Rizal Technological University, and I will talk about how to operate a business effectively in order to reduce wasted resources, as well as why this is important for business success. Businesses strive to achieve their objectives and goals by complying with efficiency and effectiveness principles; nonetheless, the primary objective of a business is to succeed and continue their operations in the future. However, businesses experience challenges in their daily operations, such as being unable to minimize their wasted resources, which may result in increased time consumption or underused financial resources (Murdock, 2017). We all know that businesses want to reduce their expenditures and maximize their profits as much as possible, but how can they minimize or reduce wasted resources in order to maximize profits? Well, this is how, according to Industrial Media (2016), Lean manufacturing has helped organizations to boost production, lower expenses, enhance quality, and increase profits by adhering to five fundamental principles: identify value, map the value stream, create flow, establish pull and seek perfection. In fact, these principles are the foundation of Toyota’s success as one of the world's leading automotive manufacturers. The first lean principle is identifying value. This phase requires businesses to describe what customers’ value and how their products or services fulfill those values. This value requires businesses to eliminate needless processes that would have been required for undesirable features by designing products to fit particular demands. The second lean manufacturing principle is mapping the value stream. A value stream is a product's whole life cycle, including design, customer usage, and disposal. It will be easy to identify and eliminate procedures that do not provide value after the value stream has been mapped.

    1. The third lean principle is to create flow. Efficient product flow necessitates products flowing from manufacturing to delivery without interruption. A well-organized work floor reduces production time, inventory quantity, and material handling. The fourth lean principle requires businesses to utilize a pull-based production system. Using a pull system, businesses will boost production, maximize usable workspace, minimize inventory, and eliminate overproduction and underproduction. The final lean manufacturing principle requires businesses to seek perfection. Seeking perfection requires businesses to enhance their practices consistently and change their working culture. These principles will be able to help businesses in reducing wasted resources and increase profitability, which measures the success of the business' operations.
      Industrial Media (2016). The Principles of Lean Manufacturing.
      Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. pp 189

      -FRANCIA, ANGELIKA D. (2019-101440)

    2. Hi Angelika! I like your pitch, it's very informative and logically presented. This will surely make the person you're talking to be convinced. Great work!



    3. Hi Angelika! I admire how well-organized and understandable your work is. You shared with us the five lean principles and explained them well. Overall, you did a great job.


  16. [1/2]

    Hello Philippines and Hello World! I am John Michael Ruiz, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the FAJ Company and welcome to "Be the Success" online forum.

    Our Agenda for today is to explore one of the keys to business success and that is, Reduction of Wasted Resources.

    Did you know that one of the major blocker on profitability is waste? When we say waste it does not mean garbage. It means wasting time, material, and labor in relation to our daily operation. In today's forum, we will explain to you the importance of waste reduction in operation to meet business success.

    But before we go into further discussion let me please show you what are the waste we encounter in our operation. These are the 8 wastes of lean manufacturing

    1. Defects
    2. Excess processing
    3. Overproduction
    4. Waiting/idle operation
    5. Holding costs in Inventories
    6. Transportation
    7. Motion
    8. Non-Utilized Talent

    The first 7 wastes have something to do with the production process while the last waste is about utilizing manpower or personnel. These wastes can cause human error, poor quality control, poor communication, unreliable process, delayed process, inventory defects, failure in production systems, poor workstation layout, and lack of team training wherein all of them obstruct success.

  17. [2/2]

    I know some of you might not have paid attention to the wastes I have mentioned earlier. It's not a big deal because now, you all are able to identify at least some of the wastes we have in our production. This is to encourage you to establish a system for the sole purpose of removing trash or waste inside your companies.

    With our current global position with pandemic which is full of uncertainties, we cannot afford any failure to our business. We have to evaluate our waste reduction systems as this is very essential to achieve overall success of our business. Many benefits are waiting for us by doing this. Eliminating waste will help to increase the profits of the company because of lower overhead cost and better usage of time and resources. This will also result in the satisfaction of our customer because we produce high quality products by reducing wastes in our production. One of the evident benefits is improved performance of our company as well as lowering the risks or any factors that may dissatisfy our stakeholders.

    That is our full agenda for today and I hope this will lead you to assess all your production process for the betterment of your company. Again, "Be the success" by reducing your company's waste. Thankyou for attending this webinar.

    Christina G. (2016). 8 WASTES OF LEAN MANUFACTURING.


    JOHN MICHAEL RUIZ / CBET01-501A / 2019-103444

    1. Hi John Michael! It's very apparent that you have presented a very lovely pitch. I'm certain that they will be persuaded by this. Also, you have introduced a relevant and great amount of information. Great work!



    2. Hi John Michael! I like how you introduce yourself and your pitch to us. I like how you encourage your readers to take your work seriously. Your pitch really got my attention because you clearly explained to us the importance of your agenda. Nice work!


    3. I like your introduction and the way you relate it in out situation nowadays, which is COVID, makes it more relatable. Your thoughts about the topic are very organized. Hope you can achieve the titles you mentioned in your introduction

      Rate: 10/10


  18. Good day folk! I'm Airon Nicole Jadraque, a 3rd Year BSA student from the college department of CBET.

    As an individual who has a relevant scope of learning about business, although it is not my major, still, I can disclose to you a piece of very important information regarding the essence of curtailing wasted resources.

    Minimising waste in the workplace allows you to keep your small business operating costs low while helping preserve the environment. Waste reduction strategies don’t need to be costly or time-consuming to implement. Simple steps and strategies for reusing, repurposing, and recycling can benefit a small business environment in myriad ways (Anonymous, 2019).

    In a changing landscape, new challenges are presented daily. So we have to be very smart in thinking about ways on how to cope with these circumstances. Waste is a resource which can lead to greater business productivity if managed correctly. Here are some of the key points I have obtained that will surely assist you:

    - Improve Operational Efficiency (Recycling makes good financial sense for most businesses)
    - Remain Compliant (Today, your business must reach and remain compliant with local, national, and even global regulations and laws)
    - Source New Revenue Streams
    - Improve Brand Image Boost Employee Morale (Today, consumers are increasingly vigilant as to the waste practices of any business)
    - Discover More Waste Management (Sustainable business practice goes hand-in-hand with environmental sustainability, and proper staff training will ensure everyone is on the same page)
    - Advantages with RTS (The key is to ensure that both products and packaging are recyclable and environmentally responsible)

    With that being said, I am very confident that this will help you to be more cognizant with the reality that's going on and how this kind of issue is affecting us and how these can be resolved and transformed into a greater opportunity. I hope you've learned from me and try to recall the things that I've said as you go on so things will then be easier for you to manage. Thank you!


    Anonymous. (2019). Why Is It Important to Minimise Waste in the Workplace? CHRON.

    The benefits of waste management for business. RTS. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from


    1. Hi Airon! I like that you list down all the benefits of waste management. Those key points you shared would be a great help to every business. And for me, who has a plan to establish my own business in the future, your work helps me to be knowledgeable about this topic. All in all, your pitch is well organized.


    2. Hi Airon!

      You definitely broaden my knowledge about reduction of waste resources. I like how flexible your idea is as you explain details accordingly. I do believe that reducing your waste resources would result in low cost and high profit. Overall, your pitch is good and informative. Nice work!

      Rate: 10/10
      ALOROY, Genelyn T.
      CBET 01-501A

    3. Hi Airon! I like how you effectively deliver your pitch. I'm amazed with how you organize your ideas and how clearly you explain them. You explained well the importance waste reduction and how it may boost productivity in business operations.

      Salapare, Daryll A. (CBET-01-501A)

  19. Hello Joy! I appreciate that you gathered facts to support your speech. I commend you for your effort. Your work help me understand more your point about the topic. 10/10

    Bandola, Erica C.

  20. Hi Niel! Your thoughts about the topic especially your own definition of waste is very interesting. It gave me new ideas and understanding about the topic that you have discussed. I am looking forward on reading more of your works in the future. Good job! 10/10

    Bandola, Erica C.

  21. Hello everyone. I’m Jennalyn Batjer, a 3rd-year student at Rizal Technological University. Did you not pay much attention to the waste your organization produces? This could be a good opportunity to learn about the value of reducing business waste in order to save money.

    By reducing waste, your business can save money on supplies, conserve natural resources and energy, lower current waste disposal costs and hedge against future increases, meet customer demand for "green" products and environmentally conscious businesses, avoid adding to the environmental burden caused by producing and disposing of unnecessary materials, and boost employee morale by giving employees the opportunity to work together on an environmentally friendly project (Sherman, 2017).

    Even after knowing the importance of reducing waste, it will not stop there. Businesses must find some ways and procedures for them to achieve the goal of reducing waste. This involves simple changes in your work habits, like instead of printing documents, saving them electronically. Internal memos and electronic papers should be sent via email rather than paper. Order items with the smallest amount of packaging possible. Reconditioned office equipment should be used. By influencing your consumers' behavior, your business can also assist minimize waste. Instill in your customers the benefits of waste reduction. Campaigns, brochures, and newsletters are all effective message tools. Encourage clients to bring their own shopping bags by inquiring if they have one and complimenting those who do (Sherman, 2017).

    These are the aspects of a business that should be addressed. They should know the importance of waste reduction and do some things to make their business better. I hope with this you learn the importance of waste reduction. It is not too late to take action. You still have time to improve your business by paying attention to it.

    Sherman, R. (2017, March 30). How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste. Retrieved from


    1. Hi Jen!

      It's impressive that after you explained the benefits of reducing waste resources, you suggested ways on how businesses can make ways to make it happen. I also believe that we should maximize the use of our resources by making memos and emails electronically and using minimal packaging. Your work is informative! Good job.

      Rate: 10/10
      ALOROY, Genelyn T.
      CBET 01-501A

    2. Hello Jennalyn! I was amazed on how you constructed your work. It was well-organized and very detailed. I would also agree about the simple changes that we should do to contribute to the reduction of waste. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas. Good job!

      RATE: 10/10


    3. Hello, Jennalyn! I appreciate your pitch since it's highly detailed and well-organized. This will undoubtedly persuade the individual with whom you're conversing. Excellent job!

      Salapare, Daryll A. (CBET-01-501A)

  22. Hi Joseph, you did a good job on delivery your speech. You discuss point about sustainability and it is very relevant for the business to shift into this advocacy. Overall you did great.
    - Don Luis M. Villanueva (2019-102313)

  23. Today is a good day. Hello everyone, I am Jake Dizon from the Department of Accountancy of Rizal Technological University. Many of us are familiar with or know what waste is. It is unusable and discarded materials harmful to the environment and organization.
    As I always say, every organization operates with a purpose, and generating higher income is one, but, due to various reasons, attaining this goal is difficult for most organizations. One of the reasons is the waste. Most of these wastes resulted from inefficient time, material, labor, and the poor utilization of skill-sets. It is detrimental to the organization as it minimizes the potential income they can generate because of the unnecessary spending due to this waste. Therefore, an organization needs to reduce its wasted resources to gain more profit, which will result in its success.
    How waste reduction results in success? Waste reduction is a key to success because waste means more operating expenses consume. It implies that appropriation of income is more on resolving the issues resulting from wastes. Less waste or none, if possible, will assure maximization of earnings from the operation, as spending are more on necessary things for the business process. It does not necessarily mean that organizations should limit their expenses to succeed. They must focus on essential costs to the product or services they offer. Higher revenue means keeping the operation running for a long time, enabling an organization to achieve its objectives, hence, constituting success.

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.

    DIZON, JAKE C. (2019-106975)

    1. Good day, Jake. It's true that generating high income is difficult to do but one's business might achieve this through giving an attention to waste management. As you stated the effects of waste management, it will eventually result to maximization of profit.

      Chavez, Catherine H.

    2. Hi, jake! Waste is indeed one of the cost component that minimizes business profitability. However, if it's managed correctly, it can contribute to the success of the business. Btw, this work of yours deserves a 10/10. Thank you for sharing it!



  24. Hi, John Joseph!

    I completely agree with your point of view; this will help me in my future comprehension of this concept. Thank you very much! I'm looking forward to learning more from you.

    Thank you.

    Jerick E. Guasin ; 2019-105702

  25. Hi, Niel!

    This topic's notion is truly magnificent, in my opinion. They all contribute to the main topic, which benefits me by making it easier for me to grasp. Continue to express your thoughts, and I look forward to hearing more.

    Thank you very much!

    Jerick E. Guasin ; 2019-105702

  26. Reducing waste is a key to business success. Hello!I'm Rina Bucal, and I want to share with you how it is possible.
    So, do you know why the majority of new businesses fail?It is because they are unable to manage their resources, and one of those is wastage. According to Murdock (2017), "waste manifests itself in many ways." Wastage is not all about the unused scrap material left in production, but also the time wasted in waiting, financial resources underutilized, products produced in excess of what is required, and employees' skills unused or misused. Waste in business is equated to money invested, so reducing waste also reduces money wasted. 
    Another question is why waste reduction is important and how it can help a business succeed.
    So, aside from the fact that businesses can save money, they can also conserve resources, reduce waste disposal, help the environment, and contribute to different campaigns such as "going green". They can help businesses succeed because, other than they can cut costs, they can also meet the demand of most customers for a "green" product and reduce the risk of future liability that is connected with waste disposal. 
    Waste reduction might be hard, especially for businesses that are used to excessive consumption and usage of resources, but changing that habit is easy once they put their mind to it. An effective way is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. 
    Reducing the amount of waste that the business produces is an effective way to cut disposal costs, and this could also result in discarding fewer materials. Reusing is also a must for businesses. It is a cost-efficient method of reducing waste because, rather than purchasing new material, they can just use what they already have. And last is recycling. Those that cannot be eliminated or reused can be recycled. Businesses can use recycled materials not just to cut costs, but most importantly to help the environment. 

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. Taylor & Francis Group

    Environmental Protection Agency. (2021). Retrieve from

    BUCAL, RINA P. (CBET 01-503A)

    1. Hello, Rina! I hope you're in a good situation. I am with you when you mentioned that waste reduction is vital to business success. Indeed, it can help an organization to be cost-efficient. Also, I agree that businesses must use waste management to avoid further expenditure in purchasing materials. Overall, your speech is well-structured and easy to understand. Excellent job!

      Rate: 10/10

      -FRANDIAN A. BLANCO, 2019-103951

  27. Good day! My name is Kianna Erika D. Zarain, a 3rd-year Accountancy student. Did you know that there are so many benefits of reducing wasted resources in your business ventures? Waste can be converted into a more lucrative and efficient output if managed properly. It has a huge impact on our environment for it causes pollution which is harmful to our well-being and surroundings. As per Solo Team (2019), we need to create a safer location for our future generations by waste reduction and proper management. Nowadays, the new business trend is adapting sustainability. Many businesses are now thinking of modern ways to reduce their waste materials by creating a new product out of it or by using environment-friendly materials which are less harmful to our surroundings. More than just compliance with business regulations, proper waste management and waste reduction has an immense contribution to a successful business. According to a study by Chladek (2019), there is at least 73 percent of customers are willing and preferably buy products that support a positive impact on our environment. People are now more invested in companies that embody social responsibility in their products. Waste reduction is both beneficial to their brand name and also to our ground. Business owners must think of unique and profitable ways to minimize or eliminate the waste materials in their production. Entrepreneurs are thinking of purpose-driven ways to meet the demands of customers while complying to their social and environmental responsibilities. As a consumer, I would gladly choose to buy a product that promotes positive impact on our surroundings. We must be mindful of our decisions that will affect our mother nature. Above all, we, human beings, shares a mutual desire of creating a safe, healthy, and productive place to live in. For us to achieve that common denominator, we must be wise and thrive to protect our planet.

    Chladek, N. (2019). Why you need sustainability in your business strategy. Retrieved on December 11, 2021.
    Solo Team (2019). Why it's so important to reduce waste. Retrieved on December 11, 2021.


    1. Hi Kianna!

      I like how you execute well your elevator pitch and you also provide recommendations on how could we reduced wasted materials. Also, the way you ended your work on telling that it's not only a business that will be affected but if we put it in a bigger picture, it will truly show how our environment as a whole will be also affected knowing that we have a limited resources. Good Job!

      RATE: 10/10
      LOPEZ, FRITZ REIZEN V. (2019-103689)

  28. Good day! I am Myra Dianne Rillera, an aspiring Certified Public Accountant and this discussion is about the reduction of wasted resources being a key to success for a business. Wasted resources came from different causes, for example, machines left running when not in use or appliances left on standby, or even leaving water running and use far more than necessary. I would like to say that reduction of wasted resources can be a great way to achieve the success of the business.

    Addressing waste offers a lot of benefits which can be a result of the reduction of waste materials program. The benefits of the reduction of waste include saving money through the use of reducing, reusing, and recycling. It can also meet legal obligations and compliance in which as a waste producer, you are responsible for managing your waste and its disposal in a responsible manner. This will also enhance the reputation of your business in which reducing your environmental impact through sustainable waste management can improve your reputation and corporate image with customers, employees, and external stakeholders. It can also give you a competitive advantage when pursuing business opportunities. Lastly reduction of wasted resources is good for the environment. Reducing, reusing, and recycling at work will help you reduce the environmental impact of your business.

    With these, I hope you have gained a better understanding of the importance of waste reduction as well as the advantages of doing so. I am rooting for your company's success. Thank you!


    Waste of resources; causes, symptoms, examples, solutions. Lean Manufacturing Tools | Lean Manufacturing Tools, Techniques and Philosophy | Lean and Related Business Improvement Ideas. (2013, October 18). Retrieved December 9, 2021, from

    The Moray Council, Council Offices, High Street, Elgin, Moray, IV30 1BX. (2016, June 1). Waste minimisation for business. Moray Council. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from


    1. Hi Myra! I like how you constructed your discussion, it is very informative and knowledgeable. Thank you for sharing your insights about the importance of waste reduction! I obtained new knowledge on your work. Keep it up! I am rooting for your career success someday!

      RATE: 10/10

      RAMOS, CRISHIA ELLAINE P. (2019-105763)

    2. Hello, Myra! I'm amazed on your ideas on how reduction of waste resources is a key to business success. I totally agree with you on saving money by using reduce, reuse and recycle. Thank you for the new knowledge. Well done!


      Dizon, Mark Raven R.

    3. hi, I completely agree that reducing waste can bring you plenty of benefit. It is quite well known that that reducing waste can be a bog help for our environment and everyone should be aware of this because this concerns all of us

      Rate: 10/10


  29. We've all heard that trees can absorb carbon dioxide, contributing to global warming. The carbon dioxide absorption capacity of 17 trees is approximately 250 pounds per year when they are recycled and reduced to one ton of paper (USI Web Services, 2021). But somehow, it is hard for businesses or organizations to reduce the wasted resources. Do you want to know why? I am Sean Lester Nombrado from Rizal Technological University, and I will discuss with you how the reduction of wasted resources can be a key to business success. According to Murdock (2016), managers and higher-ups are responsible for maximizing stakeholder value and displaying prudence in using the resources provided to pursue the organization's mission. Waste represents the erosion of stakeholder value, and both managers and employees should work diligently to minimize it.

    Moreover, reduce your waste disposal costs by implementing an effective recycling program. Reuse valuable materials by cutting down on the amount of waste your business produces. As claimed by Atlanta Waste Management, adopting a zero-waste initiative also plays an essential role in the company's success because it encourages all employees to be aware of their waste production. Tracking and recording the wastes of an organization can determine where they can cut costs to identify the areas where they can reduce the purchase, display, and use of materials that cannot be reused or recycled. More importantly, executing the Eight Areas of Waste Model provides a simple, concise, and practical tool to identify common areas of waste, the practices that cause them, and the items that, when present, show that waste is being generated. These eight areas of the company have financial, time utilization, ecological, and health and safety implications. Whereby these issues can be identified, resolved, and mechanisms put in place to prevent their recurrence, stakeholders within and outside the organization will enjoy the benefits.

    Murdock, H. (2016). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World (Internal Audit and IT Audit) (1st ed.). Auerbach Publications.
    Successful Waste Reduction Strategies for Your Business. (2021, March 5). Southern-Waste.
    USI Web Services. (2021). Paper Recycling Facts - University of Southern Indiana. Https://Www.Usi.Edu/Recycle/Paper-Recycling-Facts/.


    1. Hi, Sean! I appreciate how you discussed your key points about waste reduction. It is convincing and precise. I also agree that waste reduction also cuts off costs of purchase, display, and use of materials that cannot be reused or recycled. Nice work. Job well done!



    2. Hi Sean!

      Kudos on how you started your elevator pitch by providing facts in which is relevant to the other information you provided. You connected your thoughts well. Lastly, you provided that not only the internal of the business but also the external which I like the most because I also believe that a success of a business will only show if the environment surrounds it has an improvement as well.

      RATE: 10/10
      LOPEZ, FRITZ REIZEN V. (2019-103689)

  30. Hi! I’m Anna Marie Batulan, and I would like to share with you “why reduction of wasted resources is a key to business success?” So let’s start, we need to identify first the eight (8) areas of waste so that we can further understand the reasons on why reduction of waste is a key to business success. And these are defects, excess processing/ paperwork, overproduction, waiting, unnecessary inventory, unnecessary transportation, excess motion, and under-utilized talent. Now, you already know what the different areas of waste are. Did you know that these wastes can cause additional cost to an organization? And the more waste one organization have, the more cost it will also produce and because of that, reduction of waste was created. The cost that reduction of waste can incur is much lesser than the amount of waste we can make. And the lesser the waste, the lesser the cost, the more income it will generate plus it can also help not just the company but also the industry, the economy and the nature. Let me give you some ideas on how does an organization reduce their waste. First, they identify what type of waste they are producing, and then they are assessing it on what kind of solutions that needs to be done. And these solutions could be the 5 R’s and 1 D (reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse, repurpose, and donate). Take note, there are lots of possible solutions that will depend on the waste one organization produces, so identifying first is a must in the process. Congrats! You are now aware of why reduction of wasted resources is a key to business success, and you can share this knowledge with anyone you know.

    Gay, C. (2016). 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing. MachineMetrics. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from
    Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings | US EPA. (2021, November 5). US Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

    BATULAN, Anna Marie M.

    1. Hello, Anna! I like how logical and cohesive your points are. I appreciate that you highlighted how waste reduction contributes to business efficiency and how it can help our environment. Indeed, the lesser the waste, the lesser the cost, the more income business will generate. Thank you for your insightful statements. Great job!

      Rate: 10/10

      -FRANDIAN A. BLANCO, 2019-103951

    2. Hi, Marie! Your output is written briefly and it is really engaging. I like how you explained all the advantages of having a waste management plan and actually reducing business waste. Good job in explaining your insights!


  31. Hello, my name is Christian Casal, and I'm a Rizal Technological University accounting student pursuing a degree in accountancy. As a future entrepreneur, I want to emphasize to everyone that reducing the amount of resources that are wasted is critical to business success. Every business generates waste, and by recycling that waste, you can add value to your company's success while saving money. When it comes to the workplace, it's simple and straightforward to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste. The simple act of reducing your consumption, reusing what you can, and separating recyclable materials from your other waste is simple. Your company can save money by reducing the amount of waste it generates, as well as reusing, refurbishing, and recycling as much of it as possible. At work, reducing, reusing, and recycling will assist you in lowering the environmental impact of your company. Managing your waste in an environmentally friendly manner will result in a shift away from landfill and toward more environmentally friendly disposal options. By reducing waste, you can reduce the amount of raw materials that are consumed while also lowering your operating costs and increasing your profit margins. Improving your company's reputation and corporate image with customers, employees, and external stakeholders can be achieved by reducing your environmental impact through sustainable waste management. It can also provide you with a competitive advantage when it comes to pursuing new business ventures. By reducing waste in the workplace, you can keep your small business's operating costs low while also contributing to the preservation of the environment.


    US EPA. (2021, November 5). Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

    Casal, Christian T.

    1. Hello, Christian! First, let me commend you for having an elevator pitch that is easy to understand and absorb. I totally agree that one of the crucial parts of an organization's success is waste management and reduction. Moreover, I like that you mentioned various ways to decrease wasted material and how it affects profit and environmental factors. Thank you for sharing your views!

      Rate: 10/10

      -FRANDIAN A. BLANCO, 2019-103951

  32. Drice, Arielle Jean G.December 12, 2021 at 9:00 AM

    Good day, everyone! I am Arielle Jean G. Drice, a 3rd year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in Rizal Technological University. I am here to give you some information about waste management, waste reduction and how it is the key to become a successful entrepreneur.

    First, let me tell you the definition of waste management. Waste management is the procedure of collecting, transporting, dealing, and disposing of human waste as a whole. In general, waste management encompasses all aspects of human waste, together with waste reduction. Waste reduction (or prevention) is the recommended way to waste management because waste that is never created has no waste management costs. Waste reduction also helps to preserve natural resources and environment which can contributes to a clean and healthy environment.

    Now, after knowing the definition of the waste management and waste reduction. Let us now discuss how can company protect the environment by reducing their materials.

    A company can save money by reducing waste by:
    o Spend less on supplies.
    o Preserve natural resources and energy.
    o Minimize prevailing waste disposal costs while protecting future against increases in disposal costs.
    o Meet the demand for "green" products from customers and environmentally aware businesses.
    o Prevent contributing to the environmental problem by producing and discarding unnecessary materials.
    o Improve employee morale by giving employees the opportunity to collaborate to an environmental project.
    o Reduce the risk of future liability associated with solid waste disposal.

    “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”
    – Native American Proverb

    Sherman, R. (2017, March 30). How your business can cut costs by reducing waste. NC State Extension Publications | Browse Popular Publications. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from
    Waste reduction. (2020, October 13). CalRecycle. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from
    What is waste management? - Definition from Safeopedia. (2018, April 28). Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

    DRICE, ARIELLE JEAN G. (2019-105710)

    1. Hello, Arielle! First and foremost, I would like to commend your work! You made your elevator pitch excellent! I like how you put proverb in the end of your discussion. I totally agree that environment is for future generations so we must protect and take care of it. Great job!

      Dela Cruz, Joyce Ann N. (2019-105673)

  33. Hi! I am Genelyn Aloroy from Department of Accountancy at Rizal Technological University. Do you want to know the benefits of maximizing our resources? Let’s begin!
    As an individual, we all know that reduction of waste resources is what Earth needs. But, do you know that is also a key for business’ success? Waste management is one of the key tools to reduce costs and be profitable. Shifting from methods of waste disposal to processes of waste reduction can bring a range of key benefits such as:
    - It allows the company to save money by proper management of raw resources, packaging, and technology.
    - It allows the business to reduce the cost for waste disposal.
    - Reduce costs for compliance with environmental legislation.
    - It improves credibility and good reputation to your company because of being responsible for environment.

    With the cost of goods and materials growing, it makes economic sense to use resources wisely and reduce waste in your company. It's also more environmentally friendly. Customers, workers, and potential investors are more aware of the need of environmental stewardship, and failing to act might harm your company's brand and profitability. By establishing that your company is environmentally aware, you may be able to attract new clients and beneficial for both parties.

    By concentrating on how you reduce, reuse, recycle, or recover your business waste, as well as how you deal with the waste that remains, you may save money and make your firm more efficient!

    Invest Northern Ireland (n.d.). Reduce your business waste to save money.
    NetRegs (n.d.). Business benefits of reducing, reusing, and recycling waste.

    ALOROY, Genelyn T.
    CBET 01-501A

    1. Hi Genelyn! Your discussion helped me to understand more about waste management and the benefits of maximizing resources. I would like to commend you for making a precise and comprehensible work. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and ideas regarding our topic. Great job!

      RATE: 10/10

      RAMOS, CRISHIA ELLAINE P. (2019-105763)

    2. Hi, Genelyn! I appreciate on how you construct your work, it is very informative and well-presented. Thank you for sharing that the key to a business sucess is to reduce the waste resources by using reduce, reuse and recylce. Job well done!

      RATE: 10/10


    3. Hi Gen! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It helps me to understand more on how proper waste management can be linked to a business success. It is well-written and informative. Good job!

      YUGA, RHEA MAE D. (2019-103574)

  34. Mr. John Joseph Cedo, hello! I enjoy how you introduce yourself to us and what you have to say to us. I admire how you inspire your audience to pay attention to your work. Your proposal piqued my interest since you effectively described the significance of your aim to us. Good job! 10/10

    Casal, Christian T.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Good day! I am Crishia Ellaine Ramos, a 3rd year student from the Accountancy Department of Rizal Technological University, an aspiring Certified Public Accountant and I would to share you something that might help you for your future business/businesses.

    To start with, let me first ask you a question. Do you believe that the reduction of wasted resources is a key to a business success? Probably some of you might be thinking on how does it became a key to a business success. Well then, let me help you to understand more about this topic. Several businesses nowadays and even the pioneers has been engaged and currently engaging in reduction of wasted resources. According to the Clinton Country Michigan, a waste reduction or source reduction is the practice of preventing waste by decreasing or eliminating the amount of materials initially used. This brings a lot of benefits in an organization, and that includes following: the reducing amount of the waste on your business produces, and reusing, refurbishing and recycling as much as possible, can save money. As we all know, the effective and efficient management of money is one of the most important characteristic of an organization. The saved money can be used for other resources for future operation of the business to generate more products and profits as well. In addition to that, the maximize use of resources would greatly help to sustain the need for the business to comply with its responsibility to protect the environment. The most important thing is that it is engaged with the great exercising of Ethics, one of the important E's in the business which should consider the 3P’s pertaining to profit, people and planet. Considering all of those mentioned above, you will definitely achieve the success in your business someday.

    That ends my discussion, I hope you obtained new knowledge from it and I also hope that you may now have a clearer understanding about the benefits of the reduction of wasted resources. I am looking forward to see you as successful businessmen and women someday. Good luck on your journey my co-aspirant CPA's. Thank you!


    406 – Client browser does not accept the MIME type of the requested page. (n.d.). M.

    Waste Reduction & Reuse | Clinton County, MI. (n.d.).

    RAMOS, CRISHIA ELLAINE P. (2019-105763)

    1. Hello, Crishia! I like how you contruct your elevator pitch. It is very informative and well explained! You listed the benefits of waste reduction in an organized manner and on point. I agree that it exercises ethics which comprises profit, people and planet. Job well done!

      Dela Cruz, Joyce Ann N.

    2. Hello Crishia! I would like to commend you on how well presented your elevator pitch is. It is precise and knowledgeable enough. I would also agree on the 4Rs you mentioned on saving money. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas. Good luck on your journey!

      RATE: 10/10

      RILLERA, MYRA DIANNE G. (2019-107121)

    3. Hi, Crishia! I appreciate your ideas on how reduction of waste resources is a key to business success. It is informative and well presented. I totally agree with you that efficient and effective are important to an organization. Keep up the good work!

      Dizon, Mark Raven R.

  37. Does your business produce as much waste — or perhaps even more waste? Worry no more. Hi! I’m Joylyn Ticala, a 3rd year BSA student from Rizal Technological University and today, I’ll be discussing all you need to know about waste reduction and why should you care about preventing waste for the sake of your business. Every business generates waste. For some, it may be only waste paper or dirty water; for others, it may be hazardous or toxic wastes that require special handling and disposal. Whatever the type or volume of waste your company generates, it is all the same in one respect - it is costing you money! In fact, you're paying for it twice - once when you buy it and the second time when you throw it away. The bottom line is that preventing waste will save you money. Reducing waste is the most important thing we can do. By reducing waste, we avoid the unnecessary use of resources such as materials, energy and water. It means there is less waste to manage.
    Shifting from methods of waste disposal to processes of waste reduction can bring a range of key benefits:
    • You can save money through more efficient use of raw materials, packaging and technology.
    • It allows you to cut your waste disposal costs.
    • Compliance with environmental legislation becomes cheaper and more straightforward.
    • You can improve your reputation among customers, suppliers, potential employees and insurers, who may want to be sure that you take your environmental responsibilities seriously. You may also boost the morale of existing staff.

    Every business, from the foodservice industry and property management to corporate offices and hospitals, generates some level of waste. In today’s modern business world, sustainability is key. Thus, it has become essential to consider the management and reduction of waste on every property.
    In an effort to “go green,” more and more businesses are implementing waste reduction and management tactics throughout all levels of the company and across properties. The benefits of waste management are plenty. Consideration of these issues can save money, conserve resources, and create a more sustainable work environment.

    United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2021). Why Should You Care About Preventing Waste? Small Business Guide. Retrieve from

    TICALA, JOYLYN L. | 2019-103553

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thea Sofia A. BarabichoDecember 12, 2021 at 11:22 AM

      Henlo, Catherine! You presented the data and information excellently. I totally agree that consumers are vigilant to waste practices of any business. This is so true because personally if I encountered a corporation who harms our environment, I would never support their cause. Thank you and I enjoyed reading your piece.

      Rate: 10/10
      Barabicho, Thea Sofia A.

  40. Tapia, Gian Tricia B.December 12, 2021 at 10:59 AM

    Business is not only about how to earn profit, how to satisfy the needs of their customers or clients. Business is not all about the money. Those stereotype leads us to focus on the goal of making profit and focus only the growth, that is why people tend to forget about their surroundings, especially the waste they are making. Hello everyone! I am Gian Tricia B. Tapia, from Accountancy Department and an aspiring Certified Public Accountant bringing you the thoughts about the benefits on reduction of wasted resources and its contribution to the success of the business.
    Plastic waste is a major issue in the midst of the pandemic, but manufacturers of consumer products are stuck in waste retrieval and co-processing techniques that have little impact. Environmentalists are urging for immediate action since the plastic waste crisis is only going to get worse. According to a 2019 research by the Center for International Environmental Law, plastics contribute to greenhouse gas emissions at every stage of their lifespan, from the extraction of fossil fuels for their manufacturing to when it leaks into seas and emits methane when it degrades. Even before the epidemic, there was a dilemma. Creating an efficient waste reduction program for your company entails three major steps: planning, establishing the groundwork, and implementing the program as part of your company's everyday operations. Improving operational efficiency is a top priority for organizations of all sizes.

    1. Tapia, Gian Tricia B.December 12, 2021 at 11:00 AM

      Standardizing waste management procedures enables you to gain several of the benefits that may help you enhance the day-to-day operations of your organization and stay one step ahead of the competition. Recycling makes sense economically for the majority of businesses. Simply said, proper waste sorting and recycling means less waste goes to landfill, which may assist cut removal expenses. In this regard, reusing materials provides even larger benefits, allowing you to stretch your budget just a little bit farther. Finally, by developing practical strategies to actively limit the quantity of trash produced, your employees will spend less time sorting, loading, and removing things from the premises.
      Consumers are becoming more aware of a company's trash management procedures. Keeping this in mind, one of the less apparent benefits of waste management may be the potential to gratify customers by increasing brand image. A basic commitment to eco-principles and sustainability may be just as powerful, linking your company with more ethical practices and providing more transparency to your consumer base. It is not a harmful thing to follow whatever ethics we have as a person, we must not think just of money. Think also of those around you. You cannot earn money if the people and things around you are defective. A business with a proper waste management can reach the peak of success.

    2. Tapia, Gian Tricia B.December 12, 2021 at 11:01 AM

      8 new ways to reduce waste at your business. (n.d.). Greenbiz. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from
      A. (2021, May 7). The benefits of waste management for business. Recycle Track Systems. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from
      Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings. (2021, November 5). US EPA. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from
      Sherman, R. (n.d.). How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste. NC State Extension Publications. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

    3. Tapia, Gian Tricia B.December 12, 2021 at 11:06 AM

      CBET 01-501A

    4. Hello, Gian! You explained the information you gathered in an organized manner! I agree that company must not only think the money it earns but to keep in mind also its surroundings - the environment! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I really enjoyed reading it. Good job!

      Dela Cruz, Joyce Ann N. (2019-105673)

    5. Hello, Gian! Your work is very informative and I am amazed on how well-organized your thoughts are. You were able to deliver it in a way that everyone can understand what you are trying to say. Your opinions are clear and I enjoyed reading your elevator pitch. 10/10


  41. The negative effects of consumerism include the generation of enormous amounts of waste, depletion of natural resources, and pollution of the Earth. And if everyone lived like western consumers or as most businesses act today, we would need up to 5 planets to support us and absorb our waste. Good day, I am Catherine Chavez, a student taking Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and an aspiring Certified Public Accountant, and I am here to give you short but precise information on how important waste management is to each and every business, so important that it will be the key to one’s success. This may be your only key when you’ve come to the point that your business will struggle, but will you wait for that to happen? Of course not, who would even want that in the first place? Do you want to make sure of that success I’m talking about? Then hear me out.
    We all know that the primary goal of every business in this world is to earn a profit, and this can be increased by proper waste management. Subsequently, responsible waste management is a growing concern, not only as part of a more ethical and eco-friendly approach to business but also as a way to grow and enhance current operations. As reduce, reuse, and recycle is admirable and encouraged, it also allows businesses to track, measure, and improve processes, and even boost one’s brand image, hence, the said tagline is not just a catchy slogan.

    Chavez, Catherine H

    1. One of the benefits of proper waste management is the improvement of the operational efficiency of a business, of any size, wherein it will allow your business to get rid of overflowing trash containers and potential risks and hazards that may be given rise to. In effect, liability and any potential fines that a business may be subject to are minimized. In addition, by implementing adaptive waste management, not only can you comply with necessary rules and regulations, but your business can also get available incentives or grants through meeting best practices frameworks. Lastly, a basic commitment to eco-principles and sustainability may be just as successful, linking your company with more ethical practices and providing more transparency to your customers since consumers today are vigilant with regard to waste practices of any business.

      (2019). The benefits of waste management for business.

      Chavez, Catherine H

    2. Hello Chavez.

      You have made a well-made piece on how is waste management a good thing. You exploring the thoought on an eco-friendly approach is good while touching the fact that 3Rs is a practical slogan as well. Lastly, your work is concise enough and does not present unncessary information. Good job

      RATE: 10/10

  42. Hello! Did you know that reducing waste not only saves money on costly waste hauling? It also contributes to corporate social responsibility by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the global hazards to human health caused by waste streams. And by doing these your business can have a good reputation because you are responsible for the environment. And having a good reputation can attract more people in your business. Reducing waste can also help your business operating costs low. Reducing waste is one of the keys to business success. There are benefits in waste reduction. First is Cost saving, as what I said reducing waste can help the business reduce overall operating costs on a number of levels.For examples, transforming scrap paper into notepads, shredding used paper to use for packing material and using supply shipment boxes for document storage. Second is space savings, one of the many benefits of reducing waste in business is freeing up significant storage space in your business. This can help you maximize available space for other revenue-generating purposes and save on outside storage rental. For example, an office that replaces paper towels in restrooms with cloth towels or hot air blowers eliminates the need to buy and store large quantities of paper towels. Third is environmental support, reducing waste in the workplace through reuse and recycling efforts has a positive impact on the environment. Less office waste means less trash in landfills. Recycling paper, aluminum coans, ink cartridges and even office machinery and equipment can help reduce the global environmental impact of consumer consumption. And lastly is Good Corporate Stewardship, as what I said above minimizing waste in your business can help you establish your company's image, in the minds of clients and customers, as a good corporate citizen. These approaches show that your business has a care and reponsible in the environment that can build your business a good reputation.


    Willson, E. (2014). 8 new ways to reduce waste at your business.

    Chron Contributor (2020). Why Is It Important to Minimize Waste in the Workplace?

    CASTOS, Channel

    1. Hi, Channel! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It is convincing and easy to understand. I also agree that reducing waste efficiently will also minimize your costs. It can help the business reduce overall operating costs on a number of levels. Nice work. Job well done!



  43. Hello! My name is Lovely Rose Griarte and I am from the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program. You know what? I have been hearing news about you that you are also an aspiring entrepreneur and that's great because lately, I am into discovering the success stories of certain businesses such as Toyota, Intel, and Nike. So, upon searching, I have noticed that there is a common practice being implemented in their operations which is Lean manufacturing.

    Using this methodology helped them become more efficient and effective wherein they maximized the use of their inputs resulting in profitable performances. Those three businesses have mastered the minimization of waste and faulty products and enhanced their time management for faster conversion of the goods.

    Aside from that, the waste reduction will not only make the business become successful but will also help the environment in preserving resources, energy, and reducing pollution. The management will save money on supplies, labor, time, reduce the expenses related to waste disposal, and lower the risk of future obligations associated with disposing of solid wastes. These practices will lessen the factors of environmental degradation caused by disposing and manufacturing unnecessary materials and will surely attract customers especially those who have environmental-friendly advocacies.

    In case you have decided to establish your own business, there is this method you can use known as the 5S method which is a helpful guide to eliminate waste in the operation. It includes Sort (Seiri) or removing nonessential items; Straighten (Seiton) or organizing items for the efficient flow of process; Shine (Seiso) or cleaning the workplace to make the problems visible; Standardize (Seiketsu) or making the processes as your system of procedures for consistency; Sustain (Shitsuke) for maintaining the established standards over the long term. Proper implementation of these methods will result in efficiency, achievement of goals, and success of the business.

    I hope those information helps you in any way possible. Thank you for your time. Have a great day!


    Lombardi, S. (2021). 4 Good Examples of Companies that Use Lean Manufacturing. Retrieved on December 11, 2021.

    Sherman, R. (2017). How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste. Retrieved on December 11, 2021.

    Lean Six Sigma. (n.d.). 5S. Retrieved on December 11, 2021.

    Griarte, Lovely Rose B.

    1. Hi, lovely! Upon reading your work, I was amazed at how well-written it was. It was easy to understand as your thoughts and ideas were well organized. I agree with you, as I also mentioned in my work the benefit of reducing waste in our environment, which helps to nourish and protect it. Good job!

      Cebuano, Mary Ann

  44. Hi there! Are you curious on how business organization manage their wastes? Are they using strategies to reduce their wasted resources? Techniques? How would they ensure environmental sustainability in the operation of their company? Is it part in achieving their success? If you are willing to learn about reduction of wasted resources of various companies, then, learn with me! Sit, relax and, hang in there for a while, let me just introduce myself. I am Joyce Ann N. Dela Cruz, an accountancy student at Rizal Technological University, and a future entrepreneur!
    First, let's discuss what wastes reduction can do to a business. What its benefits?
    - It can save money. Recycling program can cut costs of disposal.
    - It can enhance sustainability. Remember that components of sustainability comprises of managing waste, water and energy more efficiently.
    - It can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Waste prevention and recycling offer significant potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    - It can help conserve resources. Reusing and recycling conserves natural resources.
    See? There are many benefits of reducing waste not only for the business but for all people. The most effective way to reduce your personal and organization's wastes is to generate less in the first place. By improving and enhancing these programs, we can be of help, in a simple way, to contribute environmental benefits.
    Just always remember and do the essential R's and D! These are:
    *Reduce - for instance, encouraging employees to print only the papers they need.
    *Reuse - it prolongs the life of materials, therefore, delaying the disposal.
    *Recycling - can make the best use of resources available and conserving it for future generation.
    *Donate - organizations can donate their products to others who need and can use the items. For example, if your company is selling perishable goods and can't sell within the day, you can give it to hungry people in the community.
    Indeed, having these waste management and program can help the organization operates toward success as it benefits the business itself, the people and the environment.

    References:, (11 Nov. 2021). Managing and Reducing Wastes. Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, Washington DC. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.


    1. Hello, Joyce! I like how you started off your work by asking those questions. It was catchy and it will surely caught people's attention. I enjoyed reading your elevator pitch and I have learned new knowledge from it. 10/10


    2. Hello Joyce!

      I'd like to thank you for sharing your brilliant ideas on this subject. You always have the most brilliant ideas. Every word is very clear and simple to understand. You really express your concern towards the topic, concern in environment as well as in the business. I learned a great deal from you. Continue your excellent work.

      Rate 10/10
      -Dugay, Bernadeth (2019-103892)

  45. Hi, I’m Mark Raven R. Dizon from Accountancy Department of RTU-Boni Campus. I’m here to share you that the reduction of wasted resources is a key to business success. Are you paying attention to the waste your organization produces? My solution is to establish a waste reduction program.
    • Save Money - increasing recycling can cut your disposal costs and improve your bottom line.
    • Knowledge is power - By understanding the amount and types of wastes your organization produces, you’re better positioned to find ways to reduce hauling costs and negotiate for waste and recycling services that actually fit your needs.
    • Streamline reporting and information sharing - Tracking your waste management activities in one platform and using a standard set of metrics, makes it easier to share and report information with stakeholders.
    • Enhance sustainability - Managing waste, water, and energy more efficiently are core components of sustainability. Improving your organization’s sustainability can boost your corporate image, attract quality tenants to your properties and positively engage employees.
    • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions - Waste prevention and recycling offer significant potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Conserve resources - Reuse and recycling conserves natural resources including trees, metals and water.


    1. In order to ensure the success of waste reduction program you should:
      Team Up
      1. Leverage an existing team. Consider adding a focus on waste reduction to your organization's existing green team. This may mean bringing in additional team members with a focus on waste and recycling.
      2. Create a new team. If your organization doesn't have a green team, consider creating a group responsible for planning, designing and implementing waste reduction activities. Some tips for pulling together you team include:
      • Get support from management.
      • Recruit representatives from different areas of your organization. A broad-based team will offer a variety of perspectives, creative problems-solving techniques and likely identify more opportunities for improvement.
      • Relate the size of your team to the size of your organization and gather representatives from as many departments, tenants or functions as possible.
      Set Goals
      Teams can share a common idea of what they're working on and how they're progressing when they have clear quantifiable goals. Examine your tracking data to create a baseline and guide your goal-setting. Examine your tracking data to create a baseline and guide your goal-setting. Setting targets aids in the prioritization of waste-prevention and recycling-program expansion operations. Then, using your benchmark, keep track of your progress toward your objectives.
      Conduct a waste assessment to determine particular initiatives that would most effectively get you to your objectives. The data gathered will assist you in determining which waste reduction areas to concentrate on.
      Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings (Nov. 5, 2021)


    2. Hi Raven! It's nice that you were able to share your knowledge and insights about waste reduction. I learned something new on your work especially in terms of establishing waste reduction program. I am glad that you were able to cite your sources too. Good job!

      RATE: 10/10

      RAMOS, CRISHIA ELLAINE P. (2019-105763)

    3. Hello Raven! I was amazed on how you constructed your ideas and thoughts. I obtained new knowledge about the benefits of waste reduction as well as the process on how to conduct a waste reduction program. Thank you for sharing! Good job!

      RATE: 10/10

      RILLERA, MYRA DIANNE G. (2019-107121)

  46. Good day, everyone! I'm Chencel-Annmae Almodiel, a third-year accounting student at Rizal Technological University. And today, allow me to explain as to why waste reduction is a key to business success. So to start with, let me ask you a question. Does your business produce as much waste — or perhaps even more waste — today than it did from the previous year? If yes, then I have some tea for you! Did you know that reducing the amount of waste your business produces isn't just good for the environment, but it can also save your business money? With the cost of goods and materials rising, using resources efficiently and reducing your business waste makes good financial sense. The cost of sending waste to landfill is increasing, and so are the restrictions on what you can send. You can face penalties if you do not handle waste properly or have the right paperwork before it leaves your premises. However, by focusing on how to reduce your business waste, and how to deal with the waste that remains, you can save money and make your business more efficient.

    Here are some of the key benefits of shifting from methods of waste disposal to processes of waste reduction: (1) You can save money through more efficient use of raw materials, packaging and technology. (2) It allows you to cut your waste disposal costs. (3) Compliance with environmental legislation becomes cheaper and more straightforward. (4) It will improve your brand image as it gives people the impression that you’re concerned about issues such as sustainability and reducing your carbon footprint because many people this days like to work with businesses that make an effort to care for the environment, and if you are taking steps to reduce waste, this could probably boost your reputation particularly among customers, suppliers, potential employees and insurers. Thus, having an understanding of these benefits of what waste reduction can have is an essential part of business success, regardless of its size or type.

    Emily W. (June 10, 2014). 8 new ways to reduce waste at your business. Retrieved Dec. 13, 2021 from (2021). Reduce your business waste to save money



    1. Excellent! Hi Chencel! I was fascinated with the introductory part of your output, and it made me look forward to the following sentences. And I was not disappointed, as it is rich in information and was delightful to read. I like how you started by asking questions and filling them with information you explained effectively. Overall it was an excellent presentation. Job well done! 10/10

      - Dizon, Jake C. (2019-106975)

  47. Hello, my dear readers. I am Patrick Bentulan from CBET-01-502A, an aspiring practitioner in the accounting field. Without further ado, I would like you to understand the importance of being able to maximize the resources that you currently have to fully boost the outcome of the process. Let’s say for example, you are studying for an exam. Some would study relentlessly, while others study just to say that they studied for the exam. The idea is, you are studying. So, when you are studying, you focus on the necessary topics that needs to be understood, memorized, and mastered. However, while studying your phone lit up with a message from your friend sending you a funny TikTok video he saw. After you saw the clip, you decided to take a 5-minute break from studying. Those 5 minutes turned into 30, then 60, then eventually, you found yourself not studying. Examination day came and you failed the exam. You told yourself that you would be better but, in reality, these things keep on happening that it became a cycle.

    The scenario that I gave happens frequently nowadays. This microscale phenomena may be witnessed on a macroscale as well. Where? In businesses. The “break” that the student had can be branded as “wastes” in the business context. Wastes as defined by TechSolve (n.d.), are the actions that does not add value to the customer. Examples of these wastes are defects, overproduction, waiting time, non-utilized talents, transportation, inventories, motion, and extra processing. Just like the student, businesses must be able to avoid those unnecessary actions that would ultimately falter the whole process. Why? Because these unnecessary actions build up cost or expenses that would lessen the overall profit of the business. Abby Jenkins (2020) mentioned that to one of the ways to maximize profits of a business you must assess and reduce operating costs and lower the overhead of the company. Here, it must be put into emphasis on as to how the organization must have control towards these wastes to achieve efficiency. The student and business must not overlook the implications that there current actions have and must always evaluate the possible outcome of all the “breaks” that they will have.

    TechSolve (n.d.). 8 wastes of lean manufacturing. Retrieved on December 10, 2021 from


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Patrick, I love how well-written your work is. You gave an example scenario, then connected it to the main topic and explained it very well. You did great, like you always do. Good job!

      Cebuano, Mary Ann

  48. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipDecember 12, 2021 at 9:26 PM

    Every business creates waste. It might be paper waste or unclean water that is dangerous and includes toxic pollutants. Regardless of the sort of waste, it still costs money, and it needs special handling and disposal. Hi! I am Joanna Elaine O. Macanip, a BSA student from Rizal Technological University. Today, I am going to discuss the reduction of wasted resources for an organization to obtain success.

    Waste is defined as the loss of something beneficial when too much of it is consumed or used inefficiently or ineffectively. One of the key objectives of businesses is to make the most of their resources. But the issue today is driven by throw-away consumerism wherein businesses and manufacturers aim to maximize profits by making one-time-use items that do not prioritize reuse, recycling, or the use of environmentally friendly materials. Concerning this, preventing waste will save the organization money and the environment. Waste reduction is beneficial to any organization, regardless of size or type. Aside from cost savings, it may also assist the organization in improving worker safety, lowering liability, and improving community image. Furthermore, waste reduction also reduces pollutants, making your town and neighborhood a safer and healthier place to live. Reduction of waste also reflects industry leadership and adds to corporate social responsibility by lowering greenhouse gas emissions and the global health risks posed by our waste streams. Determine what wastes you create, identify waste control techniques, define objectives and goals, and get started are the essential processes that can help a business succeed. By following these crucial steps, you can assure that a small amount of work will result in a large amount of success. We can safeguard the business's long-term prosperity by recycling and properly managing wasted resources.

    Rinkesh. (n.d.). What is Waste Disposal?

    United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2021, November 2). Why Should You Care About Preventing Waste? Small Business Guide.

    MACANIP, JOANNA ELAINE O. (2019-103856)

  49. Hello, my name is Patricia Lynn D. Guamos. I am studying at Rizal Technological University, taking up a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. As a business student, I can confirm that reducing wasted resources is critical to business success. Shifting from waste disposal methods to waste reduction can provide several key benefits including; the ability to save money through more efficient use of raw materials, packaging, and technology, the ability to reduce waste disposal costs, the ability to reduce waste disposal costs, compliance with environmental legislation becomes less expensive and more accessible, the ability to improve reputation among customers, suppliers, potential employees, and insurers, and the ability to boost the morale of existing employees. There are ways for a firm to minimize the amount of trash it generates or transform it into something valuable. Source reduction is the most straightforward strategy to reduce disposal expenses. That is, by lowering the quantity of garbage generated by your company. When you buy and discard less material, you have less to get rid of. By assessing your company’s waste stream, you will most likely discover that you can eliminate a large portion of the garbage it generates. Material Reusing products in their present form is a cost-efficient method of reducing waste. It is usually cheaper to clean or repair products to be reused rather than buy new or recycled ones. Many products that cannot be eliminated or reused can be recycled. Energy and natural resources are saved, and environmental pollution is reduced when products are made from recycled rather than new materials. Your business can also cut disposal costs considerably by recycling. A large amount of the waste stream consists of organic materials such as food scraps and yard trimmings. These materials are usually the heaviest, and it costs more to remove heavy waste. Composting can take place on-site or at commercial or municipal facilities.

    Rhonda Sherman (2017), How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste, NC State Extension Publications.

    GUAMOS, PATRICIA LYNN D. 2019-103828

    1. Hi PL!

      Your work really impressed me. You have a way with words and expressing yourself that is unrivaled. Your writing is extremely clear and concise ,It shows your empathy and concern to our environmental health and business' profit. I look forward to reading more from you. Keep up the good work.

      Rate 10/10
      -Dugay, Bernadeth (2019-103892)

  50. Hi, my name is Rhea Mae Yuga. As an aspiring CPA, my goal is not only focusing on maintaining the efficacy and efficiency of a company but also to supervise the business waste reduction. I am here today to discuss the importance of waste reduction especially to those big businesses. But first let me give you a brief knowledge on what is waste reduction. Waste reduction is the effective way to prevent waste by reducing or eliminating the quantity of resources initially consumed. In simple term, all businesses are responsible on managing their own waste. With this I want to present the different benefits of waste reduction that can contribute to the business success.

    Firstly, it improves operational efficiency. Most of the businesses were doing recycling and they make good financial sense. Waste storage places can be cleaner, safer, and more sanitary. This is especially crucial in the culinary and hospitality sectors, as well as any business that deals with customers. Overflowing garbage bins and the potential problems they cause may be avoided with proper waste management. As a result, your obligation is reduced, and you can avoid any potential fines.

    Secondly, remain compliant with local, national, and even global regulations and laws. Failure to satisfy these criteria might result in fines or the loss of vital operating licenses. Furthermore, these sorts of regulations are likely to become more prevalent in the coming years, especially as governments gain more control over how society handles trash in general.

    Another is it can boost employee morale. Environmental sustainability and sustainable business practices go hand in hand, and good employee training will guarantee that everyone is on the same page. To put it another way, if your employees understand the need of improving both the local and global environment, they will be prouder of their workplace and your company.

    Next is it improves brand image, a basic commitment to eco-principles and sustainability may be just as successful, linking your company with more ethical practices and providing more transparency to your customers.

    And lastly, source new revenue streams through exploring new ideas to make new products or selling the raw materials to other businesses who might have a use for them. In any case, proper collection, storage, and distribution of these resources is critical, and effective sorting systems and dependable collections are essential for success.

    The Benefits of Waste Management for Business. (2019, April 2). RTS. Retrieved December 13, 2021 from

    YUGA, RHEA MAE D. (2019-103574)

    1. Hi Rhea! I am amazed at how well organized your elevator pitch is. It is structured in an easy-to-understand way. I also like how you presented your thoughts about the different benefits of waste reduction that can contribute to the business's success. Good job!

      Rate: 10/10

      Buling, Catherine

    2. Hello, Rhea! I am very much impressed on how you delivered your thoughts and opinions about the given topic. Your elevator pitch consists a lot of new information that I can certainly use in the future. Great work! 10/10


  51. Hi! I am Catherine Buling, from the Accountancy Department of Rizal Technological University. I am here today to discuss how reduction of wasted resources is a key to business success. I want to start by defining waste in a business perspective.
    Waste in a business perspective is not just about wasted materials, it talks about overproduction, waiting time, transporting, unnecessary paperwork or processing, defects, underutilized employees, etc (Murdock, 2017). To determine waste in your business, you must first understand how it is developed. Only by understanding where you're wasting money and resources in your company—whether it's on processes or on people —can you begin to reduce the waste. You need to know what waste you are producing as a result of your failure to embrace new technologies and analytical or quality control tools.

    Materials and wastes provide an often ignored chance to improve a company's efficiency, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and save money. It also appears that the more you have, the more you waste, for both businesses and individuals. When used properly, technology can be a great tool to improve efficiency and productivity, but it can also be a huge cause of waste. We've actually gone a long way, with so much technology and invention, and yet we don't seem to be making the most of it. I encourage you to reconsider how you've always done things in your business and embrace technological advances, not because it is the trendy thing to do, but because you want to reduce waste and save money and energy for your business. You must also properly assess how and where to implement new practices or technologies to make your business operations more efficient. Also, one thing that you must always remember is that companies that invest in their employees are the ones who succeed. You must treat your employees as an asset and a resource, in that way you will motivate them to do their job properly and to be productive.


    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.


  52. Shiela Mae D. AlcantaraDecember 12, 2021 at 11:35 PM

    Reducing waste is a proven approach to enhancing business outcomes such as greater consumer satisfaction, increased profit, and a motivated workforce. Hello, my name is Shiela Mae D. Alcantara, and I am an accountancy student. As we can see, many businesses deal with various sorts of waste on a daily basis, and they are all striving to minimize and reduce this waste. Waste is produced throughout a product's life cycle, beginning with the extraction of raw materials and continuing through transportation, processing, production, usage, and disposal at the end of its useful life (DEEP, n.d.). Most businesses monitor every detail of their operations in order to develop an effective plan and propose a solution to this problem.

    Waste reduction enables businesses to operate more efficiently, motivates employees, and protects the local environment. Each of these factors contributes to a business's success. By reducing waste, businesses can maintain their quality and productivity. This can result in cost savings and an increase in output. When businesses do not continue to waste their employees' efforts and potential, their employees are capable of doing an excellent job of producing a high-quality product and delivering exceptional service. Employees will perform their duties efficiently and happily in the appropriate environment (Nelson, n.d.). However, in an improper setting, where processes fail employees, delays and poor planning may occur. Furthermore, improper waste disposal can be hazardous, with environmental and legal consequences. Every business seeks to avoid being at the epicenter of an environmental crisis. It would be detrimental to their brand and could result in customer loss.

    Waste management contributes to an organization's sustainability. It is a stepping stone on the path to continuous progress that benefits people, the planet, and profit. Waste reduction can aid businesses in their success if they act now rather than waiting for the right time.

    Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (n.d.). Waste Reduction.
    Nelson, N. (n.d.). Identifying and addressing employee turnover issues.


    1. Hi Shiela!

      Kudos to this elevator pitch. You have presented the key points why reducing waste will help the business achieve success. I also love how you provided how wastes affect the organization and its operations. I agree that businesses can be more efficient if waste is reduced. As discussed in the previous chapter, efficiency is essential in achieving success.

      It's a 10/10 for me. Thank you for this informative discussion.

      Gesta, Charlotte G.

  53. Hello, it's great to meet you! My name is Coline Bertiz, an aspiring accountant enrolled at RTU. I'm here to discuss with you how to reduce squandered resources in order to run a profitable business. So, if you are an entrepreneur, you should be interested in this since you understand how vital it is. To begin, I'd like to provide you a breakdown of what you can learn from this pitch. This will include the definition of waste reduction, the value of waste reduction to humanity, and how it will contribute to the success of the firm.

    The preferred method of waste management is waste reduction (or prevention). It is the technique of consuming less material and energy in order to reduce waste and conserve natural resources. But, in addition to the literal definition, waste reduction also entails financial savings. When waste-reduction methods are employed, fewer materials and energy are used. A cradle-to-cradle system is used instead of the traditional cradle-to-grave method. Waste reduction include methods for preventing materials from becoming garbage before they reach the recycling stage, as well as techniques to prevent materials from becoming waste before they reach the recycling stage. Waste reduction includes reusing products, donating products and purchasing products to offer environmental benefits.

    Waste reduction is essential for it conserves resources for future generations and aids in environmental cleanup. It is significant because it protects the environment while also ensuring the health and safety. Correct waste management can result in the availability of valuable materials that can be reused. This has the potential to save money while also creating new job opportunities and business opportunities. Reducing, reusing, and recycling your garbage is not only beneficial to the environment, but it can also save you money. It reduces the amount of garbage that must be disposed of, conserves landfill space, and protects natural resources. Waste management has an impact on public health as well. Harmful wastes can cause long-term health problems, so it's critical that they're disposed of properly and carefully, rather than being mixed in with regular household or commercial trash.

    Waste reduction can make a significant contribution to the achievement of the company's objectives. Having this can help a company save money on supplies because it reduces the amount of money that must be spent. It also conserves natural resources and energy, reduces current waste disposal costs and hedges against future increases in disposal costs, meets customer demand for "green" products and environmentally conscious businesses, avoids adding to the environmental burden caused by producing and disposing of unnecessary materials, boosts employee morale by allowing employees to collaborate on an environmental project, and reduces the risk of future liability associated with waste disposal.

    With this, simple things that we can do can be a big help not only for the benefit of others, but also for the benefit of the business.

    ‌CENGAGE (2018). Waste Reduction. Retrieved Dec. 13, 2021 from
    ‌EPA (2021). Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings. Retrieved Dec. 13, 2021 from
    ‌Sherman, R. (2017). “How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste”. North Carolina, USA. NC State Extension Publications. Retrieved Dec. 12, 2021 from

    -Bertiz, Coline B. (2019-100749)

  54. Hello, Joseph! I really like how you presented and constructed all of your ideas. I agree that having this will help the company achieve its goals by saving money and resources. Thank you for emphasizing how important it is for everyone, not just businesses. (10/10)

    -Bertiz, Coline B. (2019-100749)

  55. Part 01/02

    Good day, everyone! I am Frandian Blanco, a third-year student from the accountancy department in Rizal Technological University-Boni Campus. I am here to discuss why waste reduction is crucial to business success.

    It is a piece of common knowledge for all of us that every business from small to big companies produces waste. Excessive production, defects, underutilized employees, and unnecessary inventory are examples of waste areas. If not properly managed, these waste resources and materials could backfire on an enterprise. Also, the waste resources could make your operating expense higher, leading to a lower profit margin. With the previous statements, we can affirm that waste reduction is essential and compulsory to increase profitability and better utilize the limited resources operated by most businesses (Murdock, 2017).

    FRANDIAN A. BLANCO, 2019-103951

    1. Part 02/02

      An organization can enjoy several advantages by administering sufficient waste reduction and management methods (Moray Council, n.d.). First, a business can save money. It can be done by repurposing several materials and utilizing technology and the workforce more efficiently. Additionally, it improves the reputation of a business while simultaneously helping the environment. By decreasing the environmental footprint through sustainable waste reduction and control, an organization could enhance its reputation and corporate standing for its employees, customers, and other stakeholders. Overall, the waste reduction and management of resources provide a competitive edge in seeking business prospects, which would lead to the success of an enterprise.

      Moray Council. (n.d.). Waste Minimisation for Business.

      Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. Taylor & Francis Group.

      FRANDIAN A. BLANCO, 2019-103951

  56. A pleasant day to everyone! My name is Eleonora Laura A. Cortezano, from the Accountancy Department. I am here to discuss about reduction of wasted resources and how to maximize our resources.
    Office buildings, schools, retailers, hotels, restaurants, and other commercial and institutional structures generate a lot of waste. Many firms are satisfied with simply establishing a waste collection system. Waste management is receiving more attention, and proactive firms are realizing the benefits of implementing a waste reduction program. First, we should promote recycling to save money by lowering disposal expenses and improving your bottom line. Because knowledge is power, you'll be better positioned to find solutions to cut hauling expenses and negotiate for garbage and recycling services that really match your needs if you understand the number and types of wastes your company produces. Third, tracking your waste management activities in one platform and using a consistent set of indicators makes it easier to communicate and report information with stakeholders through streamlined reporting and data sharing. Then, more efficiently managing trash, water, and energy are key components of sustainability. Improving your organization's sustainability can help to improve your corporate image, attract excellent tenants to your buildings, and positively engage staff, all of which can help us to be more sustainable. Following that, waste prevention and recycling offer tremendous possibilities for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, allowing us to cut greenhouse gas emissions and prevent additional harm to the ozone layer. Finally, recycling and reuse protect natural resources such as trees, metals, and water, allowing us to conserve our resources.
    The number of recyclables and rubbish taken from your facility offers you an idea of how well your waste management program is working — data on waste production and recycling rate. A waste assessment, on the other hand, is essential for gaining insights into how to improve. A trash assessment will give you with crucial information that will help you identify waste reduction options.
    A waste assessment or audit is a thorough examination of your building and operations to determine the quantity and composition of waste items. Knowing what goes into waste allows you to design your waste reduction program more efficiently.

    US EPA. (2021, November 5). Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial
    Buildings. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

    Cortezano, Eleonora Laura A. (2019-103875)

  57. Hello, my name is Daryll Salapare, and it's great to meet you. I'm a student from RTU – Boni Campus' Department of Accountancy; if you're intending to start a business and want it to succeed, don't worry; I'm here to explain why reducing wasted resources is crucial to business success.

    Waste is a resource that, when properly handled, may contribute to increased corporate efficiency. You want to cut waste and be as efficient as possible, but in order to do so, you must first appreciate your finished product. It all boils down to one simple rule: get to know your consumers and figure out what their most pressing needs are. That way, you can be confident you're making high-quality items that your consumers will pay for while wasting as few resources as possible during the manufacturing process.

    The following are some of the benefits of waste reduction in your company:
    -By making better use of raw resources, packaging, and technology, you may save money.
    -It helps you to save money on garbage disposal.
    -Environmental compliance becomes less expensive and easier.
    The amount of money you may save by properly managing waste is determined on the type of your business. By minimizing the quantity of raw materials and waste water used in manufacturing operations, a manufacturer, for example, will likely save more than an office-based organization.

    Reference (n.d.). Advantages of reducing waste. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

    -Salapare, Daryll A. (CBET-01-501A)

  58. Waste management refers to a collection of procedures for treating, handling, disposing, or managing waste materials. According to the World Bank, the world produces 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste each year, with at least 33% of that going to landfills, and this number is predicted to rise as time goes on. As a result, every firm should contribute to trash minimization as a critical success component. (The World Bank)

    Reducing a company's waste materials can help the organization reach its goals and objectives more effectively and efficiently. There are numerous advantages to minimizing waste materials, including cost savings. By lowering the usage or production of waste materials, a business's operational costs will be reduced. It also helps to prevent our environment from degrading due to excessive trash pollution. Reducing waste material also satisfies a legal requirement as an entity that contributes to waste. It is also your obligation to handle your own waste, therefore adhering to this may spare you from long-term troubles such as penalties and other legal liability. It also aids in the enhancement of the company's reputation and corporate image, as well as having a favorable impact on customers, employees, and investors, all of which will enable you to seize additional possibilities in the future.

    As a result, becoming a corporate environmental steward by minimizing waste or just practicing proper management will benefit both the company and the environment.

    The World Bank. (n.d.). WHAT A WASTE 2.0 A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from
    Chron Contributor. (2020, June 22). Why Is It Important to Minimize Waste in the Workplace? CHRON. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from
    Waste Minimisation for Business. (n.d.). Moray Council. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

    502A (2019-106961)

  59. Hello everyone! I am Rochel Bulatao a third year accounting student at Rizal Technological University and I am here to tell you why I believe that if businesses were able to reduce the wasted resources and they work efficiently it will help the business have its success.

    Wasted resources accumulated by the business are included in the company’s cost of production, which is why I believe it is vital for them to figure out how to eliminate it. Some of the benefits of organizations reducing waste include the ability to save money through more effective use of raw materials, packaging, and technology, as well as reduced disposal expenses that may be used to produce higher-quality products. It will also minimize the possibility of future liability related with solid waste disposal. Next, complying with environmental regulations becomes less expensive and easier since you may actually help the environment by reducing waste materials and in addition you can also avoid adding to the environmental burden created by the production and disposal of unnecessary materials. As a result, you will be able to attract more customers, particularly those who are looking for "green" products and businesses that are environmentally conscious. You will also proved that you are serious about your environmental responsibilities that can improve your reputation among customers, suppliers, potential employees, and insurers.

    N.C. Cooperative Extension (2017). How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste. Retrieved from:

    Rochel M. Bulatao


  60. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipDecember 13, 2021 at 1:51 AM

    Hi, Hans.

    I like how you started your elevator pitch. It gives hints for readers on the flow of the discussion. It is very informative, and I agree with you that organizations should cooperate in order to reduce waste. Great job!
    Rate: 10/10

    Macanip, Joanna Elaine O. (2019-103856)

  61. Part (1/2)

    Good day to everyone!

    Have you ever try to ask yourselves with what do businesses do to achieve their success? Is being efficient with resources have a huge impact to the production? or how do each of the businesses handle wasted resources? Hi! My name is Fritz Reizen V. Lopez, an aspiring CPA, asking for your time to read about my insight on how the reduction of wasted resources is a key to business success. During the time of production, it is evident the one company could not avoid these wasted resources. One of the major concern on each business is how could they handle these. As a working student, I was thought that when identifying the problem, we should provide a resolution and afterwards ask ourselves if the resolution we provided is impactful. In relation to this, an excessive wasted resources could lead to a problem that needs an impactful resolution because these reflects on how efficient an entity is when it comes to their limited resources. According to Sherman (2017), an Extension Solid Waste Specialist, stated the benefits of managing waste materials such as: save money on supplies; conserve natural resources and energy; reduce current waste disposal costs and hedge against increased future disposal costs; meet customer demand for "green" products and environmentally conscious businesses; avoid adding to the environmental burden caused by producing and disposing of unnecessary materials; boost employee morale by giving staff members an opportunity to work together on an environmental project; and reduce the risk of future liability associated with the disposal of solid wastes.

    LOPEZ, FRITZ REIZEN V. (2019-103689)

    1. Part (2/2)

      To achieve this, it is not only the staff who works we should ask to take full responsibilities of wasted resources but also the consumer as well. If it is all planned and informed everyone to have their responsibilities, not ony the business will benefit from it, but also the ecology of the society. Thank you for your time, I hope that you have a great day!

      Sherman, R. (2017). How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste. NC State Extension Publications. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

      LOPEZ, FRITZ REIZEN V. (2019-103689)

  62. Excellent output with a superb introduction! Hi Lea! I appreciate how your work is precise on the matter you want to point out by supporting it with necessary information. I also like how you highlight that waste reduction is not only for profitability but also adds value to the organization, which constitutes a lot of benefits. Furthermore, your statement on waste reduction being a responsibility of men is commendable, which people often forget. Overall it was an outstanding presentation. Job well done! 10/10

    - Dizon, Jake C. (2019-106975)

  63. Hi Ela!

    All I could say is that you have a catchy introduction of you elevator pitch and I know everyone who will read it would agree on it. You also ended it well. The highlight for me is that when you mentioned not all is knowledgeable with this aspects and that might be one of the reason why did they not achieve success in which I could agree on. With your works, you enlighten me more about this topic and thank you for that. Kudos and keep up the good work!

    RATE: 10/10
    LOPEZ, FRITZ REIZEN V. (2019-103689)

  64. “Do something fantastic, cut the plastic” Hi everyone! I am Rence Louiese E. Retone, from the College of Business and Entrepreneurial Technology specifically from the Accountancy Department. If you are reading this you might be curious on how to maximize your resources and reduce the wasted resources. Because the projected annual waste of the Philippines is at 18.05 Million Tons by 2020, according to the latest Solid Waste Management Status Report (2008-2018) and it keeps on rising that’s why it is very critical that we learn and innovate our practices on how to reduce our wasted resources in order to help the ecosystem and your business.

    Does your company noticed that they are incurring a lot of expenses due to materials and stuff that resulted into increase in producing costs and pricing? Then it might be a good idea for your organization to reconciliate and think about the things that needs to be considered in order to lower your wasted resources and increase sales at the same time saving the ecosystem. But in order to achieve those goals you need to reconsider some things like:

    Re-auditing your organization waste management control and reconsider if your organization can switch to decomposable or recyclable products. Also, re-evaluate the materials used in your products and see if those can be reduced in terms of like packaging and such. In addition, reconsider on switching your production process into an eco-friendlier process, like installing solar panels and use it as an alternative to electricity for small wattage consumption. By doing those ways mentioned it is beneficial for any organization because it can result into saving money, reduced production costs, it also meets the legal obligation, and it enhances the reputation of your business or organization.

    15 Statistics about Solid Waste Management in the Philippines that Every Filipino should Know (Updated 2021!)
    8 new ways to reduce waste at your business

    -RETONE, RENCE LOUIESE E. (2019-105248)

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Hola! I'm Ellen Grace Tanhueco, your waste-concerned comrade. Did you know that waste is more than just a physical form? Not just a tangible trash or something personal and environmental. Because in a broader point of view, it dresses in varieties and stresses businesses as well more than we all know.

    Have a complex workplace layout? Idle machineries? Production bottlenecks? Misutilized employee skills? Well, that all equates to having WASTE. And waste never produces something good, doesn't it? Most importantly, producing too much of it never lets a business grab a win. With more waste, you incur more production cost, the less efficient your business will be, and the lesser chance your business gets to profit more.

    And if you're already an entrepreneur striving for your own business to progress substantially, you might want to consider doing some general cleaning through the lean methodology. Familiarize yourself with the 8 areas of wastes, spot its existence on your business, and correct and modify your processes and systems accordingly, so that what reflects on the products and services that your business offers is its legitimate value.

    Waste, as you may be aware, has its price. It might be in the form of unsatisfied customers, messed up production, drained profitability, or worst, industry exit. So, organizations, businessmen, as well as aspiring entrepreneurs must take it seriously and proceed with prudence in order to attract the opposite effect and result, that is, the venture's success.

    - Ellen Grace B. Tanhueco (2019-100741)

  67. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipDecember 13, 2021 at 2:40 AM

    Hi, Me-An.

    I like how you started your introduction with trivia. Your ideas are well-organized and on-point. Furthermore, you have stated facts and elaborated the importance of the reduction of wasted resources in business. Your pitch is great, I have learned a lot. Keep it up!
    Rate: 10/10

    Macanip, Joanna Elaine O. (2019-103856)

  68. 1/2

    Hello, I am Charlotte, from Accountancy Department and a future auditor.

    Did you know that, according to Murdock (2016), organizations suffer various degrees of dysfunction during day-to-day operations? It is due to the organization's inefficiency in managing its resources and wasteful processes.

    There are eight areas of wastes in an organization. First are defects that typically result in either reworking or scrapping the product, which adds additional costs to the organization (Skhmot, 2017). Second, overproduction results in more handling costs of overproduced products (Murdock, 2016). The third is waiting, which costs additional labor and overhead costs (Skhmot, 2017). Fourth is not utilizing people's talents, skills, and knowledge. It wastes unused human talent and ingenuity and results in decreased productivity (Skhmot, 2017). Fifth is too much transportation that tends to increase costs, wastes time, and increases the likelihood of product damage and deterioration (McGee-Abe, 2015). Sixth is unnecessary inventories that can lead to problems, including product defects, greater lead time in production, and an inefficient allocation of capital (Skhmot, 2017). Seventh is motion waste that can cause financial and time waste (Shkmot, 2017). And lastly, excess processing refers that adds more work and increases costs and consumption of time and resources (Skhmot, 2017).

    Gesta, Charlotte G.

    1. 2/2

      All these wastes prevent the business's success because it consumes more resources than what is required resulting in higher costs and lower returns. Also, according to Murdock (2016), these wastes often result in higher time consumption or underutilized financial resources. That is why an organization must know how to utilize its resources and be efficient in its operations to achieve success. Imagine if these wastes are reduced, the firm can save more money and resources. Lesser cost, higher profit! Higher profit means higher returns for stakeholders! And the organization can further improve and expand its operations.

      McGee-Abe, Jason. (2015, August 12). The 8 Deadly Lean Wastes – Downtime. Process Excellence Network.

      Murdock, H. (2016). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World (1st ed.). Taylor and Francis Group, LCC.

      Skhmot, Nawras. (2017, August 5). The 8 Wastes of Lean. The Lean Way.

      Gesta, Charlotte G.

  69. Are you searchings for tips to be a prosperous entrepreneur in the future? Well, you're on the right site! Join me as I discuss the relevance of waste reduction that leads to business success. My name is Lovely Bangate, from the Accountancy Department of Rizal Technological University, your mentor for this day!

    I bet the only waste you knew was the defective goods produced in factories. But have you heard about the eight wastes of lean manufacturing? If not, this is the perfect time to know the DOWNTIME! DOWNTIME is an acronym used for Defects, Overprocessing, Waiting, Non-utilized talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, and Excess production. An overview of the adverse effects caused by these areas of wastes is the incurrence of the higher business cost and inefficient use of resources. As much as possible, as businessmen/women, we want to maximize the use of our assets to generate better profit. More waste means more money we lose. It's like spending for nothing since waste does not add value to our company. In the broader sense, these wastes produced by companies add up to environmental degradation. To give you a clear picture, I'm confident everyone knows the Coca-cola company. It ranked number 1 as a plastic polluter, and recently the environmental organization Earth Island Institute filed lawsuits against Coca-cola for greenwashing. If the plaintiff wins this case, the defendant will be mandated to fine big-time. Other than that, many customers are now patronizing those environmentally-sound companies.

    To give you some ways to mitigate wastes in your prospective venture, here are the lists of practices you can apply during your business operation:
    -Improve inventory management
    -Decide on waste reduction measures, procurement policies, and what will be recycled.
    -Improving workflow efficiency
    -Enhancing Quality control
    -Balancing workloads
    -Evaluating process effectiveness and appropriateness
    -Proper training program for unskilled workers
    -Simplification and standardization of processes
    -Focusing on Resource management
    I assure you by integrating these practices, you can attain efficiency, effectiveness, ecology, and at the same time, excellence in your company. These components of success give you the advantage to transcend market competition and secure sustainable business development.


    Digital E-Learning. (2020).8 wastes of lean manufacturing. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

    Robinson, D. (2021). 10 companies and corporations called out for greenwashing. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

    Sherman R. (2017). How your business can cut costs by reducing waste. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from

    - BANGATE, LOVELY V. (2019-104176)

    1. Hi Lovely!!

      Thank you for the information regarding the eight wastes of lean manufacturing. It is the first time I heard about it. Your work is amazing and you explain it well. Good job!! 10/10

      -BOADO, Loven B. (2019-105729)

    2. hi. your work is very informative. It's my first time knowing the acronym of the eight waste in lean manufacturing. this will really be useful in remembering them. Great job

      Rate: 10/10



  70. 1/2

    Good day everyone! Are you one of the entrepreneurs or business owners that are concern about the wastes produce by your company? Or you want your business to be environmental friendly? Then you’re right in time, I am here to discuss about the benefits of reducing waste, what you can do about it, and why the reduction of wasted resources is a key to business success. But before that let me introduce myself, I am Loven, a 3rd year Accountancy student from Rizal Technological University that aims to help the world become sustainable and eco-friendly.

    When you take action and start to reduce the waste produce by your company you can gain numerous benefits for the business as well as the people around the world. By taking steps to reduce waste, a business can:
    Save money for the supplies that is used by the company.
    It can conserve natural resources and energy and reduces current waste disposal expenses while protecting against future increases.
    Address client demand for green items and firms that are environmentally concerned.
    Lowering the risk of future liability connected with solid waste disposal.
    It prevents pollution and it avoids adding to the environmental damage of excessive material production and disposal. Having a better and safe environment for the employees makes it better for the workers to work properly.

    1. 2/2

      It helps sustain the environment for future generations. Think only not yourself but think of the future generations, what they will be if we keep on destroying our environment.
      To reduce the waste produce by your company, you only need to do the 5R's:
      1. Refuse
      - Refuse is the most effective way to minimize waste. Refuse to buy or used wasteful unnecessary product.
      2. Reduce
      - We need to decrease or cut back the amount or quantity of the waste we produce. By analyzing your company’s waste flow, you will find that you can remove much waste your company produces.
      3. Reuse
      -We find new uses for the items that would otherwise be discarded. Reusing products in their current form is a cost-effective way to reduce waste. It is cheaper to clean or repair a product so that it can be reused than to buy a new one.
      4. Repurpose
      - The waste material is reused in its original state, but the purpose is different. It requires creativity and it has endless possibilities if you want to repurpose something.
      5. Recycle
      - We turn something old and worthless into something new and useful. Recycling the waste of your business can lead to better productivity, improve the image and environmental impact
      Waste reduction is not the priority of every business owner but when you try to look and give attention to it, it will be beneficial for you and your business, and it can be one of key to the success.

      Sherman R. (30, March 2017). How your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste: NC State Extension Publications. Retrieved December 11, 2021 from
      Bell, S. (21, January 2020). The 5 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle. Roadrunner. Retrieved December 11 2021, from

      - BOADO, Loven B. (2019-105729)

    2. Hi, Loven! Your elevator pitch is precise and engaging. I agree that waste reduction increases value and lessen the amount of work, capital and time required in performing some tasks and by doing this, many companies experienced a transformation that allowed them to significantly improve competitiveness within their industries. Good job in explaining your insights!


    3. Hello Loven!

      Your work is truly remarkable. You have an excellent work, and I want to tell you that we have nearly identical thoughts regarding to this topic. Your elevator pitch consists a knowledgeable information that may surely use in the future. Best wishes for your future writing. Keep up the good work.

      Rate 10/10
      -Dugay Bernadeth (2019-103892)

  71. Hi! I am Ashley Habon, 3rd year Accountancy Student in Rizal Technological university. I am here to use this as a platform in informing everyone that the key in achieving business success is through reduction of wasted resources.
    We already know the fact how limited our resources is and it cannot meet the growing population on earth. It would be irresponsible and arrogant for us to thing that we have enough for the upcoming years. Aside from our limited resources, having a reduction of waste can reduce the expenses of an organization as well as increasing the outputs and sales. With those line of thought, we can clearly see the need of reducing our wasted resources thus creating a method that absorbs this principle—Lean manufacturing.
    Lean manufacturing is a production method aimed primarily at reducing times within the production system as well as response times from suppliers and to customers. It is a core that the removal of waste within an operation since one of the heaviest drains on profitability is waste (Womack and Jones, 2003). This method teaches us the balance, flow, and value of resources which results into product quality, sustainability, increasing of profits, and many more.
    Let us all come together as one on helping our environment by doing the things we can do. Littles things that we can contribute can be big in the near future. Reduce and minimize for the future’s cost. That is why one of the Successful E’s in the business is ecology because we rely more on our resources. If we have nothing more then we’ll probably have nothing to replace it with.

    Gay, C. (2016). 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing. Machinemetrics. Accessed on November 29, 2021.
    James P Womack, Daniel T Jones, Lean Thinking, 2nd Edition, ISBN 978-0-7432-4927-0, March 1, 2003)


    1. Hi Ashley!!

      I agree when you mentioned that little things that we can contribute can be big in the future. I believe in that because every little thing matters. You did a great job explaining your work. I learn a lot from it. Keep up the good work! 10/10

      BOADO, Loven B. (2019-105729)

  72. 1/2

    The average Filipino generates half a kilogram of waste every day, so
    how much trash would be produced if there were a hundred million people on the planet? Waste management that is done correctly can result in the availability of valuable resources that can be reused. This has the ability to save money while also providing new employment and business possibilities. Reduce, reuse, and recycle your garbage is not only good for the environment, but it may also save you money. Every firm is responsible for ensuring that garbage generated on their premises is properly disposed of. Most firms nowadays are concerned about the environment and long-term viability. Recycling of waste is becoming more common. Even the tiniest organizations are finding the far-reaching ramifications of their day-to-day operations, and even the most seemingly innocuous economic activities are suddenly taking on a new and pernicious importance. Are you curious as to why? Some of the various benefits of waste management in enterprises were covered in RTS's blog. The first is that good waste management boosts productivity. By streamlining waste management procedures, you may have access to a variety of advantages that can help you enhance the day-to-day operations of your company and remain ahead of the competition. Your employees will spend less time sorting, loading, and removing goods from the premises if you create effective plans to actively limit the quantity of waste you generate. The second advantage highlighted is that it boosts employee morale. Raising employee understanding and responsibility for environmental concerns boosts morale, guaranteeing everybody is working for not only a sustainable environment for the surrounding but also a cleaner and healthier workspace.

    ALARCON, Eliasa Mea B. 2019-106499

    1. 2/2

      Environmental sustainability and sustainable business practices go hand in hand, and good employee training will guarantee that everyone is on the same page. Finally, good waste management enhances a company's image. This is considerably simpler for large corporations like Apple or Google, which often generate front-page news, but even tiny enterprises can make an impact. A basic commitment to eco-principles and sustainability, on the other hand, may be just as successful, connecting your firm with more ethical practices and providing greater transparency to your client base. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it generates new income streams for firms. Raw materials can be utilized to develop new goods or sold to other firms that might need them. In any case, proper collection, storage, and distribution of these resources is critical, and effective sorting systems and dependable collections are essential for success. Leaving a quote by Pam Shoemaker, “When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do.”

      A. (2021, May 7). The benefits of waste management for business. Recycle Track Systems.

      ALARCON, Eliasa Mea B. 2019-106499

  73. Hello Ela!

    This elevator pitch is very informative, and you have explained well why the reduction of wastes can help the business succeed. I'm pretty sure that even someone who isn't in the business field would understand your explanation because you use easy-to-understand terms. I agree with you that reduction of wastes creates more value for the product produced.

    Also, your introduction will make us listen to what you are going to say.

    It's a 10/10 for me.

    Gesta, Charlotte G.

  74. Hi! I’m Glorene Moreno, an accountancy student from Rizal Technological University. I’d like to teach you how the reduction of wasted resources is a key to business success!

    First, let’s enumerate what are the roots of waste in a business. There are several factors like production defects, waste from overproduction, inventory, transportation and extra processing. Unused talent of employees are also considered. Simply, business waste can come in the form of time, material, and labor. But it may also be related to the utilization of skill-sets as well as poor planning.

    Now, by establishing a waste management plan and reducing wasted resources, here are the benefits that awaits your organization that will definitely help get you achieve success.
    • Increased cut on your disposal costs and save more money
    • Find ways to reduce hauling costs and negotiate for waste and recycling services that actually fit your needs.
    • Streamline reporting and information sharing tracks your waste management activities in one platform and using a standard set of metrics, makes it easier to share and report information with stakeholders.
    • It enhances your organization’s sustainability which boost your corporate image, attract quality tenants to your properties and positively engage employees; and
    • Waste prevention and recycling offer significant potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

    To sum up, waste reduction increases value and lessen the amount of work, capital and time required in performing some tasks and by doing this, many companies experienced a transformation that allowed them to significantly improve competitiveness within their industries. I hope you learned something, thank you for your time. Have a good day!



    Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings | US EPA. (2021, November 5). US Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

    MORENO, GLORENE MAE R. (2019-105014)

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Hi! My name is Bernadeth Baldoza Dugay, and I'm a Rizal Technological University accounting student. It's great to meet you!
    Do you believe that reducing wasted resources is the key to an entity's success? Well, as for me, I firmly believe in it, and here's why. Reducing waste has the potential to lower costs while also increasing intense productivity and income. Do you know that according to Brajesh Dubey, waste minimization might generate long-term revenue through environmental sanitation, recycling, and energy conversion. And, according to Murdock, any activity that is not completed is waste. Waste management is more than just managing water and energy; waste can take many forms. Waste management can greatly improve the efficiency sustainable growth. Enhancing your organization's sustainability can help you improve your corporate reputation, find competent clients to your attributes, and attract and retain employees. Monitoring your waste and recycling is a cornerstone of effective reducing waste plan. A appropriate waste management system can lead to the availability of precious resources for reuse.
    This has the potential to save money while also generating new employment and business opportunities. Minimizing, remanufacture, and recycling your waste is not only beneficial to the environment, but it also can be financially beneficial. These waste resource reductions could save your company a large amount of money while also preserving the environment. Here's why I believe that reducing waste resources is the key to success. I look forward to receiving your thoughts, and if you have any further questions, please let me know. Thank you very much.


    Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings (n.d) Retrieved from

    Murdock, H. (2017) Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a changing world (Internal Audit and IT Audit)

    Salongga, Ronnie. Why Is Waste Management Important? (2019) Retrieved from,it%20can%20also%20be%20profitable.

    -Dugay, Bernadeth (2019-103892)

  77. What are the advantages of reducing resource waste in a business? But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Honey Lizette B. Sunthorn, a third-year Accountancy student at Rizal Technological University. I'm here to talk about the importance of reducing wasted resources as a key to business success.

    First and foremost, let's define the term "waste". According to Collins Dictionary, waste can be defined as a waste of time, money or energy. Same in business, if someone wastes too much of it on things that aren't necessary, he or she is unlikely to succeed.

     There are measures being used to lessen the amount of waste being discarded because of the said pressure it places on our environment. The most known successful approach of decreasing waste in business is the Lean manufacturing process. It states that waste might take the shape of time, material, or labor. It could, perhaps, be associated with low levels of competence utilization and improper planning. Waste is defined as any expense or effort that does not result in the conversion of raw materials into a product that buyers are willing to pay for in lean manufacturing. In any business, waste is thought to have the greatest impact on profit growth.

    Today, the Lean Manufacturing model acknowledges eight different sources of waste in a business. Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Overprocessing, and Defect or also known as TIMWOOD. In a highly competitive market, manufacturers utilize Lean manufacturing principles to minimize waste, optimize processes, cut costs, and enhance innovation. It is based on Toyota's "The Toyota Way", an operational concept from 1930. According to their viewpoint, an excessive inventory elimination is waste elimination and thus it equals to efficiency.

    With the cost of products and materials soaring, it makes financial sense to use resources wisely and reduce waste in an organization. It's also more environmentally friendly. In conclusion, we should purchase only what we truly require for the sake of the environment.

    Gay, C. (2019). 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing/Machine Metrics.

    Allan, M. (2014). Application of Toyota's Principles and Lean Processes to Reservoir Management: More Tools To Overload the Toolbox or a Step Change in Our Business.

    Sunthorn, Honey Lizette B.

  78. John Michael DemabildoDecember 13, 2021 at 4:25 AM


    We may have thought to ourselves at some point in our lives, “it’s just one waste, it won’t do any damage," with a slight annoyance on our faces as we casually discard our plastic waste anywhere. Will your thinking remain the same if, imagine, the entire world's population of eight billion people says that? Let’s put it another way, assume that one of the large firms you know, which technically has multiple raw materials on its operations, states that. Does that “phrase” still apply? Now, if you still can’t imagine. I am willing to help you to understand. By the way, my name is John Michael Demabildo.

    Waste is something that is often overlooked by many, including the enterprises we know. Let’s not talk about how harmful are wastes for the Earth; instead, let’s talk about how harmful are wastes for the enterprises. No matter how profitable a company is in terms of sales, it will be for vain if there is huge number of expenditures incurred due to what we call “wastages”. Resources are undoubtedly vital for organizations as the absence of such will impair their ability to attain the objectives that they are trying to seek. Hence, it goes without saying that if resources must be managed, so must the wastes that accompany them.

    1. John Michael DemabildoDecember 13, 2021 at 4:26 AM


      Waste reduction, even if most businesses treat them only as a “bonus” for fulfilling their moral commitment to nature, it is actually beneficial in enabling business to attain its long-awaited success. In actuality, you are reaping far more benefits than what you anticipated just by reducing waste. For instance, some wastes from raw materials in which the company incurs are not yet completely waste, in fact, most of them can still be transformed into what we call by-products, or some of them are scraps. However, do also take note that organizational waste is not only limited to its physical aspect; there is also time, system, and motion that are also subject to wastage.

      By neglecting these organizational wastes, it also taints most parts of what we have just recently learned, the 7Es. Wastages devalue efficiency (time is idly lost), effectiveness (actions performed are without objectives), ecology (environment is harmed), and excellence (optimum quality is not reached). With all of these factors, it is clear that organizations must take steps to reduce waste as much as they can.


      NI Business Info. (n.d.). Reduce your Business Waste to Save Money. Accessed December 13, 2021 from

      Written by:
      Demabildo, John Michael F., 2019-101694 (CBET-01-503A)

  79. Hi, Lea! Now that is what I call a well-presented speech. Your choice of words are so good it made me enjoy everything you were explaining as if I'm the one you're talking to. I'd also like to thank you for encouraging people to continue being responsible with our environment.


  80. Office buildings, schools, stores, hotels, restaurants and other commercial and institutional buildings generate significant amounts of materials and waste. Here are tools and resources to help facility managers, building owners, tenants and other stakeholders improve waste management in their buildings, reduce costs and enhance sustainability.
    Until recently, you might not have paid much attention to the waste your organization produces. Many organizations are content simply to establish a system for removing trash. Increasingly, greater attention is being paid to waste management, and pro-active organizations are seeing the benefits of establishing a waste reduction program.

    •Save Money
    •Knowledge is power
    •Streamline reporting and information sharing
    •Enhance sustainability
    •Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
    •Conserve resources

    Having clear measurable goals gives teams a shared understanding of what they're working to accomplish and how they're progressing. Look at your tracking data to establish a benchmark and inform your goal setting. Look at your tracking data to establish a benchmark and inform your goal setting. Setting goals helps you prioritize activities for preventing waste and expanding recycling programs. Then track progress towards the goals using your benchmark.

    To identify specific activities that may most effectively lead you to reaching your goals, conduct a waste assessment. The information collected will help you pinpoint the waste reduction areas on which to focus.

    Recycling saves energy, helps keep materials out of landfills and incinerators, and provides raw materials for the production of new products. When waste cannot be prevented, recycling is the next best option. Recycling is more than extending the life of landfills. It is about making the best use of the resources we have available and conserving those resources for future generations. It is about conserving water, energy, land and raw materials.

    Composting is recycling for organics. It converts organic materials, like food waste and yard trimmings, into a valuable soil amendment that contributes to soil health and keeps organic wastes out of landfills.

    United States Environmental Protection Agency "Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings"


  81. Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Patrisha Maranan, and I'm a student at Rizal Technological University's Accounting Department. If you have or want to establish a business and see it prosper more, this guide is perfect for you. But before that, I have a question, did you know that waste is a resource that may increase profitability? I'm here to explain those waste and why reducing it is necessary for a corporate's success.

    Waste reduction is critical for increasing profitability and better using the limited resources that most firms have. Waste happens when more resources are consumed than are required to create the goods or services that the consumer desires. In corporate operations, there are eight areas of waste. Those are:
    • Unnecessary product transportation,
    • Unnecessary inventory,
    • Excess motion,
    • Waiting in which it can be a waste of time,
    • Unnecessary processing or paperwork,
    • Defects,
    • Overproduction, and
    • Underutilized employees.
    Did you catch sight of your waste area? Having these wastes can have a detrimental impact on your organization. Now that you've already identified your waste area, it is now time to take action for it. Why? Because it can help:
    • Preserve the environment for future generations, and it can help avoid pollution by lowering the need to collect fresh raw materials,
    • Conserve energy,
    • Save money by making better use of raw resources, packaging, and technology,
    • Allows items to be utilized to the best degree possible, and
    • Customers, suppliers, future workers, and insurers may want to know that you take your environmental duties seriously. You might also increase the morale of current employees.

    Believe me, identifying and reducing waste can be highly beneficial to your business. Cut down on your waste now and continue to prepare for the long-term success of your business.

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
    NI Business Info. (n.d.). Advantages of reducing waste | Accessed December 13, 2021, from
    United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2021, January 15). Reducing and Reusing Basics. Accessed December 13, 2021, from

    MARANAN, PATRISHA C., 2019-100624

  82. Hello, everyone! I’m Remelyn Sabangan, a third-year student at Rizal Technological University, and let’s find out how minimizing material goods, repurposing our stuff, and lowering our carbon footprint in a sustainable way is critical to business success.

    First and foremost, as different businesses continue to expand globally, it is undeniable that a significant number of businesses only have a diminutive concern for our environment, and they continue to extract our limited resources excessively, resulting in an increased waste, which, in the long run, not only has a huge impact on our environment but also has the potential to negatively impact our business. Apparently, many business owners underestimate the importance of waste management and recycling strategy. But as a matter of fact, this strategy will dictate how our business produces and deals with waste, ultimately predicting its environmental sustainability — and public perception. (Gibbons, 2020) On the other hand, if our organization is producing too much waste, aside from the fact that this will increase our business's expenditures, more importantly, it would give the potential customers an impression that we’re not concerned about environmental issues and that, can significantly affect our income.

    There are four simple options or ways that we can consider utilizing within our organization to reduce waste. First is composting, second is reduce packaging, third is recycling and fourth is shift to paperless. Undoubtedly, it is important for every business to engage in practices, habits and strategies that gives high value to our environment as it simultaneously saves money, increases efficiency, and improves environmental friendliness. Thus, it is extremely Important for today's businesses to shift its focus on a much greater goal: meeting the needs of all people within the resources of this extraordinary, unique, living world, so that we human, businesses and the rest of our nature can thrive.

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
    Gibbons, S. (2020, July 6). How New Businesses Can Improve Their Waste Management. Forbes. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

    SABANGAN, REMELYN T. (2019-101964)

  83. Aronce, Mary Angelou N.December 13, 2021 at 4:53 AM

    Hello! I am Mary Angelou Aronce, a third-year accountancy student from Rizal Technological University. I am here to share the importance of reducing waste resources and will be key to business success.

    We all know that waste is anything that adds no value to the product's quality, contributes nothing to the bottom line, and comes at a cost. It could be found at every level of an organization, in every department, and in almost every activity. A company should practice effective waste prevention to minimize added costs and create more profit. A company should implement the concept of 3R's to reduce waste effectively. The 3R's refers to reducing, reusing, and recycling. For instance, consumers are expected to reduce their waste by buying in bulk, purchasing items with less packaging, and switching to reusable items rather than single-use items. Businesses can implement manufacturing methods that use fewer resources and generate less waste. These initiatives frequently provide businesses and consumers with the financial incentive of low transaction costs and benefit the environment. Before recycling or disposing of anything, also assess whether it still has life in it. Reusing prevents new resources from using it for an extended time and prevents old resources from entering the waste stream. It's as essential as unappealing; consider doing it more frequently.

    Meanwhile, recycling takes a used material and processes, remanufactures, and sells it as a new product. Recycling leads to lower waste costs, saving on new purchases, happier employees as they also care about the environment and improved image of the company. Because nowadays, consumers appreciate more a product if it a recycled and less harmful to the environment. So, the 3R's will contribute to a company's success by increasing profitability, utilization of limited resources, cost reduction, and waste reduction.

    Accounting Made Easy. (2021, December 5). Quality Control & Audit Tools (in Filipino). Retrieved December 13, 2021.

    Aronce, Mary Angelou N. 2019-105627

  84. 1/2
    A pleasant day to everyone! Are you running a business at the moment? Do you want your business to succeed, but you keep on experiencing huge waste disposal? Well, if your answer is either of the two, take time to read this because it is definitely for you. Hi, this is Jaqueline V. Ligutan, a third-year Accountancy student from a prestigious University in Metro Manila, Rizal Technological University. Let me show you why the key to business success is the reduction of wasted resources.

    Many businesses are content with simply instituting a waste collection system. Waste management is getting more attention, and forward-thinking business owners are seeing the advantages of integrating a waste reduction program. One of the key objectives of organizations is to maximize the utility they extract from their resources. There are eight areas of waste and, it includes excess processing, inventory, transportation, defects, overproduction, waiting, motion, and underutilized employees.

    I believe that you have heard of the word waste and waste reduction. Moreover, let me define these words and why it is essential in a business to attain success. Anything done or acquired that is not required to complete an activity or support a process is considered waste. Waste manifests itself in a variety of ways, frequently leading to increased time consumption or underused funds. Waste reduction is critical for increasing profitability and making better use of the limited resources where most organizations possess. If more resources are used than are required to produce the goods or services that the customer genuinely desires, waste occurs.



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The revenue regulation issued on 05 December 2002 as presented below, is a modified version of the original RR 26-2002 to cope with the needs of the users of this website and for easy understanding of Electronic Filing & Payment System (EFPS) implemented by the Bureau of Internal Revenue. follow the blog author through his  facebook  page, twitter , instagram , and google+ ___________________________________________________________________________________ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Quezon City December 05, 2002 REVENUE REGULATIONS NO. 26-2002 SUBJECT : Amending Further Revenue Regulations No. 9-2001, as Amended by Revenue Regulations No. 2-2002 and Revenue Regulations No. 9-2002, Providing for the Staggered Filing of Returns of Taxpayers Enrolled in the Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS) Based on Industry Classification. TO : All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned. SECTION 1. SCOPE. –...

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Submit a 2-3 pages paper assignment, (excluding the title page and reference page) double-spaced in  Times New Roman  font which is no greater than  12-points in size . Paper and all citations should be in APA format. Send it to  once completely accomplished.    1. List the 7 Es according to importance or with the greatest impact on the organization. Explain how they impact the business. 2. Link the concept of excellence to the work of internal auditors and how can it be incorporated in audit programs. 3. How can failure in ethics affect organizational success? Choose one company that failed as to its ethics. 4. Describe ways to monetize the concept of ecology. How can you encourage others to observe environmental stewardship? After sending through email,  kindly post in rich text format your case analysis by commenting  on this post.  Deadline for accomplishment:  November 28, 2021 11:59PM