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Control Frameworks

Business processes need to be well controlled. The purpose of this week's lecture is to explain how control may be achieved, and how to assess whether this is so. We will do this by introducing a number of internal control paradigms, or frameworks. In covering these matters we will, of course, need to explain what is understood by the phrase “internal control”. “Internal control” as an expression is distinctive from “external control”, the latter being control exercised over the business from outside by owners and other stakeholders. “Internal control” is the control exercised within the business by management and overseen by the board. It also includes the control of activities that have been outsourced (Chambers & Rand).


Internal control comprises the plan of organization and the co-ordinate methods and measures adopted within a business to safeguard its assets, check the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies.

AICPA distinguished between accounting and administrative control, largely for pragmatic reasons as they needed to provide a focus on the controls most relevant to their members engaged as external auditors. Internal Accounting Control comprises the plan of the organization and the procedures and records that are concerned with the safeguards of assets and the reliability of financial records. Internal Administrative Control includes, but is not limited to, the plan of organization and the procedures and records that are concerned with the decision processes leading to management’s authorization of transactions. Such authorization is a management function directly associated with the responsibility for achieving the objectives of the organization and is the starting point for establishing accounting controls of transactions.



Please provide your answers with a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 500 words through this page link. Please observe proper citation and use APA format 7th edition.




(3) REPLY TO AT LEAST THREE of your classmates' perspectives to RISK ASSESSMENT and RISK MANAGEMENT. 

The cut-off date in posting to this discussion forum is until November 10, 2021 11:55PM Philippine Time.

NOTE: Do not create a new question in the eRTU Discussion Forum. Please answer directly through this discussion link posted by Prof. Markie Grabillo.



    The best internal control (IC) framework is “Internal Administrative Control”, internal controls are policies and procedures a business follows in its operations. Administrative controls include determining the segregation of duties among departments and employees, deciding which departments are authorized to conduct particular activities and developing independent verification systems. The latter means that the departments oversee one another's activities, providing a system of checks and balances. Accounting departments set different types of internal controls. These controls include policies and procedures that protect a company's finances and financial records. Other controls determined by the accounting department provide for financial review and appraisal, in the form of auditing and evaluation of the company's finances. Documents used for keeping financial records, such as invoices and time cards, are another control the accounting department determines. (Gary A. Porter and Curt L. Norton 2014) "Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers."
    It is not limited to, the plan of organization and the procedures and records that are concerned with the decision processes leading to management’s authorization of transactions. Such authorization is a management function directly associated with the responsibility for achieving the objectives of the organization and is the starting point for establishing accounting controls of transactions. (Jajodia, S., McGregor, G. W., List, W., & Strous, L. A. 2013). Integrity and internal control in information systems: Volume 1: Increasing the confidence in information systems. Springer.


  2. In my opinion, “Internal Administrative Control” is best for organization because it focuses with the decision making related to company’s transactions. Its purpose is to achieve organization’s objectives and establishing accounting controls for transactions.
    A properly designed system of internal controls aims to ensure the integrity of assets, allows for reliable accounting information and financial reporting, enhances efficiency within an organization, and provides guidelines and possible consequences for dealing with breaches. (Franklin, M., Graybeal, P., & Cooper, D. 2019). Principles of accounting volume 1 - Financial accounting.


    1. Good Day Mark Raven!

      I honestly had a hard time looking for someone who chose framework other than COSO. It is what I am looking for. You presented the idea very well and it gave me new perspective in terms effectivity of all frameworks.

      Rate: 10/10

      John Michael Ruiz (2019-103444)

    2. Hi Raven, I like you discussion the way you presented, it is well organized and very informative that lead to ease to understand and it gives me know new standpoints that can be habituated in effective control frameworks.

      DELAMBACA, VICENTE JR (2019-106640)
      RATE: 10/10

  3. The COSO Internal Control Framework is the best internal control framework in terms of effectiveness for the organization. This organization possesses five characteristics that aid the organization in the achievement of its objectives. Take command of your surroundings first. Having policies, procedures, and discipline in place makes it much easier for the control environment to get around problems related to internal control. The Risk Assessment is the second step. A particular type of risk exists for every firm. Organizations can use the characteristics of COSO to identify specific industry risks as well as risks to the enterprise as a whole. Control activities are the third type of activity to mention. It is important to follow particular procedures to guarantee that the organization has taken the appropriate preventive measures in response to the risk that was encountered. In the fourth category, we have information and communication technologies. It assists the company in ensuring that everyone in the various sectors is up to date on the current flow in all directions, which is beneficial. The last one is in charge of keeping an eye on the situation. Companies can use the COSO internal control framework to constantly monitor internal control and fix any abnormalities as soon as they occur. Aside from that, the COSO framework assists organizations in ensuring that their assets are protected from fraud and that their operations are efficient and successful. For financial reporting, this framework assists the organization in making sure that their financial reporting is timely, transparent and dependable.


    Dunkelberger (2019). How Can The COSO Framework Improve Your Organization’s Internal Controls. Retrieved November 5, 2021, from


    1. Hi Christian! I appreciate how you explain your work in a clear and straightforward manner. Great job!

      Batjer, Jennalyn

    2. Hi Christian! You are very concise and coherent. Great work!

      DE VERA, JOHN CARLO B. | 2019-104382

    3. Hi Christian Casal,
      It is indeed that COSO is one of the best internal control as it improve and increase organizational performance. Thanks for bringing great ideas to the table! I could see how much effort you put into creating your work. You think about things in such a creative way! (RATE : 10/10)

      -BERTIZ, COLINE B. (2019-100749)

    4. Hello, Christian! Your work is extremely detailed, and I appreciate how thoroughly you explained the significance of the COSO framework. Great work.
      RATE: 10/10

      SALVO, MARY ROSE E., 2019-102485

  4. Internal control aids organizations in achieving essential goals and maintaining and improving performance. The best internal control framework is the COSO Framework. The Internal Control—Integrated Framework from COSO helps organizations to design internal control systems that adapt to changing business and operating environments, minimize risks to acceptable levels, and support sound decision making and governance. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) framework developed for evaluating internal controls. This model has become the widely acknowledged framework for internal control, and it is widely recognized as the standard by which firms judge the efficiency of their internal control systems. According to the COSO model, internal control is "a procedure carried out by an entity's board of directors, management, and other staff to provide reasonable assurance of the attainment of objectives."

    The following five components of an effective internal control system work together to help an organization achieve its mission, strategies, and related business goals: Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring. Through direct leadership, common values, and a culture that emphasizes accountability for control, these components work to lay the groundwork for strong internal control within the organization. The company's numerous risks are identified and reviewed on a regular basis at all levels and across all functions. Control operations and other methods are planned ahead of time to handle and minimize major threats. Information crucial to recognizing risks and fulfilling business objectives is disseminated throughout the organization via established channels. The entire internal control system is constantly monitored, and faults are promptly remedied (Protiviti KnowledgeLeader, 2020).

    Internal Control - Integrated Framework. (2013). Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

    Protiviti KnowledgeLeader. (2020, March 12). Five Components of the COSO Framework You Need to Know.

    Batjer, Jennalyn P.

    1. Hi! I see that we both chose COSO Framework as the best IC Framework. You pointed out the reasons of your choice in a very detailed and organized manner. An excellent work!


    2. Hi Ate Jen! We both chose the same internal control framework. I agree that it is the best framework among the other frameworks. You also explained it clearly and precisely. Excellent Work!

    3. Stephanie BalaysocheNovember 6, 2021 at 10:27 PM

      Hi Jen! I agree with your choice of the best effective internal control for the organization and you explained well the reasons why you chose it. Good job!

      BALAYSOCHE, STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    4. Hi Jen! I love how you express your thoughts in logical manner that everyone can easily understand. It is also cited properly so good job. Keep up the good work!

      Yuga, Rhea Mae D. (2019-103574)

    5. Hi, Jen. I admire how simple your piece is. It's easy to read and understand.
      Rate 10/10
      Paglinawan, Eliazar A. 2019-101459

  5. All businesses must have controls in place to reduce risk and ensure accurate financial reporting. Management implements systems, practices, and strategies to assure the company's quality and productivity, the integrity of evaluation of financial reporting, and compliance with regulations and laws. The most effective internal control framework for me is the COSO framework. I have read that it is regarded the best practice, and as a result, majority of companies have adopted it. Companies can be more optimistic that their internal control systems can mitigate risks to an acceptable level owing to the said framework.

    Internal control objectives are divided into three categories under the COSO framework: operations, reporting, and compliance (Snook, 2019). Safeguarding the organization's assets from fraud are examples of operations objectives that focus on the efficiency of daily operations; reporting objectives that relate to the organization's reporting practices' openness, timeliness, and dependability is the objective of reporting; and conforming to rules and regulations that the organization must follow are known as compliance objectives. When it comes to creating an internal control system, the COSO framework is an excellent starting point. It is also effective because of its flexible and comprehensive system in order to apply to a wide range of sectors and processes.


    Snook, A. (2019). COSO Framework: What it is and How to Use it.

    LEYCO, PATRICIA DENISE P. (2019-101438)

    1. Hi Patricia! I like your work. You shared your perspective on the COSO framework with us, and it's very interesting. Good job!

      Batjer, Jennalyn

    2. Hi Denise! I agree with you that COSO is the most effective internal control framework. You clearly stated why it is the most effective and excellent starting point for creating an internal control system. Impressive work!

    3. Stephanie BalaysocheNovember 6, 2021 at 10:33 PM

      Hi Patricia! I agree with your insights on why the COSO framework is the best effective internal control and I admire your concise answer regarding the topic. Well done!

      BALAYSOCHE STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    4. Hi, Denise. I like how you elaborate your thoughts on this.
      Rate 10/10
      Paglinawan, Eliazar A. 2019-101459

    5. Hello, Pat! I appreciate how you developed excellent explanations for the questions, and I'd also like to compliment you on your writing style, which is fluent and clear. I fully agree that the COSO framework is the most effective framework for any organization. Great work!
      RATE: 10/10

      SALVO, MARY ROSE E., 2019-102485

    6. Hi Pat! I Your work is very insightful and informative. I also agree with you that COSO Framework is the finest and most effective internal control framework for a company. You did an excellent job discussing the topic. Excellent work!

      Rate: 10/10


  6. The COSO framework is the most effective internal control framework among them all. However, if it is for the IT audit industry, the COBIT framework is the ideal option because it is developed for IT governance and management. Furthermore, the CMMI framework is widely utilized in project management, process evaluation, and performance improvement environments.
    The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) internal control framework that businesses most commonly utilize to maintain an efficient and effective financial statement control environment. This framework is made up of five components that are further subdivided into 17 principles. The concepts are further broken down into 87 areas of emphasis to give thorough assistance to managers when establishing or redesigning internal controls for audit risk assessments and risk management (Auditboard, 2021).
    The framework emphasizes the significance of management judgment in planning, implementing, and carrying out internal control, as well as evaluating the success of an internal control system. Simultaneously, the Framework incorporates changes and clarifications designed to make usage and application easier. It helps businesses to design and manage internal control systems in an effective and efficient manner, increasing the possibility of accomplishing the entity's objectives and adapting to changes in the business and operating environments (Internal Control-Integrated Framework, 2013).

    Auditboard. (2021). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks.
    Internal Control - Integrated Framework. (2013). Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

    -FRANCIA, ANGELIKA D. (2019-101440)

    1. Hi! You made a very informative work about the framework you have chosen. It is very clear and concise. A great job!


    2. Hi Angelika! I admire how well-organized and understandable your work is. You also shared a bit of information about the COBIT and CMMI framework. Thank you for that. 

      Batjer, Jennalyn

    3. Stephanie BalaysocheNovember 6, 2021 at 10:41 PM

      Hi Angelika! You did an excellent job of creating a well-written work that explains why COSO is the most effective internal control for you. Keep up doing the great work!

      BALAYSOCHE STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    4. Hi Angelika Francia,
      COSO is, without a doubt, one of the best internal controls because it enhances and improves organizational performance. I could tell you put a lot of effort into your work. You have such a unique way of thinking at things. Thank you for sharing your brilliant thoughts! (RATE : 10/10)

      -BERTIZ, COLINE B. (2019-100749)

    5. Hi, Angelika. I love how you get through readers easily by your work.
      Rate 10/10
      Paglinawan, Eliazar A. 2019-101459

  7. For me, the best Internal Control Framework is the COSO Framework. Internal control is a continuous process that is handled and influenced by management and a brand's board of directors, according to this framework. Internal control, when utilized correctly, can assist ensure operational success, increase efficiencies, and even keep a company in conformity with regulations and laws. COSO is divided into five main categories to make implementation easier and to ensure that nothing is overlooked.

    The components listed below help an organization achieve its goals and mission by allowing it to better achieve its specified objectives in a healthy and effective system.

    1. Control Environment- an organization’s leadership, mission, goals, and expected outcomes are all included in this section. This key component includes your ethics policy and commitment to honesty, as well as your commitment to excellence and the structure of your hierarchy.
    Its control environment may comprise the management team and Board of Directors, the HR department and how they engage with employees, and even its internal regulations, depending on the firm. The organization can run more efficiently and with less strife and risk if its control environment is healthy. This crucial COSO Framework component requires the appropriate people in the right roles to succeed.

    2. Risk Assessment and Management- What are the challenges that a company's brand faces? This crucial COSO component identifies and addresses dangers and vulnerabilities, allowing them to fully comprehend the risks. Risk assessment is a thorough examination of the company's goals, methods, and, most importantly, where and how things could go wrong.
    They may face threats from outside sources, ranging from cyber assaults and data theft to the loss of valuable information, formulas, and processes, depending on their company model and industry. They may also be subject to severe compliancy and regulatory risk; brands in the healthcare, manufacturing, and development industries all face unique hazards.

    -----to be continued

    1. -----continuation

      3. Control Activities- This COSO Framework component looks at your policies and procedures, as well as how your security is executed and any continuity plans you have in place. Your control operations will fit with your mission and goals if you have a solid plan in place to maintain company continuity in the case of an emergency, as well as a proactive approach to security and improvements. When it comes to control activities, the better your policies are at laying out your standards and expectations, the more effective your firm will be.

      4. Information and Communication- What elements, responsibilities, and tasks does the corporation outsource, and how successful is the management of these external resources? Their capacity to correctly and effectively outsource essential initiatives and duties is heavily influenced by the information they provide and how they communicate it.
      By assessing how well they communicate and how well their demands are satisfied, they can verify that their money is being spent wisely and that their outsourcing investments are yielding the highest potential return.

      5. Monitoring- Setting new conditions an organization wants to work in and the policies its staff needs to follow is a good start, but they won't be able to keep up with the changes unless they monitor and analyze their operations. Ongoing monitoring can aid in the discovery of inefficiencies and shortcomings, allowing managers to take action and keep the company on course. Here, they can assess if there are any improvements and progress.

      It can be difficult to accurately and objectively evaluate our own internal teams and established methodologies. But I believe working with a company that specializes in COSO and efficiency improvement will ensure that nothing is overlooked and that we get the most out of the process.

      Anthony Jones (September 2019). Internal Control: 5 Key Principles of COSO Framework. Partners Without Anxiety Blog. Retrieved November 05, 2021.

      -Carlos, Leila Lauren M. [2019-101650]

    2. Hi Leila!
      I love how you elaborate each component of COSO framework. That gave me a crystal-clear thoughts. Also, I want to commend you for the last part of your discussion. That was a brief and concise conclusion. Fighting, future CPA!

      HEDREYDA, HILARY N. (2019-103876)

  8. An internal control framework is a systematic source of audit guidelines that organizes and categorizes presumptive controls or control systems. A well-functioning internal control process provides users with reasonable assurance that a company's performance reports are accurate and that they can be relied on to make sound decisions. Some organizations, such as the COSO internal control framework, create control frameworks for general purposes, whereas others are more specific. The most widely adopted internal control framework is the COSO framework. The internal control framework developed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) that corporations most commonly use to run an efficient and effective internal control environment. This internal control framework, which is made up of five COSO components and 17 principles, is used by many organizations to ensure compliance with the audit requirements. (AuditBoard, 2021) These internal control framework principles refer to the elements to be considered in order for the entity's internal control scheme to be considered effective. To achieve an effective overall system of internal control at the entity as a whole, controls must adequately meet the five COSO components and principles.

    Furthermore, the COSO internal control framework is shared by all system and organizational control reports used by service organizations to provide user entities with information about their control environment over the services provided that ensures the accomplishment of their service commitments and system requirements.
    I believe that this framework was designed and created to provide effective leadership on internal control, fraud prevention, and enterprise risk management through the development of comprehensive frameworks and guidance. It’s primary goal is to enhance and identify and oversight areas of improvement while reducing the extent of the risk of fraud.

    AuditBoard. (2021, March 03). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks. Accessed October 29, 2021, from

    -MENDOZA, RHEA LYN B. (2019-101819)

    1. Hi! You made a well-written work. I like how you explained its significance to an organization. I learned a lot reading your work. Job well done!


    2. Hi Rhea! I am very with your work where the essence of control framework is there and also it is well explained that ease to comprehend and I learn new perspectives on how does control framework is integral part of the organizations.

      DELAMBACA, VICENTE JR (2019-106640)
      RATE : 10/10

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1/2
    Many Internal control frameworks are being developed by different auditors and risk control experts such as COCO Framework, COBIT Framework, GTAG Framework, ISO Framework, ITIL Framework, CMMI Framework, and lastly the COSO Framework which aims for the three objectives of internal control which includes (1) effectiveness and efficiency operations, (2) Reliability of Financial Reporting, and (3) compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Among the aforementioned frameworks, I believe that the best internal control framework that was developed at this time is the COSO Framework (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission Framework) which I perceived to be the best guideline in evaluating internal control in an organization. Obviously, by looking at the COSO framework, it was presented in a cube figure that’s why it is called “COSO cube” because it shows the relationship between all the parts of an effective internal control system. Wherein, the columns are the three objective categories (operations, reporting, and compliance). The rows consist of the five components (Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring Activities. While in the third dimension of the cube represents the organizational structure (Entity Level, Division, Operating Unit, Function).

  11. 2/2
    Basically, looking at the cube for the first time is a bit confusing for a layman but when you try to understand every detail of it especially as an internal auditor, you will then understand how its cube parts are interrelated with each other and how it is useful in assessing risk management and controls. In addition to that, according to the Knowledge Leader Blog, “COSO cube has been adopted as the generally accepted framework for internal control and is widely recognized as the definitive standard against which organizations measure the effectiveness of their systems of internal control.” This means that COSO framework is a worthy option in modifying systems of internal control because it manages the loopholes of risks by simply analyzing the cube.

    Snook, A. (2019), COSO Framework: What it is and How to Use it,

    Protiviti KnowledgeLeader (2020), Knowledge Leader Blog: Five Components of the COSO Framework You Need to Know,

    ESCRITOR, RHEABELLE: 2019-106337

    1. Hi Rheabelle! We have the same thoughts about the best Internal Control (IC) Framework which is the COSO Framework. Also, it is always interesting to read your work since you always based it on your own understanding, it helps me understand the topic well. Looking forward to read more of your work. Excellent Work! 10/10

      Tandayu, Lexter M. (2019-106755)

    2. Hello Rheabelle Escritor! I love how you express your thoughts and ideas on what is the best internal control framework. Im looking forward to read some of your ideas in the future.

      NUDO, MARINEL S. 2019-106335

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Loneil, I like your work. You explained it in a detailed and informative way. You also stated the reasons why it it is the most effective internal control framework for you.

  14. An internal control framework is a structured guide that organizes and categorizes expected controls or control topics (AuditBoard, 2021). Basically, this is the baseline of an organization in developing, implementing, and assessing control processes. With a variety of frameworks available, management can opt to choose which frameworks to use. However, there is a constraint in choosing internal control framework - that is to consider if the framework chosen is suitable and applicable in terms of attaining the objectives of an organization. Though, these internal control frameworks have the same objectives and are designed to help organizations place an effective system of internal controls while minimizing risks. It is still important to choose what's best for the organization.
    There are numerous internal control frameworks, it can be for general or specific purposes. But if there is the best among these frameworks, I consider the COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework. It is the first Internal control framework considered as the original framework that was released in 1992 by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Aside from being the broadly accepted and widely used Internal control framework up until now around the world, I consider it as a compact. The reason is based on the "rubik cube" model of COSO's internal control, whereas you can see the direct relationship that exist between objectives, components and the organizational structure of the entity (Internal Control - Integrated Framework, 2013). Also, they are the one who introduced the five essential components of internal control which includes (1) Control environment; (2) Risk assessment; (3) Control activities; (4) Information and communication; and (5) Monitoring, that must be in place and must be functioning well; together with the 17 principles that represents the fundamental concepts which are associated in each component to achieve an effective internal control. In conclusion, this framework enables organizations to effectively and efficiently develop systems of internal control that adapt to changing business and operating environments, mitigate risks to acceptable levels, and support sound decision making and governance of the organization (Internal Control - Integrated Framework, 2013).


    AuditBoard. (2021, March 03). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks. Retrieved November 06, 2021, from

    Internal Control - Integrated Framework. (2013). Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Accessed November 06, 2021, from

    Tandayu, Lexter M. (2019-106755)

    1. Hi Mr. Tandayu, I agreed that it's important to properly select the internal control framework to be use, because it may varies depends in the practices of the management and the organization. Overall you did great.
      - Villanueva, Don Luis M. (2019-102313)

    2. Hi Lexter Tandayu! I love your work. We have the same choice in what is the best internal control framework. You did great!

    3. Hello Lex! I appreciate how you elaborate the importance of choosing what best Internal Control framework to use. we are totally on the same page about COSO as the most effective IC framework. love your work! 10/10
      - Longno, Micah Lei C (2019-106978)

  15. In my opinion, the best internal control framework is the COSO framework for the reason that I found COSO framework divides internal control objectives into three categories: operations, reporting and compliance. Wherein operations objectives such as performance goals and securing the organization’s assets against fraud, focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of your business operations. Reporting objectives, including both internal and external financial reporting as well as non-financial reporting, relate to transparency, timeliness and reliability of the organization’s reporting habits. And at last compliance objectives are internal control goals based around adhering to laws and regulations that the organization must comply with. The most amazing feature of this framework is that COSO recognizes that, while its framework could help us design a fraud-deterring system of internal controls, it’s not without limitations. For example, even the strongest system can’t prevent human error, bad judgement and external events that are beyond your control. The proper execution of the COSO framework is dependent on the ability to establish, formal control environment so I seems to me that it is an artificial intelligence ; however, the framework provides minimal implementation guidance.” Small businesses and startups may feel overwhelmed and unsupported, leading them to use a model with a more detailed framework instead. The framework is intentionally broad in order to apply to a wide array of industries and processes. This feature can be problematic, though, for “more complex businesses (e.g., those with varied operations and complex data systems)”. And also the governing body of this framework, the COSO board develops guidance documents that help organizations with risk assessment, internal controls and fraud prevention.
    Internal Control—Integrated Framework (Framework), © [2013] Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

    Dayola, Charls Daniel L.

  16. As per Audit Board (2021), in the context of internal control, an internal control framework is a systematic guide that collects and categorizes anticipated controls or control themes. COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Groups) is the most often used framework by businesses and other organizations. An organization's risk assessment and management operations are built on a control framework, which serves as the foundation for developing successful internal control processes that limit or mitigate risk. According to the COSO internal control structure, internal control consists of five critical components: Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Actions, Information and Communication, and Monitoring. Through this framework, companies will have a systematic approach to risk identification, mitigation, and monitoring to ensure that the risk does not resurface to jeopardize the entity's ability to fulfill its goals.

    COSO emphasizes need for appropriate and elevated information for control tasks. A robust system requires both internal communication emphasizing the critical nature of control duties and unambiguous transmission of expectations with external providers. Hence as emphasized in 2013 by the Internal Control-Integrated Framework, the management judgment is critical to the development, implementation, and evaluation of an internal control system, according to the framework. Additionally, the Framework has been updated and clarified to make it more user-friendly. An effective and efficient internal control system design and management may help firms achieve their goals and adapt more easily to changes in their business and operational environments.

    To sum things up, COSO's Internal Control-Integrated Framework is something I'm interested in. In 1992, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission produced the first Internal control framework that is considered the original framework (COSO). Beyond the fact that it is the most widely-accepted and widely-used framework for internal control to date, I see it as a compact agreement.


    AuditBoard. (2021, March 03). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks. Retrieved November 06, 2021, from

    Internal Control - Integrated Framework. (2013). Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

    Jerick E. Guasin ; 2019-105702 (CBET-01-503A)

    1. Hello, Mr. Guasin, I agreed with your point that with the use of COSO, the organization will achieve it's objectives and goals. Good job.
      - Don Luis M. Villanueva (2019-102313)

  17. The Internal Control Framework is an integrated system of plans and processes. It's a way to build on one another so that your goals are met. It was created as a way of identifying any faults within organizations and taking action to fix these faults; most importantly through identifying root causes for why organizations fail or succeed at what they do. For me COSO is the most effective internal control framework, aside from being famous among other frameworks, COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization) is a procedural framework that focuses on the effectiveness of internal control to the organization. Internal controls are improved, allowing the business to better mitigate risks and have the data needed to make sound decisions. It also improved cybersecurity, putting businesses on the proper track in facing and controlling the alarming amount of cyberattacks. Furthermore, when a business effectively implements this framework, it will be able to optimize operations, build more efficient internal controls, and manage compliance expenses, resulting in significant cost savings. COSO was adopted by different organization that makes it more effective since it is a joint initiative by different standardization bodies. Through this it ensures compliance with regulations and laws and prevent companies from fraud or theft from within.


    Half, R. (2015, March 25). The Benefits of Adopting the COSO 2013 Framework — Even If You Aren't Required to. Retrieved from Robert Half Talent Solutions:

    Yuga, Rhea Mae D. (2019-103574)

    1. Hi Rhea! Apparently, we're on the same page as we both thought that COSO framework is the most effective as it is my answer too. You have presented clearly your thoughts in your work. Great work!

      Rate: 10/10

    2. Hi! I commend you for this excellent work. It gave me a fresh view on COSO. We both think COSO as the effective internal control framework.


    3. Hello, Rhea! I appreciate how you expand on your point of view on this subject; it provides me with more information. I agree with everything you said about the COSO framework. Excellent Work!
      RATE: 10/10

      SALVO, MARY ROSE E., 2019-102485

    4. Hi, Rhea!
      Your work shows that you definitely understand the different internal control frameworks. Also, you clearly explained why you chose COSO framework as the most effective and the best framework among the others. I would like to commend you also for using APA format. Great job!

      Rate: 10/10


  18. Stephanie BalaysocheNovember 6, 2021 at 10:19 PM

    According to the definition given by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), internal control is a process, affected by an entity's board of directors or trustees, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in different categories such as effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The responsibility of creating and implementing the appropriate system of internal controls is normally given to the management. However, to successfully execute those internal controls introduced by the management, employees and staff of the company are required to follow and apply those practices in their work. Aside from that, the purpose of internal control is to achieve the objectives of the organization such as prevention of frauds, irregularities and unexpected errors, and guarantee that corrective measures are properly taken. As we all know about internal control, the next thing to find out is the internal control framework. Based on the website of Auditboard, the internal control framework is a structured guide that organizes and categorizes expected controls or control topics. The management can select various frameworks in particular situations. There are so many available frameworks existing right now and each one of them is truly helpful to achieve the goals of the company. However, in my personal view, the most effective framework for the organization is the COSO framework.

    BALAYSOCHE, STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    1. Hi Stephanie! I appreciate how your work is organized and easy to understand. Thank you for sharing your insight about COSO framework. You did great job!

      Yuga, Rhea Mae D. (2019-103574)

  19. In 2013, COSO introduced a new internal control framework with some revisions and new updates related to the 1992 version. The main purpose of the update is to provide more relevancy in a dynamic and complex business environment. Furthermore, it is widely adopted by many companies as the new version of the framework gives essential benefits to the organization. This framework is most commonly applied by several corporations to produce an efficient and effective control environment within their organization. In fact, the organization can gain a lot of advantages by using this framework compared to other existing ones. The COSO framework contains three main objectives. The first is operational objectives. It aims to focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation of the business such as the financial and operational activities. The next objective is reporting. It emphasizes both internal and external financial reporting. It includes transparency, credibility, regulations and the policies of the company. The last objective is about compliance. It promotes strict adherence to laws and regulations necessary to comply with the continuous operation of the organization. Apart from those objectives, the COSO framework enhances the overall cybersecurity of the organization. To sum up, the COSO framework is indeed an effective one to use to establish a strong internal control in the organization. It even allows to minimize risks and produce data that will serve as a necessary factor for the decision-making. In addition, it assesses how to further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall operations of the organization.

    Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO control frameworks. (2021, March 3). AuditBoard.,effective%20financial%20statement%20control%20environment.

    Plaster, G. A. (2019, October 22). The COSO internal control framework and your company’s internal control processes. Baker Tilly.

    What are internal controls? (n.d.). WIU.

    BALAYSOCHE, STEPHANIE (2019-101856)

    1. Hi Stephanie! I'd like to say that we both have the same thoughts about the most effective or should I say the best Internal control framework which is the COSO framework. You have presented us so many useful ideas and I commend you with that. Great work!

      Rate: 10/10

    2. Hi, I agree with your thoughts and we both picked COSO as the best internal control Framework. Your organization of thoughts are on point-- giving us a clear explanation of COSO.

      Rate: 10/10

  20. In my opinion it would definitely be the COSO framework. According to the Auditboard site, the COSO framework is the most commonly used internal control framework. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) internal control framework that corporations most frequently use to run an efficient and effective financial statement control environment.

    Additionally, according to COSO in the article of Snook (2019), it is stated there that COSO focuses on achieving objectives in operations, reporting and/or compliance; it is an ongoing process; it depends on people’s actions, not merely written policies and procedures; it provides assurance senior management of security to a reasonable degree; and it can be adapted to the needs of the whole organization as well as each department, unit or process.

    With that being said, I reckon that COSO is what I think for me the most effective and best for the welfare of the organization or firm. It has the best setup for me because it is well-organized and well-thought-out as it has multiple objectives divided into three categories which also in its "COSO cube",everything is elaborated very well and it considers so many factors or relationships between all the parts of an effective internal control system. It also guarantees that its framework should help everyone to design and have a fraud-deterring system of internal controls. In conclusion, COSO may not be a perfect framework as it has its limitations and flaws as well, however this type of framework has been proven effective and efficient.

    Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks. Auditboard. Retrieved November 07, 2021 from,effective%20financial%20statement%20control%20environment.

    Snook, A. (2019). COSO Framework: What it is and How to Use it. i-Sight.


    1. Hi Airon!
      I always get impressed on how you explain and elaborate the information you have learned and have gathered. Your discussion about the relevance of the internal control specifically COSO framework gave me further knowledge and ideas. Fighting, future CPA!

      HEDREYDA, HILARY N. (2019-103876)

    2. Hi Airon Nicole Jadraque,

      COSO is one of the best internal controls since it enhances and improves organizational performance. You have such an innovative way of thinking at things and I could tell you put a lot of time and thought into your work. Thank you for contributing such brilliant thoughts! (RATE : 10/10)

      -BERTIZ, COLINE B. (2019-100749)

  21. Every organization exists to achieve some goals, but there are numerous risks that can prevent those goals from being met. As a result, establishing and implementing appropriate internal controls is critical for businesses of all sizes. Internal controls are the mechanisms, rules, and procedures put in place by a company to ensure the accuracy of financial and accounting information, promote accountability, and prevent fraud. Aside from complying with laws and regulations and preventing employees from stealing assets or committing fraud, internal controls can help improve operational efficiency by improving the accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting.

    Internal controls cannot always prevent fraud, especially if it is carried out by top management, but they can aid in the detection of fraudulent activity in most cases. Internal controls can help ensure that financial statements are prepared on time and accurately, and that any assertions made in the completed financial statements are addressed.

    Even if internal controls are in place, human error can still occur. However, with the right internal controls in place, it's more likely that any mistakes will be discovered fast and fixed swiftly. Businesses of any size will be able to fulfill three main business objectives by establishing and effectively administering internal controls: accurate financial reporting, compliance with all relevant legislation, and successful operations.

    Among the different internal control frameworks developed by different auditors and risk control experts, COSO’s Internal Control—Integrated Framework (Framework) is one of the best for me because It enables businesses to establish internal control systems that are effective and efficient in adapting to changing business and operating environments, mitigating risks to acceptable levels, and supporting sound decision-making and governance.

    Girsch- Bock, Mary. (August 6, 2001). The Importance of Internal Controls. Retrieved November 7, 2021 6:39 pm from

    Internal Control - Integrated Framework. (2013). Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Retrieved November 7, 2021 6:42 pm from

    CHENCEL-ANNMAE F. ALMODIEL (2019-105222)

    1. Hi Miss Almodiel, I agreed with your view in conducting internal control, it's important to practice and prioritize the 3 objectives. Overall its great.
      - Villanueva, Don Luis M. (2019-102313)

  22. The COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization) Framework was published and used by American Institute Certified Public Accountant and widely uses in United states. It is labeled as the control environment or the internal environment. COSO is a framework for designing, implementing and evaluating internal control for organizations, providing enterprise risk management.

    For me, COSO is the best internal control framework, it's evident that it is the most popular and widely used framework across the world. COSO focus more on the procedural side of implementing the internal control or audit that sets apart with other frameworks. "Tone at the top" is associated with COSO, it's the viewing of top management or board to the controls and they act appropriately with the risk and problems that they newly discovered. As visual representation of COSO framework, its has five body stages and they are Control environment, Risk assessment, Risk activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring activities. The top part objectives are effectiveness and efficiently operations, reliability of finacial reporting and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The side parts are entitiy, division, operating unit and function. The rubic cubes clearly represents that each and every functions are related to each others and it is important to do the functions in sequence to optimize the result.

    The control environment makes this frameworks very effective and important. It is the fundamental component that sets all the rest components. A good control environment provides the setting necessary for effective internal control arrangements to be established and applied. The COSO framework will be effective for the organization because it has concrete procedures to first study and know the control environment, then conduct a risk assessment to identify, measure and analyze the risk, that will result to produce a control activity to address the risk, then review the information and communication if it is relevant and useful, and finally the monitoring activities to check the progress and do some corrective action.

    Chambers, A. & Rand, G. (2010). The Operational Auditing Handbook: Auditing Business and IT Processes. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN 978-0-470 74476-5. pp 117

    McLaughlin, M. (2019). The 5 Components of Internal Control. Edspira. Retrieved on October 26, 2021. v=15_n4yi9dMU

    -Villanueva, Don Luis M. (2019-102313)

  23. 1/2
    Chambers and Rand defined the internal control as the control exercised within the business by management and overseen by the board. These of course include the establishment of control activities that have a potential effectiveness to control or handle the assessed risks done from previous steps conducted. Through the years of developing the concept of internal control, and later on, defined as the plan of organization and the co-ordinate methods and measures adopted within the business (AICPA 1948). To intensively apply and exercise the internal controls, they developed internal frameworks to broaden the application of internal control in addressing operations and reporting objectives, and clarify the requirements for determining what constitutes effective internal control. The frameworks COSO internal control, UK's Turnbull internal control, and COCO internal control are the three primary frameworks used according to the Securities and Exchange Commissions. Though the definitions provided by each control somehow varied from each other, the internal controls has the same ground, that is to implement the controls needed and to oversee the possible operation risks in an organization.

    BANDOLA, ERICA C. (2019-105307)

  24. 2/2
    Among the three frameworks provided, the most commonly used is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) internal control framework. The COSO internal control is frequently used to observe the effective financial statements control in the organization. To achieve this, the COSO provided five key components, or as preferred as key principles, of internal control. These key components are essential and must be functioning well. When it comes to implementing internal controls in the organization, the first thing needed to do is to establish a good internal control environment by providing vision, skills, incentives, resources, and a plan to set objectives and avoid confusions. Of course, the next step, and is also important, is the risk assessment in the organization to identify and analyze threats and to furtherly achieve the objectives set. The next step is to create and conduct control activities to mitigate the assessed risk from the previous step. This will allow the organization to reduce the controllable risks and to provide specific actions. In communicating critical information and documents, the personnel who handle and are responsible for this should be knowledgeable enough to the policies and standards used in the operations. Information and communication is achieved through hiring personnels that is critical in achieving goals and objectives. The last step in COSO internal framework is the monitoring of activities through continual evaluation of the mentioned steps. In this step, the auditor should be a professional skeptic to make sure that all the information provided is true and unbiased.

    Clarke, I. (PARTNER | CPA, CISA, CISSP). (2020, March 24). Establishing an Effective Internal Control Environment. Lincord & Co. CPA Firm.
    Chambers, A. & Rand, G. (2010). The Operational Auditing Handbook: Auditing Business and IT Processes. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Publication. pp 116 - 146

    BANDOLA, ERICA C. (2019-105307)

    1. Nice analysis there, Erica. I'm glad that you shared your idea in an organized way. Keep it up. ❤️
      Rate: 10/10

      – CRUZ, IVY FRANCESCA SN. (2019-103873)

  25. Internal control frameworks are really vital in the guidance of the internal control system or process of an organization. According to Murdock (2017), the COSO’s internal control integrated framework or IC-IF is the most common framework used by a lot of organization. Hence a lot of organization find this framework as beneficial in overseeing their operational systems. This commission as well is sponsored by the five professional association which includes IIA, AICPA, AAA, IMA, and FEI which also showcase how well-supported this commission is. The best thins about the COSO is their goal on enhancing the quality of the financial reporting of every organization by focusing on corporate governance, ethics, and internal control (Murdock, 2017). Moreover, the IC-IF of COSO has an effective internal control system which composed of five components in achieving the organization’s mission, strategies, and objective. It includes, firstly, the control environment which establish well-founded internal audit people and environment. It also includes the risk assessment which give emphasis on the process or system in risk identification and analysis to help the management change and decide on things within the company. Also, it also includes effective control activities which is focused on the improvement of policies and procedure of the business. Moreover, it also includes information and communication which highlight the measurement of quality of information and the effectiveness of communication. Lastly, it also includes monitoring which emphasize the relevant evaluation, deficiency and ongoing monitoring on the organization’s system. Hence, COSO’s IC-IF definitely give significant importance on the holistic approach on rectifying and improving the internal capacity of an organization.

    Knowledge Leader. (2020, March 12). Retrieved from
    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing. Florida: CRC Press.

    DE VERA, JOHN CARLO B. (2019-104382)

    1. Good Day John Carlo!

      I also picked COSO Framework and I am glad that you were able to show me some points I am looking for.

      Rate: 10/10

      John Michael Ruiz (2019-103444)

  26. Hi Loniel! You explained your work in a cohesive and coherent way. Same thoughts as how COSO's internal control framework as one of the best!

    DE VERA, JOHN CARLO B. | 2019-104382

  27. Hi Particia! Your work is very informative and easy to understand! Great work!

    DE VERA, JOHN CARLO B. | 2019-104382

  28. For me the best internal control framework to use in an organization is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission or COSO. It is an internal control framework in what corporations most commonly employ to maintain an efficient and productive financial reporting internal audit function. COSO created a governance framework with five dimensions that are divided into 17 guidelines. The guidelines are further broken down into 87 coordinates of greater emphasis capable of providing decision makers with analysis and recommendations when trying to design or monitoring internal controls for audit vulnerability assessment and operational risk. I think it is the most effective internal control framework because Regardless of whether your organization continually preserves effective internal control or has experienced significant some uncertainty, the COSO Framework could perhaps assist you and your Data centre team in taking steps to improve. An effective and efficient internal control system functions best with specific components that reflect the overall mission, methodologies, and organization's business desired outcomes. The COSO Framework includes five components that help any company achieve its goals: attempting to control the environment, identifying risks, supervising operational activities, facilitating the dissemination of information and interaction, as well as monitoring prescheduled audits and accountant's reports. Internal controls must be constantly monitored in order to detect and instances and issues as soon as possible.

    Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks (2003) Retrieved from

    Dunkelberger , David (2019) How Can The COSO Framework Improve Your Organization’s Internal Controls; Retrieved from

    -Dugay, Bernadeth (2019-103892)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi, Dethie! You presented your work logically, the thoughts and ideas are well-explained. I definitely agree with you with regards to the best internal control framework. I commend you for doing such a great work. Can't wait to read more of your works. Keep it up!

      LIGUTAN, JAQUELINE V. (2019-104055)

  29. Hi pat!!

    I love the way you explained your thoughts about this matter. I love your attitude towards this great work, why? because it is easy to understand and the way you explain it is very creative. keep up the good work ! Jiayou

    Rate: 10/10
    DUGAY BERNADETH (2019-103892)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Internal control serves as a plan and/or guide of an organization in order to safeguard its assets, check the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies. There are different internal control frameworks. These are COSO, COCO, COBIT, GTAG, ISO, ITIL, and CMMI frameworks.

    I believe that Committee of Sponsoring Organization, also known as COSO framework, is the most effective among them. It is mainly because it helps organizations by ensuring operational effectiveness and efficiency, financial reporting reliability, and applicable laws and regulations compliance. These can be seen when their operations are running effectively and efficiently. The second one is that the financial statements are accurate and their assets and stakeholders are protected from fraud. Lastly, the whole organization complied with the rules and regulations of the law and the management itself. Furthermore, there are five components of COSO framework. These five are control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring. Risk assessment identifies and assesses all possible risk at all levels of the organization and then, control activities help mitigate those risks. The internal control systems are also monitored to ensure that those controls are working properly for the organization. Likewise, information and communication is essential and necessary to carry out internal control responsibilities and disseminate all the information throughout the organization. All of these components work to establish the foundation for sound internal control through directed leadership, shared values, and a culture that emphasizes accountability for control.

    COSO framework therefore, are very important and indeed the most effective to help the company achieve its goals and objectives in a long term success of the business.


    Protiviti KnowledgeLeader. (2020, March 12). Five Components of the COSO Framework You Need to Know. Accessed on November 08, 2021.

    Reciprocity. (2019, December 13). Guide to COSO Framework and Compliance. Accessed on November 08, 2021.

    HEDREYDA, HILARY N. (2019-103876)

    1. I also chose the COSO framework because it is comprised of most the organizations, if not all, the things which should be done. Nice work!
      Rate: 10/10

      – CRUZ, IVY FRANCESCA SN. (2019-103873)

  32. Hello Loneil!
    Your work is impressive. I love how you define first the internal control before you enumerate those components of COSO and gave its significance to an entity. The flow of the information is logically arranged. Good thing that you cite sources and follow APA format. Fighting, future CPA!

    HEDREYDA, HILARY N. (2019-103876)

  33. Internal control is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance. For me, the best IC framework is the one developed by Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). This framework or model defines internal control as “a process effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel designed to provide reasonable assurance of the achievement of objective. COSO framework divides internal control objectives into three categories: operations, reporting and compliance. (a) Operations objectives, such as performance goals and securing the organization’s assets against fraud, focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of your business operations. (b) Reporting objectives, including both internal and external financial reporting as well as non-financial reporting, relate to transparency, timeliness and reliability of the organization’s reporting habits. (c) Compliance objectives are internal control goals based around adhering to laws and regulations that the organization must comply with.
    This COSO model also further teaches that there are five components to an internal control system. (1) Control environment is the “set of standards, processes, and structures that provide the basis for carrying out internal controls across the organization. (2) Risk assessment involves your organization’s analysis of the risks posed by internal and external changes, the ability to establish objectives and determine their suitability for your business and the process for weighing risks versus risk tolerances. (3) Control activities are the tasks and activities (laid out by organizational policies and procedures) that help you achieve your internal control objectives. These include actions such as “authorizations and approvals, verifications, reconciliations, and business performance reviews.” (4) Information and communication component recognizes these two things as essential to any internal control system. COSO stresses the importance of relevant and high-quality information to control functions. Internal messages emphasizing the importance of control responsibilities, in addition to clear communication of expectations with external parties, is key to a strong system. (5) Monitoring your internal controls is just as important as establishing them. Use ongoing evaluations built into your business processes as well as regular separate evaluations, which will vary based on your level of risk, system effectiveness and regulation requirements.
    This framework for me is the best because the goal of implementing a control framework is to improve the quality and usability of data, not to impose compliance indiscriminately. Internal controls are useful for more than just compliance and financial reporting to the outside world. Internal controls that are effective can help organizations expand on a long-term basis while maintaining confidence in the integrity of all forms of data.

    Snook, A. (2019). COSO framework: what it is and how to use it. i-Sight.

    – CRUZ, IVY FRANCESCA SN. (2019-103873)

    1. Hi, Ivy! In my opinion, COSO framework is also the most effective. Your ideas are well-written and easy to comprehend. I am looking forward to reading more of your works in the future.

      Rate: 10/10
      Thea Sofia A. Barabicho

    2. Hi Ivy! I really appreciated your work the way you presented the significancee of the control frameworks is there that tends to be informative and easy to understand. Keep it up the goodwork.

      DELAMBACA, VICENTE JR (2019-106640)
      RATE: 10/10

  34. Your discussion assignment is really well-written and I'm glad that we chose the same framework. Great job!
    Rate: 10/10

    – CRUZ, IVY FRANCESCA SN. (2019-103873)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Control frameworks are taking place in many businesses to keep pace with the obscuring of national boundaries, blending of cultures, interfaces among computer systems, expansion of online business exercises and many more factors that results in a proliferation of vulnerabilities, risks, stakeholders, and other phenomena or activities that could affect the performance of an organization.

    As a person who is involved in a field of Accountancy I believe that the Most Effective Internal Control Framework in an Organization will be "COSO Framework" as we, future accountants practice transparency in any situation, organizational or personal. Transparency meant to establish trust and goodwill by building and preserving the firm’s reputation for openness and honesty in its business dealings. It will manifest to all corners of business from its people, investors, suppliers, customers, and even to the public mass. According to Hernan Murdock, COSO’s goal was to improve the quality of financial reporting through a focus on corporate governance, ethical practices, and internal control. It has five Integrated Frameworks which are (1) Control Environment which is about commitment to integrity and competence, establishing authority with responsibility, and enforcing Accountability. Then (2) Risk Assessment which is clearly about identifying and minimizing risk. (3) Control Activities or simply means developing policies and procedures. (4) Information and Communication or usage of relevant information that could communicate to internal and external sources. Lastly, (5) Monitoring Activities where conducting evaluation takes place and identifies deficiencies to have a prompt solution.

    The integrated framework of COSO is not just about transparency but scopes all other important factors in governing the internal control of an organization. Therefore, I conclude that this is the best and most effective way out of all given frameworks.

    Hernan, M. (2017). Operational Auditing. CRC Press.

    Gan Integrity (2021). What is Transparency in Business?

    John Michael Ruiz (2019-103444)

    1. Hi Ruiz! I love how your work provide technical information about COSO framework more understandable. I also want to commend you for using proper citation. Good job!

      Yuga, Rhea Mae D. (2019-103574)

    2. Hi Ruiz!

      I like how you composed your thoughts by explaining the essence of control framework first before explaining your chosen internal control framework. I also like to compliment that your ideas are concise and provides essential information. Great work!



    RATE: 10/10

    John Michael Ruiz (2019-103444)

  39. Thea Sofia A. BarabichoNovember 8, 2021 at 12:43 PM

    An internal control framework is a widely-known process implemented and monitored by the board of directors, senior management, and all levels of personnel to provide assurance on the achievement of objectives through efficient and effective operations. When documenting and testing a control environment, internal auditors mostly rely on internal control frameworks. An organization’s management can choose among the various frameworks available depending on what they want to maintain and achieve. Some organizations use control frameworks for general purposes like the COSO Internal Control, while others design COBIT IT Control framework for more specific purposes.

    Among all of the auditing frameworks available, I think that the COSO Internal Control framework is the most effective to an organization. It is also the most commonly used because of its efficiency and effectiveness. It is the first framework released in 1992 by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). It is made in conjunction with five organizations - American Accounting Association (AAA), American Institute of Public Accountants (AICPA), Financial Executives International (FEI), Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), and Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). Having these organizations support the framework, it became broadly and globally accepted. COSO developed a control framework which contains five principles such as Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, Control Environment, and Monitoring Activities. Along with these principles is the illustration made to show the relationship between all the parts of an effective internal control system referred to as the “COSO Cube.” It enables an organization to adapt in a fast-changing business environment, mitigate risks at an acceptable level, implement proper governance, and create sound decisions.

    However, even though the framework is said to be the best, it cannot always guarantee a successful business operation. It would only serve as a guide because even the strongest internal control system could not prevent errors made by the employees, bad judgments, and fortuitous events which are beyond the company’s control.

    Barabicho, Thea Sofia A.

    1. hello thea! i liked the way you gave out information in your essay. also, you have made a good point in your concluding statement where there is always room for risks and must be accounted for. Well done!

      Rate: 10/10
      Bentulan, John Patrick Abraham A. (CBET-01-502A)

  40. Thea Sofia A. BarabichoNovember 8, 2021 at 1:06 PM

    Hi, Bernard! We are on the same page as COSO framework is also the best for me. Your ideas are easy to understand and reliable because you provided a lot of informative details. I am looking forward to reading more of your works in the future.

    Rate: 10/10
    Thea Sofia A. Barabicho

  41. Thea Sofia A. BarabichoNovember 8, 2021 at 1:08 PM

    Hi, Erika! Your ideas are easy to understand and comprehend. You also have provided various sources which made your claims more reliable. I am looking forward to reading more of your works in the future.

    Rate: 10/10
    Thea Sofia A. Barabicho

  42. From my standpoint, I can say that The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) internal framework is the best internal framework in improving performance, and efficiency and effectiveness in an organization. COSO developed a control framework containing five components that break into 17 principles. The principles are further detailed into 87 points of focus to provide detailed guidance to managers when designing or mapping internal controls when used for audit risk assessments and by risk management (Audit Board, 2021). When an organization uses a control framework effectively management designs internal control processes with the framework as a baseline. Doing so helps the organization design control procedures that create and preserve value while minimizing risk. With that being said, COSO has 5 components in achieving the organization’s mission on an effective internal control. It consists of Control environment, Risk assessment, Control activities, Information and communication, and monitoring. All can help in identifying, assessing, and mitigating routinely the significant risks within all functions of the organization. Moreover, another reason why I think COSO is the best internal control framework is because has a similar applicability version to the updated framework. It is said in the article that previously, it is issued with guidance on monitoring internal control system to help organization (Internal Control – integrated Framework, 2013).

    Auditboard. (2021). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks.
    Internal Control - Integrated Framework. (2013). Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).


    1. Hi, Ashley!
      I like how you discuss the topic in a short but informative way. I also commend you for providing additional information about your chosen framework. Job well done!

      Rate: 10/10


  43. I believe that the best internal control framework that was developed in todays time is the COSO Framework (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission Framework). A COSO Framework's main purpose is to improve and increase organizational performance and oversight while also lowering the risk of fraud. The organisation was established to provide thought leadership on internal control, fraud prevention, and corporate risk management through the development of comprehensive frameworks and guidelines.

    Together, the COSO board develops guidance documents that help organizations with risk assessment, internal controls and fraud prevention. Their vision is to “be a recognized thought leader in the global marketplace on the development of guidance in the areas of risk and control which enable good organizational governance and reduction of fraud.”

    The COSO framework further teaches that there are five components to an internal control system. This includes the following:
    ‌ control environment  are a set of standards, processes, and structures that serve as the foundation for implementing internal controls throughout an organization.
    ‌Risk assessment is the process of analyzing the risks created by internal and external changes, establishing objectives and determining their fit for your business, and comparing risks against risk tolerances.
    ‌Control activities are the tasks and activities (laid out by organizational policies and procedures) that help you achieve your internal control objectives. These include actions such as “authorizations and approvals, verifications, reconciliations, and business performance reviews.”
    ‌information and communication component recognizes these two things as essential to any internal control system. The need of relevant and high-quality information for control functions is emphasized by COSO. A strong system requires internal messaging highlighting the importance of control responsibilities, as well as clear communication of expectations with external partners.
    ‌monitoring It's just as crucial to keep track of your internal controls as it is to set them up. Use regular separate evaluations as well as continuing evaluations embedded into your business operations, which will vary depending on your level of risk, system effectiveness, and regulatory needs.
    Dunkelberger (2019). How Can The COSO Framework Improve Your Organization’s Internal Controls.

    Snook, A. (2019). COSO Framework: What it is and How to Use it.

    -BERTIZ, COLINE B. (2019-100749)

    1. Hi! Coline

      I can see by your work that you have searched well regarding COSO framework. It is very informative and has all the necessary information to support your claim. Nice work.


      Niel Camorongan

  44. According to, Some organizations design control frameworks for general purposes like the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) internal control framework, while others are more specific such as the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT IT) Control framework. In my opinion, it will be the COSO if the business’s goals are dependent on the changes in the market demand and have a wide variety of goods and services being offered (product or business diversification). If the business/entity is dependent on the quality and quantity of services they provide and they provide and only offer a single product or services (single-product business) it will COBIT.
    For me It is better to choose a generalist than a specialist; because of its flexibility (can be applied to other departments) and are ideal for rapid changes in the environment. COSO provides five components along with the 17 principles that align with the Trust Services Criteria will be described along with some practical controls to meet the objectives Maccrty(2019). This serves as a guide or checklist so beginners will know the proper way to set the goals or objectives and process of their company must look like so it will reach its objectives.
    Auditing with COBIT, Coso, and Iso Control Frameworks. AuditBoard. (2021, March 3). Retrieved November 9, 2021, from
    Garcia, T. (2019, October 21). What is the COSO framework? — reciprocity. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from
    Guidance on internal control. Internal Control Guidance and Thought Papers. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2021, from
    Maccarty, B. (2019, April 10). How the COSO Principles & Trust Services Criteria Align. linford&co. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from,and%20performance%20of%20internal%20control.
    Product diversification. Corporate Finance Institute. (2020, July 14). Retrieved November 9, 2021, from
    Single-product strategy. Oxford Reference. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2021, from

    CBET 01-503A

    1. Hello, Niel!
      Your ideas are brilliant! I like the "it's better to choose a generalist than a specialist". It made its point especially for businesses that are looking for cost-effective management. Your arguments are also on point so I think overall, this is a job well done!

      Rate: 10/10

      Talabong, Ela Rain

  45. Nowadays, constant innovation and adaptation of the businesses to the changing industry resulted in complicated and extensive systems and processes in an entity. As the business practices became more extensive, the framework of the internal control (IC) becomes an integral part of the business for it organizes and categorizes the expected control or controls inside a business, and as Murdock (2016) noted, the internal control frameworks makes it easier to manage the diverging dynamics and evaluate the results systematically.

    There are several existing internal control (IC) frameworks nowadays and if I were to be asked what is the most effective to an organization, I’ll say it’s the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)’s Framework. First and foremost, the COSO framework is the most frequently used to run an efficient and effective financial statement control environment (AuditBoard, 2021), making it more tested and proven by different organizations that existed and are still existing in the industry. It also contains five components— control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring activities, that are subdivided into seventeen principles (Murdock, 2016). With its components focusing on corporate governance, ethical practices, and internal control, the delegation of the people inside the business is more effective, the integrity of the operations is upheld, and the system of process in the internal aspect of the business is more efficient. Every aspect of the internal control in a business is addressed and within the sphere of operation of the components and principles of the COSO framework. Moreover, the framework itself is in a constant upgrade to adapt to the changes of practices in the industry so that businesses that are using it will not be left behind with some old framework.

    Internal Control frameworks are where businesses depend on all of their internal processes. The businesses need to choose and use the IC framework which is the most effective and appropriate to the type of business they are involved with, and to their overall objectives and strategic plans so that a smooth pathway towards success will open up for the business.


    AuditBoard. (2021, March 23). Auditing with COBIT, COSO, and ISO Control Frameworks.

    Murdock, H. (2016). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World (1st ed.). Auerbach Publications.


    1. Hi! Ela

      I agree with your points especially with your ending paragraph. The chosen framework and type of business is an important factor to have an effective internal control.


      Niel Camorongan
      CBET 01-503A

    2. Hi Ela Rain!

      I am glad to hear that we share the same insight about the COSO Framework being the best and most effective internal control for organizations. Aside from that, your work has a smooth flow of ideas, and you elaborated it very clearly. Keep up the great work, and I am looking forward to hearing more of your discussions in the following weeks.

      Rate: 10/10

      Gesta, Charlotte G.

  46. Organizations thrive when they create control environments that allow for efficient operation execution. Internal controls, when implemented appropriately, assist organizations in providing value to their stakeholders and achieving their strategic objectives while adhering to industry best practices, laws, and regulations to manage the risks they face (Clarke, 2020). The COSO framework is the most often used framework for internal control. The COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) internal control framework is the most commonly used internal control framework by organizations to run an efficient and effective financial statement control environment. COSO created a control architecture with five elements that are divided into 17 principles. The principles are further broken down into 87 points of focus to give managers more specific assistance when establishing or mapping internal controls for audit risk assessments and risk management (Audit Board, 2021). The Treadway Commission's Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) was established to provide thought leadership by developing comprehensive frameworks and guidelines on internal control, fraud prevention, and enterprise risk management. A COSO Framework's main purpose is to increase and improve organizational performance and oversight while also lowering the risk of fraud (Dunkelberger, 2019). With all these said, I personally think that COSO is the best internal control framework for its guidance to organizations on attaining optimal control environment while maintaining reliability of reporting and compliance with laws and regulatory standards.
    Auditboard. (2021). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks. Retrieved November 9,
    2021 from
    Clarke, I. (2020). Establishing an Effective Internal Control Environment. Retrieved November 9, 2021
    Dunkelberger, D. (2019). How Can The COSO Framework Improve Your Organization’s Internal Controls.
    Retrieved November 9, 2021 from`improve-internal-controls/.
    Paglinawan, Eliazar A. 2019-101459

    1. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipNovember 9, 2021 at 4:16 AM

      Hi Eliazar! I like the way you presented all the necessary information needed to support your claim. Your output is informative, and it shows that you have understood the topic thoroughly. Well done!
      Rate: 10/10

      MACANIP, JOANNA ELAINE O. (2019-103856)

  47. Hi! John

    great work! I like the way you have compared what separate COBIT from other framework, what COBIT does and does not do, and the advantage and disaadvanytage it has


    Niel Camorongan
    CBET 01-503A

  48. From my perspective, preventive control is the best for me and to an organization. Preventive control as the name suggests, is designed to prevent or reduce the impact of the risks or threat. As preventive control aims to decrease the chance of errors, it is then important because its focus is the quality and it is proactive. Some of its examples are separation of duty, pre-approval of actions and transactions, access controls, physical control over assets, and employee screening and training.

    For an organization, preventive control is the most effective out of the three types of internal control, because this type of control prevents the loss of assets in an inexpensive way of implementation. It is the best, simply because the organization already reduced the damage, after all, no one wants to have a big loss, that’s why the organization needs prevent it, unlike if the threat already happened, the organization have already taken the damage. If the organization will be able to prevent loss of assets, it will then of course result to higher profit. As for me, as a student, financially dependent on my parents, I would want to prevent damages that would make my parents spend money, especially in this time of pandemic wherein it is really hard to earn money.

    Study: How do the three types of internal control activities safeguard assets? (n.d.). Canvas Network.
    Types of Internal Controls. (n.d.). Finance & Accounting.
    Virtue, T. & Rainey, J. (2015). Information Risk Assessment. Science Direct.


    1. Hi, Febvie!
      You have discussed your perspective in a precise and concise way. I like how you explained why you chose preventive control as the most effective internal control framework. This demonstrates that you really understood the topic. Great job!

      Rate: 10/10

  49. A successful organization has a firm foundation from within, especially with its internal control. It is an assurance that the policies, regulations, and others more effectively promote proper conduct. Additionally, it will also strengthen the reliability of the financial reports. When choosing the proper framework, the COSO framework would be the best fit for the organization. It divides the objectives of the internal control into three groups: operations, reporting, and compliance. The goal of operations is to secure that the organization's assets are safe from fraud. It leans more on the effectiveness of the operations happening within the business. On the other hand, reporting is about what is happening inside and outside the company, specifically the financial report. The information reported should be free from error, timely, and authentic. Last, compliance is internal control goals circling the organization abiding by the laws and regulations expected for them to follow. We can now move to the COSO components; the first one would be the control environment. When it comes to setting up the standards for the employee, the first thing that comes to mind would be the managers, their leaders. We expect them always to follow the ethical values set by the organization to set an example to others so that the workplace environment is competent and active. Risk assessment incorporates how fast the organization identifies and assesses the risk. Moreover, it also opens up the opportunity for the business to learn about their strengths and weaknesses and establish objectives. The next component would be the control activities. It is a set of activities and tasks, either automated or manual, for us to achieve our internal control objective. The organization's security centers here; can easily catch unauthorized transactions or check whether documents meet the pre-established criteria. The fourth component, Information and Communication, talks about the flow of the information within the company that should always be timely, direct, and high-quality. Communication is one of the various things we need for success. Lastly, monitoring activities, the fifth component focuses on keeping track of all the components whether they are working as they should be. In conclusion, the COSO framework would bring a handful of benefits to the organization and enhance our internal control to become better.

    Snook, A. (2019, November 21). COSO framework: What it is and how to use it: I-sight. I-sight. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. pp 102 - 132 Retrieved November 9, 2021


    1. Hi Iris!

      Your thoughts are well-explained. I commend you for categorizing the COSO into its three groups and explained it accordingly. Also, for deepening your thoughts by adding more ideas about risk assessment.

  50. Internal control is a set of activities designed to add value to stakeholders and mitigate risk. These are the mechanisms, regulations, and procedures that a business uses to ensure the integrity of financial and accounting data integrity, encourage accountability, and avoid fraud. That is why an internal control framework was introduced to facilitate the management of different dynamics and the systematic evaluation of results. There are lots of internal frameworks that businesses can choose to improve business results.

    The most widely known internal controls framework in the business world is arguably COSO’s Internal Control-Integrated Framework (IC-IF) (Murdock, 2016). COSO’S framework improves the quality of financial reporting and safeguards the company assets. It focuses on corporate governance, ethical practices, and internal control. COSO IC-IF has five components essential for effective internal control that will benefit the organization to achieve its goals. The five components are control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring activities.

    In conclusion, COSO’S internal control-integrated framework is the most effective IC framework used by an organization. It enhances and improves the performance of the organization. In addition, it also strengthens cybersecurity in the company to reduce the risk for lots of threats and fraud. Using this framework will take the attention of prospective investors.

    Half, R. (2020, July 1). The Benefits of Adopting the COSO 2013 Framework — Even If You Aren’t Required to. Roberthalfblog.

    Murdock, H. (2016). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World (Internal Audit and IT Audit) (1st ed.) [E-book]. Auerbach Publications

    Mangilog, Anthony C.

    1. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipNovember 9, 2021 at 4:15 AM

      Hi Baks! It seems that we have chosen the same internal control framework, and with that, I agree with your ideas. You have written an informative output, and I have gained more knowledge about the topic. I'm interested in reading more of your work. Great job!
      Rate: 10/10

      MACANIP, JOANNA ELAINE O. (2019-103856)

    2. Hi, Baks! I commend you for doing such a great work. You presented your work logically, the thoughts and ideas are well-written. I definitely agree with you with regard to the best internal control framework. Can't wait to read more of your works. Good job for that!

      LIGUTAN, JAQUELINE V. (2019-104055)

    3. Hi Anthony! I like how you had discussed the topic. You did so great! I was able to learn something new.

      ISIP, IRIS G. (2019-103614)

  51. A systematic guide that helps organize and summarizes anticipated controls or control topics is known as an internal control framework. Some organizations create control frameworks for development purposes, such as the COSO internal control framework, while others, such as the COBIT IT Control framework, are much more detailed. An effective internal control system provides assurance that an organization's policies, processes, tasks, behaviors, and other aspects, when combined, facilitate its efficient and effective operation, help achieve the quality of internal and external disclosures, and aid in conformance with legal and regulatory requirements. And, in my opinion, the COSO framework is the most effective and well-designed framework for providing thought leadership by developing comprehensive frameworks and assistance on internal control, fraud protection, and risk management. The COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations) Framework is a framework for developing, utilizing, and analyzing internal controls for organizations, with the purpose of offering risk management process. A COSO Framework's overarching aim is to strengthen and enhance its effectiveness and oversight while lowering the impact of the problem of fraud. Although the COSO framework for internal control is not a statutory necessity, but rather considered best practice, it provides the organization with significant benefits such as increased confidence in controls and the help to address threat to an acceptable level.
    Garcia, T. (2020, July 2). What is an Internal Control Framework? Reciprocity. Retrieved November 8, 2021, from

    SALVO, MARY ROSE E., 2019-102485

  52. Shayne Danielle G. SamsonNovember 9, 2021 at 2:57 AM

    Internal controls could be defined as “practices put in place to create value for stakeholders and minimize risks” (Murdock, 2016). It is designed to provide reasonable assurance in achieving objectives, promote operational efficiency, safeguard the organization from risks and threats and ensure compliance with rules and regulations. The management can choose and apply whichever internal control framework available that suits the need of the organization. Out of the frameworks available, I believe that the COSO Framework is the most effective for an organization.

    The Treadway Commission’s Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) developed a flexible framework for creating and monitoring internal controls. It includes seventeen principles that are linked to the five components – Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring Activities. Through a focus on corporate governance, ethical practices, and internal control, it intends to enhance the quality of financial reporting.

    Effectively implementing the COSO framework is beneficial to the organization in improving the operations, responding to new challenges and threats, and maintaining a good reputation. The updated framework provides businesses with more effective internal controls, allowing them to effectively minimize risks and have the information needed to make good decisions. It is mentioned by AuditBoard (2021) that it is the framework that corporations most frequently use to run an efficient and effective financial statement control environment. It also guides the organization to the right path in facing and handling risks, fraudulent activities, and cybersecurity threats. Major cost savings would also be possible as there would be fewer errors and delays. And lastly, it attracts and appeals to potential inventors through controlled risk management, effective internal control, and ethical ideals. With all these values the COSO Framework can bring, it could be considered vital to enhance an organization.


    AuditBoard. (2021, March 3). Auditing with COBIT, COSO, and ISO Control Frameworks. AuditBoard.

    Half, R. (2015, March 25). The Benefits of Adopting the COSO 2013 Framework — Even If You Aren’t Required to.

    Murdock, H. (2016). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World (1st ed.). Auerbach Publications.


    1. Good day, Shayne. I agree with the benefits that every organization will have if they apply the framework provided by COSO, it is a detailed model that can be utilized by all organizations whatever despite their natures. I like how you articulate your ideas regarding your chosen framework. My rate for this work is 10/10.

      Chavez, Catherine H

    2. Hello Shayne! I agree with you that COSO Framework is the best and the most effective internal control framework in an organization. I like how you presented your ideas by stating the benefits of this framework to an organization. Keep up the great work, and I am looking forward to hearing more of your discussions in the following weeks.

      Rate: 10/10

      Gesta, Charlotte G.

  53. Tapia, Gian Tricia B.November 9, 2021 at 3:15 AM

    An organized guide that categorizes the expected controls or control topics is what an internal control framework is. There are many frameworks that are applicable to various field of businesses. Organization uses a control framework because it determines the accuracy of financial statements that they can rely whenever they make informed decisions. The best internal control framework that gives the most effectivity to an organization is the COSO internal control framework. COSO framework is usually used for general purposes of an organization. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) internal control framework are known as an efficient and effective financial statement control environment. This is the best IC framework since it is a vital instrument that it allows an organization to focus on important structures, beliefs, and procedures that collectively comprise the idea of internal control, much beyond the traditional financial emphasis. This framework are divided into 3 internal control objectives which are: 1) operations that talks about the performance goals and focusing to the efficiency of the business operations, 2) reporting as it serves as the transparency and reliability of the organization, and 3) compliance which are the organization should comply to the laws and regulations. This is the most effective for an organization because it focuses on fulfilling operational, reporting, and/or compliance goals. It is dependent on people's behaviors, not just written regulations and procedures. To a fair degree, assures top management of security. Lastly, it can be modified to the demands of the entire organization as well as the needs of each department, unit, or process.

    Internal Control Framework. (2021, November 9). AuditBoard. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from

    Putra, L. D. (2009, November 13). [Internal] Control Frameworks and Their Components. Accounting, Financial, Tax. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from

    Snook, A. (2019, November 21). COSO Framework: What it is and How to Use it. I-Sight. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from

    -TAPIA, GIAN TRICIA B (2019-103668)

    1. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipNovember 9, 2021 at 4:08 AM

      Hi Gian! Your output is well-organized and informative. We have chosen the same internal control framework, but I've also learned additional information from your work. Great job!
      Rate: 10/10

      MACANIP, JOANNA ELAINE O. (2019-103856)

  54. In the field of Auditing, A structured guide that organizes and categorizes expected controls or control topic is known as an Internal Control Framewok. When a company employs a control framework effectively, management creates internal control processes that use the framework as the foundation. This assists the organization in developing standard operating procedures that create and preserve value while mitigating risks.

    In my perspective, The COSO framework is the most widely used internal framework among all auditing frameworks. The internal control framework developed by Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) that corporations most commonly use to deploy an efficient and effective financial statement system of internal controls. COSo created a control framework with the goal of providing detailed guidance to managers when designing or mapping internal controls for audit risk assessments and risk management. In conncetion with this, it is essential to approach the control framework in audit that lead the organization to be effective and efficient. Auditing with a control framework begins with confirming the framework that management selected to best support the business objectives. In addition, auditors should align the organization's internal controls with the frameworks expected controls. Auditors should conduct a gap analysis to identify missing controls and poorly designed controls and to implement corrective action plans to close the exposure. Furthermore, it is critical to test effectiveness and collect action plans in areas where auditor's are most comfortable and experienced. Finally, it should keep track of mitigation activity to see how management's corrective actions plans are progressing.

    Hence, The COSO integrated framework's control objectives are the heart of internal control, which is dominant because it determines the accuracy of an organization's financial statements and they can be relied on to make sound decisions. Although the COSO internal control framework is considered best practice and is thus used by the vast majority business that inclines to the updated version gives business greater confidence that their internal controls can reduce risks to acceptable levels.


    Auditboard. (2021). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks.

    DELAMBACA, VICENTE JR T. (2019-106640)

  55. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipNovember 9, 2021 at 3:34 AM

    Controls are methods and processes that assure a company's efficiency, dependability in reporting, and compliance with standards. An organized guide that collects and categorizes expected controls or control topics is known as an internal control framework (TechTarget, 2011). According to the study of Leng & Zhang (2014), the control environment is an integral component of the internal control framework because it sets the tone for the organization as a whole and influences the execution of its employee awareness. Furthermore, an effective system provides reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of an entity’s objectives.

    In accordance to the question aforementioned above, I think the best internal control framework is the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO). COSO is a popular internal control system that is widely used to manage an efficient and effective financial statement control environment. Concerning this, it guarantees that the organization’s control system is being utilized properly and working efficiently. In addition, it enables an organization to successfully establish and manage internal control systems that increases the possibility of attaining the entity's objectives while also allowing the entity to respond to changes in the business and operating environments. It may also assist the company in reducing risks to acceptable levels and facilitating effective decision-making and governance.

    Internal Control - Integrated Framework. (2013). Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

    Leng, J. & Zhang, L. (2014). Research and Discussing on Internal Control Auditing. Modern Economy. 05. 785-790.

    TechTarget. (2011). Control Framework.

    1. Joanna Elaine O. MacanipNovember 9, 2021 at 3:36 AM

      MACANIP, JOANNA ELAINE O. (2019-103856)

    2. Hi Joanna!

      I commend your work by providing facts about the reasons why COSO is the best internal control framework. Overall, your thoughts are well-organized and informative. Good job!

      ALOROY, GENELYN T. (2019-202971)


    Internal controls are practices and processes created to provide business value and minimize risk. An internal control framework aims to organize and categorize an organization's internal controls, which are practices and procedures established to create business value and minimize risk. All internal control frameworks are best depending on the organization’s needs and culture. However, in my opinion, COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) internal control framework is the most effective.

    According to Auditboard (2021), the COSO is the most widely used framework for establishing and maintaining an efficient and effective financial statement control environment. COSO created a system model with five elements that are divided into 17 principles. The principles are further broken down into 87 areas of emphasis to give managers more specific assistance when establishing or mapping internal controls for audit risk assessments and risk management. Its 1992 guideline has been greatly updated to reflect a number of key environmental changes that occurred since then. Higher expectations for governance supervision, increasing operational and regulatory complexity, reliance on emerging technology, and higher expectations for fraud prevention and detection are among the changes in the environment (Government Finance Officers Association, 2015).

    COSO broadens the scope of risk management by guiding and encouraging risk taking rather than merely minimizing negative risks. Its purpose is to get compliance certification. Its improvement resulted in a significant shift in the organization's risk management. It is included into the decision-making process of the organization to guarantee that the organization is taking the appropriate risks in the appropriate amounts. COSO was "...created by and focused on the needs of auditors," according to Hans Læssøe. It is primarily concerned with general governance and, as a result, it is in charge of the entire organization. Its most recent edition goes into further detail about risk appetite and gives several graphic illustrations of risk appetite, tolerance, and capacity.

    In conclusion, since COSO internal control framework started issuing framework since 1992, it has been widely used by various organizations. COSO then developed their standards according the changing needs in internal control and risk management. Because of this coping mechanism, its standards are able to meet the demands of an evolving business environment.

    Auditboard (2021 March 03). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks. Retrieved from:
    Government Finance Officers Association (2015). Internal Control Framework. Retrieved from:

    ALOROY, GENELYN T. (2019-202971)

    1. I agree with you that COSO Framework is the best and the most effective internal control framework in an organization. I like how you articulate your ideas regarding your chosen framework. Your output is well-organized and informative. I've also learned additional information from your work. Great job! My rate for this work is 10/10.


  57. No business entity wanted to incur loss or experience any discomfort while they are in the process of achieving their goals and objectives. Management must have a well-structured measure and methods that align stakeholders with the business’s goals. Internal control, is the process by which the management structures an organization to provide assurance that the entity is functioning efficiently and effectively. (James, n.d). there are several control frameworks proposed for forms to use as a guide in their internal control activities. However, not all frameworks work best for a certain company. That is why choosing the best internal control framework is important. A business can choose a specific control framework that they think is perfectly suited for their company.
    After comprehending articles about different internal control framework, I came to a conclusion that Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO) framework is the most conventional and I think the most useful when it comes to internal control framework. COSO internal control focuses on achieving objective in operation, reporting and/or compliance. COSO’s goal was to improve the quality of financial reporting through a focus on corporate governance, ethical practices, and internal control. (Murdock,2016). To simplify things companies, practice the COSO framework because it manages different part of the organization. From the employees, their workplace environment, the identification of risk and assessment and control measurement. From the structure and the relationship of the five components up to their objectives it is evident that I consider COSO framework as the best internal control framework.

    LONGNO, MICAH LEI C. (2019-106978)

    Griffin, D. (n.d.). What Are Internal Accounting Controls? Retrieved from Google :
    Murdock, H. (2016). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World (1st ed.). Auerbach Publications.

    1. Hi Micah! Your work is very well written. I like its flow, from how you define internal control to explaining why COSO is the most conventional framework to use by companies. It was nice, jood job.

    2. Hi Lei! You did great. We have the same thought on what i the best internal control. I love who you express your ideas on the topic.

    3. Hi Lei! You did great. We have the same thought on what i the best internal control. I love who you express your ideas on the topic.

      Marinel Nudo

    4. Hi Lei! I agree with your idea about Internal control frameworks, that it is important to choose what's best for the business or organization. Since, not all frameworks is applicable for a certain company. Job well done! 10/10

      Lexter M. Tandayu (2019-106755)


    The best internal control framework for me is the ISO or International Organization for Standardization. ISO is an independent, nongovernmental organization. Through its 162 national standards groups, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global and business challenges. International standards give world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety, and efficiency. They are also instrumental in facilitating international trade by providing standardized parameters and criteria and establishing expectations. The organization has published more than 19,000 international standards and related documents, covering almost every industry, from technology, to food safety, to agriculture and healthcare (Murdock, 2017). It is the most effective for me and to the organization because ISO provides an information or standard that is relevant to the modern world which helps the organization in solving their internal challenges. One of the challenge or risk that many organizations are facing is the information technology risk which ISO provides a solutions. ISO 17799 establishes guidelines and general principles for initiating, implementing, maintaining, and improving information security management in an organization. The objectives outlined provide general guidance on the commonly accepted goals of information security management. (1/2)

    Maria Eloisa A. Ramos

  59. It contains best practices of control objectives and controls in the following areas of information security management: organization of information security; physical and environmental security; communications and operations management; access control; information systems acquisition, development and maintenance; information security incident management; and etc. And, ISO 27001 providing requirements for an information security management system (ISMS), though there are more than a dozen standards in the ISO/IEC 27000 family. Using them enables organizations of any kind to manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details or information entrusted by third parties. Internal auditors should become familiar with ISO standards as they drive the decisions, goals, and operational practices of the management team at many organizations. It also provides structure to common business initiatives that some organizations may be at various levels of development (Murdock, 2017). Also, ISO provide wide range of information that helps the organization in improving their operation and management. (2/2)

    ISO (2005). ISO/IEC 17799:2005 Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for information security management. ISO.
    ISO. ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management. ISO.
    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. pp 134 - 135

    Maria Eloisa A. Ramos

    1. Hi Princess. I want to commend you for giving this discussion a good quality of information and content about the best internal framework. May you continue to keep giving quality discussion. Thank you and god bless.

      Landar, Connard B.

    2. Hello, Eloisa. Your chosen framework is not what majority of us chose, thus, you gave me knowledge by providing how this framework works, that I think is also effective for an organization to use. I would also like to commend how you connect the ideas you outsourced to yours. Therefore, this is a 10/10 for me.

      Chavez, Catherine H

  60. The best internal control framework, in my opinion, is the COSO framework. The COSO framework primarily focuses on ethical practices, internal control, and corporate governance of the company to improve the quality of financial reporting. Internal controls are designed, implemented, maintained, and evaluated using the COSO framework. According to COSO, an entity can achieve effective internal control by implementing all of the principles that relate to operations, reporting, and compliance objectives. Operations objectives focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. Reporting, on the other hand, includes both internal and external financial reporting as well as non-financial reporting. That’s also related to transparency, timeliness, and accuracy of the organization’s reporting practices. Lastly, compliance refers to internal control objectives centered on the organization's adherence to rules and regulations (Snook, A. ).

    There are five components to an internal control system under the COSO framework. These are control environments, risk assessment, information and communication, control activities, and monitoring. These five components work together to form an integrated system. It will enable the company to anticipate external events that may jeopardize the attainment of its goals and plan appropriately. ensuring that it adheres to reporting regulations, rules, and standards as well as applicable laws. The COSO framework is the most effective framework for me because, through it, various risks that the company may face are identified and assessed regularly at all levels and within all functions in the organization. Moreover, to handle and mitigate major risks, control operations and other procedures are planned ahead of time. Through established channels, critical information for identifying risks and achieving business objectives is shared throughout the firm. The entire internal control system is constantly monitored, and any flaws are corrected as soon as possible.


    Snook, A. (n.d.). COSO framework: What it is and how to use it: I-sight. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from

    Kirkpatrick, J. (2019, June 19). 5 components of Internal Control - COSO: C.R.I.M.E.: Kirkpatrickprice. KirkpatrickPrice Home. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from

    -Buling, Catherine (2019-103626)

    1. Hi Catherine!
      I like how you present your thoughts. They are very clear and well delivered. Good job.

  61. Shiela Mae D. AlcantaraNovember 9, 2021 at 6:15 AM

    There are various expert-designed internal control frameworks that a corporation can apply and these frameworks can greatly improve corporate operations. However, COSO's Internal Control Integrated Framework (IC-IF) is the best and most effective for an organization. It was developed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) which generated guidelines to help firms with risk assessment, internal controls, and fraud prevention.

    The COSO framework's first version was developed in 1992, and the most recent version was published in 2013. The COSO framework divides internal control objectives into three categories: operations, reporting, and compliance. The first category is the operations, which refers to the goals of the organization on its daily operation and it aims to reduce risks of fraud against the asset. The second category is reporting, which refers to the financial reporting' goal of being reliable, transparent, and timely. The last category is compliance, which is about the organization's observance of laws, standards and regulations. Aside from the aforementioned categories, the COSO framework also contains five components. These are control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, monitoring activities, and existing control activities. These components are useful for the organization to establish internal controls, to create objectives, to verify performance assessments and to add continual evaluations into corporate processes.

    Every category and component of the COSO framework serves the business, especially auditors who want information for planning, analysis, decision-making, and monitoring. It offers advice and a road map for efficiently building and managing companies, in order to maximize the probability of meeting goals. It is also designed to act as a facilitator to reduce risks and their negative consequences on enterprises programs and processes.


    Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Internal Control—Integrated Framework (Framework).

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. pp 101 - 140


    1. Hi Shiela!
      Your work is very insightful and well-written. Your knowledge of COSO was so broad that you were able to justify why it was the most effective framework. Nice job.

    2. Hi, Shiela!
      I've learned a lot from your discussion. Your ideas are clearly presented and it definitely reaches your readers. As for the best Internal Control Framework, my belief in the COSO framework has been further solidified by your discussion. Keep the good work and I'm looking forward to more of your works.

      Rate: 10/10

      Talabong, Ela Rain

  62. Internal control is defined as practices put in place to create value for stakeholders and minimize risk (Murdock, 2017). It is designed to assure that the information is reliable, accurate, and timely; the organization is in compliance with the applicable laws, policies, and regulations; and the financial reports are reliable. To properly administer control, organizations voluntarily implement a control framework. This helps them prevent errors and irregularities, identify problems and risks, and ensure that corrective action is taken. Out of the different frameworks available, COSO’s internal control integrated framework, in my opinion, is the most effective framework that businesses should apply. The goal of this framework is to improve the quality of financial reporting through a focus on corporate governance, ethical policies, and internal control. With its 17 principles representing concepts considered critical to implementing the control elements, it is believed that if they are all applied, the entity can achieve effective internal control. According to Half (2015), adopting the COSO framework is beneficial as it improves internal control, enhances cybersecurity, saves costs, and helps organizations gain positive attention from investors. Overall, the framework improves the organization's internal control by providing an effective control to better mitigate risk and have the necessary data to support sound decisions.


    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. Taylor & Francis Group.
    Half, R. (2015). The Benefits of Adopting the COSO 2013 Framework – Even If You Aren’t Required to. Retrieved November 9, 2021.,to%20support%20sound%20decision-making.

    BUCAL, RINA P. (2019-102462)


    An entity’s processes should be well-controlled by management and board. Internal control plays an important role in the system, procedures and processes of the business. As part of achieving the best internal control system for the entity, a framework is required in assessing and evaluating the plan of organization and the procedures and records in accounting and administrative internal control.

    On the other hand, internal control helps entities achieve important objectives and sustain and improve performance. Undeniably, the COSO’s Internal Control Framework is likely suitable for most effective framework to an organization.

    The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission’s (COSO) framework for internal business controls helps organizations ensure that their financial statements are accurate, their assets and stakeholders are protected from fraud, and their operations are running efficiently and effectively. Its guidance encompasses the entire organization, from auditing to IT (Guide to COSO Framework and Compliance, 2019).

    Although COSO is the most widely used framework for internal controls, compliance can be challenging and expensive. But it’s not as costly or difficult as recovering from fraud, theft, reputational loss, or legal penalties. More importantly, COSO Internal Control Framework enables the organization to effectively and efficiently develop systems of internal control that adapt to changing business and operating environment, mitigate risks to different acceptable levels, and support sound decision making and governance of the organization.

    • Guide to COSO Framework and Compliance. (December 2019). Reciprocity. Retrieved on November 9, 2021.
    • Everson, M., Soske, S., Martens, F., (May 2013). Internal Control-Integrated Framework. COSO Organization. Retrieved on November 9, 2021.

    Landar, Connard B.

    1. Hello Connard, we chose the same framework as the most effective to be used in an organization. Your work is well written and informative and I commend you for that. Continue doing your best and good luck.
      Rate: 10/10

      Johanna Marie V. Rotoni (2019-103691)

  64. Hi Marvie. I want to commend you for giving this discussion a good quality of information and content about the best internal framework. May you continue to keep giving quality discussion. Thank you and god bless.

    Landar, Connard B.

  65. Internal controls are the mechanisms, rules, and procedures implemented by a company to ensure the integrity of financial and accounting information, promote accountability and prevent fraud (Kenton W. (2021)).
    An internal control framework is a structured guide that organizes and categorizes expected controls or control topics, some of its framework are COSO, COBIT and ISO. For me the best internal control framework is COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization) Framework this is a framework for designing, implementing and evaluating internal control for organizations, providing enterprise risk management. COSO Is the most effective framework All organizations have risks, meaning they may have factors that cause them not to reach their objectives, be they internal or external factors. Appropriate risk assessment is performed by providing reasonable assurance that organizations take only risks with an acceptable tolerance. The COSO framework helps to ensure that the activities taken by all members of the organization are those that would help the company achieve its goals without taking unnecessary risks. The controls provided by COSO help to ensure that the communications that are occurring, internally and externally, are following best practices and working towards accomplishing the organization’s goals. Establishing controls across the environment ensures that standard practices are used throughout the organization. It consists of a set of standards, processes and practices. Information is gathered and evaluated by regulators and select management regularly and reports are given to management and board of directors for ongoing evaluation (Garcia T. (2019)).
    Kenton W. Reviewed by: Mansa J. Fact checked by: Kvilhaug S. (2021). Investopedia: Internal Controls.
    Garcia T. (2019). Reciprocity: What is the COSO framework?


  66. John Michael F. DemabildoNovember 9, 2021 at 8:33 AM

    Internal control has been long to be considered as the backbone of a company’s management system. As defined by the Saha Rating (n.d.), an internal control is “the entire work of monitoring, assessing, and reporting that is carried out by the internal audit organization to determine whether a company’s activities are in compliance with the strategies, policies, and application directives introduced by its management.” With this description, it has multiple aims such as: enhancing the reliability of both of its internal and external report, sustaining the operation’s efficiency and effectiveness, and compliance with the legal and administrative regulations.

    With how broad the concept of internal control is, it sure does have a variety of frameworks. Among the popular framework known is the COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization) internal framework, which was originally launched in 1992. Although it is not a mandatory standard, the COSO proposed a common framework of what is considered a good internal control and how it helps the organization. Half (2015) listed some of the benefits the COSO provides, they are: (1) the framework offers improved internal controls as it allows the management to better mitigate risks and acquire the necessary data to support sound decision-making; (2) assists firms in addressing and controlling the alarming amount of cyberattacks in line with the higher demand for advanced technology, and (3) enables major cost savings as it also allows to streamline procedures and processes to manage compliance expenses better.

    With this matter in mind, it is safe to say that COSO internal framework is a significant driver of the performance of the entirety of the business as it is designed to safeguard firms from the potential loss or misappropriation of its assets and at the same time, it highlights the importance of managing risks to enable the organization in generating and preserving its value on an entity-level. Do also take note that it cannot actually eliminate all the existing irregularities and errors, however, despite of it, the mere fact that it can alert management beforehand means that the company can take actions in preventing the possible worse-case scenarios that may occur with the assistance of the COSO internal framework.


    Saha Rating (n.d.). Internal Control. Accessed November 3, 2021 from

    Half, R. (2015). The Benefits of Adopting the COSO 2013 Framework—Even If You Aren't Required to. Accessed November 3, 2021 from

    Written by:
    Demabildo, John Michael F., 2019-101694

  67. Every organization should have established internal control policies guiding its operations that keep its activities on track with its desired outputs. The Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission defined internal control as a procedure developed by an entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the attainment of objectives relating to operations and reporting. Internal control policies are necessary to an organization. Minimizing risks, safeguarding assets, ensuring the accuracy of records, promoting and increasing operational efficiency and effectiveness, and encouraging members of the organizations to abide by policies, rules, regulations, and laws are the primary functions of internal control. The management should acknowledge and adopt an internal control framework that would best suit its operations.

    The Audit Board defines internal control framework as a structured guide that organizes and categorizes expected controls or control topics. COSO Framework, COCO Framework, COBIT Framework, GTAG Framework, ISO Framework, ITIL Framework, and CMMI Framework are the frameworks for naming a few. Each conceptual framework intends to apply to a specific management control need. Therefore, to have an internal control system that will help achieve management goals and objectives while maintaining good standing, management should evaluate keenly through its goals and objectives what specific internal control is in line with their desired outputs. Above all the internal control frameworks mentioned above is the COSO Framework, an internal control conceptual framework established by the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission. Many entities opt-in using this framework to run an effective and efficient financial statement control environment. It comprises the five components primarily: Control Environment, Risk Assessments, Control Activity, Information and Communication, and Monitoring Activity. The internal control framework designates the set of business objectives: Operations, Reporting, and Compliance. The principles are disparted into 87 focus points providing a detailed guide to managers when designing or mapping internal control used for audit risk assessments and the management.

    COSO Framework aims to enhance and improve organizational performance and oversight and the quality of risk assessments, strengthening anti-fraud efforts, therefore, reducing the extent of risk of fraud which had been the leading dilemma in most organizations. Additionally, the use COSO Framework could provide multiple benefits to the stakeholders, the management, the board of directors, external parties such as the key suppliers, customers, and others. More importantly, adapting COSO Framework offers agility, confidence, and clarity. (McNally, 2012) The competency to adapt to increasing complexity, the confidence to mitigate risks to achieve objectives, and the clarity to provide reliable information to support sound decision-making.

    Audit Board (2021, March 03). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Framework. Retrieved 09 November 2021 04:30 pm from

    Schandi, Annette and Foster, Philip (2019, January). COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework: An Implementation Guide for the Healthcare Provider Industry. Retrieve 09 November 2021 06:07 pm from

    McNally, Stephen (2012, June 26). COSO Framework Holding Strong- Getting a Polish. Retrieved 09 November 2021 07:00 pm from


  68. Every business, especially today, has been vulnerable to internal risks which have a great impact on the organization’s operation as well as the objectives, some of these risks that are not given attention to lead to internal fraud. Internal fraud is a threat that every organization might face if the management does not perform well such as not acting in conformity with the company’s principles that is why there is a need for internal control to ensure the proper execution of the operation. Based on what I outsourced regarding the different internal control frameworks, I think the most effective is the one that COSO provided wherein if an organization utilizes this, they will achieve the highest effective internal control. The COSO framework suggests that the organization must be divided into various levels, presented through a form of a cube, for the purpose of achieving effective internal control. COSO’s goal is to improve the quality of financial reporting through a focus on corporate governance, ethical practices, and internal control (Murdock, 2017). To begin with, presented in a cube form are the three dimensions that will guide the organization into achieving effective internal control in which the first dimension represents the three functions where the COSO framework mentions certain actions that need to be taken under them. These functions aim to develop internal controls by studying thoroughly the organization’s operation, ensuring that the information system is timely and reliable through auditing the information source in reporting, and ensuring that internal controls complied with laws and regulations. The second dimension presents how internal controls are managed in which they are monitored at various levels in order to establish the internal controls effectively. Moreover, the third dimension represents the components of internal controls that work together as an integrated system that contains 17 principles associated with each of them. The malfunction of any one component would impact all the other components as well. With all things being considered, COSO’s aim is to provide a set of tools that can be used by every company to come up with effective internal control and also to assist them to make the implementation of risk management comparatively easier.

    Murdock, H.
    (2017). Operational auditing: principles and techniques for a changing world.

    Juneja, P.
    The COSO framework for internal control.

    Chavez, Catherine H

    1. Hi cath! We have chosen different framework but, i like how you gave out information regarding the COSO framework. Also, you stated well your reasons why this framework is the best for you. Good job and well done!

    2. hello catherine! You have stated the following informations very well. I gained new knowledge and new insights regarding the subject matter. Good job!

      Rate: 10/10
      Bentulan, John Patrick Abraham A. (CBET-01-502A)

  69. Krystal Vien T. LadaoNovember 9, 2021 at 11:51 AM

    Good internal controls are very important to every business. It helps the business ensure the efficiencies and effectiveness of its operations, the accomplishment of its goals and objectives, and the protection of its assets and employees. In establishing internal controls, every business needs framework as a guidance in developing a strong and effective internal control system. There are 7 internal control frameworks that can be guidance in designing, implementing and evaluating internal control system for a business. And out of the 7 frameworks, the most effective framework is the COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization) Framework.

    In COSO Framework, internal control is an ongoing process, and it is not merely written policies and procedures, it depends on people’s actions. Internal control in this framework can be adapted not just to the needs of the whole organization but also to each department, unit or process. According to Snook (2019), COSO framework divides internal control objectives into three categories: the operations, the reporting and the compliance. The (1) Operations objectives focuses on the effectiveness and efficiencies of the business operations. (2) Reporting objectives relates to transparency, timeliness and reliability of the organization’s reporting practices. While (3) Compliance objectives are goals that based on adhering to laws and regulations that must be complied with.

    Unlike any other framework, COSO is a broad framework. It can be applied to a wide array of industries and processes (Snook, 2019). COSO framework guide a business to design a fraud-deterring system of internal controls. These framework will provide reliable financial reporting for management decisions of a business. It ensures the business' compliance with applicable laws and regulations to avoid risk of public scandals. The COSO is a great framework to choose when designing or modifying a system of internal controls.


    Snook, A. (November 21, 2019). COSO Framework: What it is and How to Use it. Retrieved November 08, 2021 from

    — KRYSTAL VIEN T. LADAO (2019-106903)

    1. Hi tala! I gained new knowledge and insights about your chosen framework, and your work is concise and very informative. Well done!

    2. Hi Krystal!

      Your work is very insightful and informative. You have provided enough evidence to support your claim about the COSO Framework being the best and most effective internal control framework for the organization. Keep up the great work, and I am looking forward to hearing more of your discussions in the following weeks.

      Rate: 10/10

      Gesta, Charlotte G.

    The internal control focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The best internal control framework that is the most effective for an organization and me is the control environment. According to Murdock (2016), The work environment is characterized by how the organizations are structured, leadership, openness, management's operational style, and having and implementing the principles of its ethical standards and statement of values as the control environment. It is a product of management's philosophy, kind and supportive attitude, and the competence, ethical values, integrity, and morale of its people. The organization structure and accountability relationships are significant factors in the control environment. Control environment encompasses different principles that will benefit the organizations. It demonstrates a commitment to integrity and ethical values, exercises oversight responsibility, establishes structure, authority, and responsibility, and enforces accountability. Organizations that develop an effective control environment can improve their efficiency in delivering value and achieving their strategic objectives.
    A healthy culture and ethical environment advance employee morale, and it also helps to improve productivity and efficiency. In connection with customer experience, employee satisfaction, and retention, enterprises that set expectations and encourage doing innovative work and doing it well are doing this for the right reasons to beat their competitors. Failure to retain effective governance, ethics, and compliance programs can jeopardize an organization's reputation. Consequently, a poor "tone at the top" by the board of directors or executive management will likely hinder or damage the other components of internal control (Cpa,2020).

    Cpa, I. C. C. |. (2020, March 25). Effective Internal Control Environment & Risk Assessment. Linford & Company LLP.
    Murdock, H. (2016). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World (Internal Audit and IT Audit) (1st ed.). Auerbach Publications.

    - SEAN LESTER NOMBRADO (2019-106902)

    1. Hi sean! We have chosen different framework but, i would like to commend your work. i gained new knowledge with framework that you have chosen as you elaborated your idea well. Good job!

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. As I studied through the various components and structures of international control frameworks, the COBIT framework stood out to me. IT governance is the utmost importance in today's corporate environment (Horvath, 2021). We are presently in the midst of globalization, and everything is constantly evolving. We must adapt to change in order to achieve specific goals, particularly in business. There are several methods to run a firm, each have own set of procedures and principles that contribute to its success.

    For me, COBIT framework is the best among all other framework, as COBIT help businesses in managing their data and information. This framework is more than IT operation, it also concerned with creating various procedures, policies, practices, and organizational structures. It assist businesses in assuring stakeholders that all business operations will meet their objectives while also preventing any unfavorable results through the management of IT and enterprise risks (Horvath, 2021). Also, Businesses are developing in which they embrace change through tecnology. It makes job a lot easier and convenient but exposes the business more on risk and any fraudelent acts. With the help of COBIT framework, those business risks can be lessen by making strategies and procedures in attaining business objectives.

    As to businesses, COBIT can help especially the updated version of the framework which is the COBIT 2019. COBIT 2019 updates the framework for modern enterprises by addressing new trends, technologies and security needs.The COBIT Core Model, which covers 40 governance and management objectives for developing a governance program, now includes new ideas and language. When it comes to maturity and capability measures, the performance management system now gives you greater leeway. Overall, the framework is intended to provide enterprises with greater flexibility when developing an IT governance plan. The COBIT 2019 framework assists organizations in aligning current frameworks and understanding how each framework will fit into the broader plan. It may also assist firms in tracking the success of these various frameworks, particularly in terms of security compliance, information security, and risk management (White, 2019)

    Horvath, I. (2021, July 17). Understanding COBIT Framework: Structure, Components & Benefits. Invensis Learning Blog. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from

    White, S. K. (2019, January 16). What is COBIT? A framework for alignment and governance. CIO. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from

    Cebuano, Mary Ann Jintalan (2019-106907)

    1. hello mary ann! your work is very concise and informative. It goes to show that you have understood the lesson very well and it gave me new information as I personally picked other framework. I commend your work.

      Rate: 10/10
      Bentulan, John Patrick Abraham A. (CBET-01-502A)

    2. Hi Mary Ann!

      Thank you for the information you provided about the COBIT Framework. It is well explained and you look so knowledge with this topic. Good job on this one!

      Rate: 10/10


  73. Before I present what is the best internal control framework, let me define first the meaning of internal control. According to Chambers and Rand, “Internal control” as an expression is distinctive from “external control”, the latter being control exercised over the business from outside by owners and other stakeholders. The exercised within the business by management and overseen by the board is an internal control and it also includes the control of activities that have been outsourced. Internal control refers to a company's organizational structure as well as the coordinated procedures and measures to protect assets, ensure the correctness and reliability of accounting data, improve operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to specified managerial rules.

    As I have read on different sources, I found out that the best and most effective internal control framework is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission or simply known as the COSO Framework. Internal control, according to COSO, entails the following such as focuses on fulfilling operational, reporting, and compliance goals, a continuous procedure, dependent on people's actions, not just written policies and practices, and adaptable to the needs of the entire company as well as each department, function, or process. Its objectives are divided into three categories under the COSO framework and they are operations, reporting, and compliance. The COSO framework also teaches that an internal control system has five components and it includes control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring.

    To begin, the control environment is defined as the "collection of standards, processes, and structures that serve as the foundation for implementing internal controls throughout the business." Next, the ability to create objectives and judge their applicability for your firm, as well as the method for assessing risks versus risk tolerances, are all part of risk assessment. Then, control activities are the duties and activities that assist you achieve your internal control objectives as defined by organizational policies and procedures. The need of relevant and high-quality information for control functions is emphasized by COSO. These two things are recognized as fundamental to any internal control system by the information and communication component. Finally, keeping track or monitoring of your internal controls is just as critical as establishing them.

    To summarize, this framework is the best among the other frameworks for the reason that it assists the organization in developing control methods that maximize value while avoiding risk. Its primary purpose is to improve, analyze, and evaluate areas for improvement while lowering the risk of fraud. It enables a company to react to a rapidly changing business environment, manage the risks to a reasonable level, establish adequate governance, and make sound decisions.

    Chambers, A. & Rand, G. (2010). The Operational Auditing Handbook: Auditing Business and IT Processes. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Publication. pp 116 - 146
    Grabillo, M. (2021, October 26). Operations Audit: Discussion Assignment Week 4. Glimpse of CPA’s Mind. Retrieved November 8, 2021.
    Snook, A. (2019). COSO Framework: What it is and How to Use it. Retrieved November 8, 2021.

    LIGUTAN, JAQUELINE V. (2019-104055)

    1. I agree with you that COSO Framework is the best and the most effective internal control framework in an organization. I like how you articulate your ideas regarding your chosen framework. Your output is well-organized and informative. I've also learned additional information from your work. Great job! My rate for this work is 10/10.

  74. The COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization) defines Internal Control as a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives relating to operations, reporting and compliance. Indeed, reliable internal control is necessary to attain corporate goals in which it enhances the accuracy of both internal and external reports, maintains the operation’s efficiency and effectiveness, and ensures compliance with legal and administrative regulations. As we progresses, the proliferation of vulnerabilities, risks, stakeholders, and activities in today’s business landscape has necessitated the implementation of an internal control framework. Internal control frameworks, as described by Murdock (2017), are structures that organize, categorize, and sometimes prioritize an organization’s internal controls, making it easier to manage diverging dynamics and evaluate results more systematically, resulting in a more efficient and effective internal control. Internal control processes are designed with the framework as a baseline, which is critical in the design, implementation, and evaluation of internal control. As a result, the company is better able to implement control procedures that develop and maintain value while also mitigating risks.
    To further discuss, firms can develop a variety of control frameworks, which can be used for general or specific purposes. One of the most widely known is COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations) internal framework. It was created and designed to provide thought leadership through the development of comprehensive frameworks and guidance on internal control, fraud prevention and business risk management. Additionally, the COSO Framework features five components that support the achievement of the goals and objectives of the company, these are Control Environment, Risk Assessments, Control Activity, Information and Communication, and Monitoring Activity. I regard this as the best and most effective internal control framework as it provides a significant effect in the performance of the business as it is designed to reduce the risk of asset loss, provide reliable financial reporting for management decisions and lastly, it safeguard the company’s reputation by ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations to avoid the risk of public scandals. By formally adopting the COSO framework for internal controls, the organization can convey to its regulators, employees, volunteers, investors, contributors, and others that it is dedicated to and focused on good governance and accountability. More importantly, the COSO internal control framework could help investors or contributors have confidence in other facets of the firm, such as sustainability reporting – which is critical to better inform investors and other stakeholders as to the value creation capacity and capability of the organization.
    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
    Audit Board (2021, March 03). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Framework. Retrieved 08 November 2021 05:46 pm from

    CBET 01-503A

  75. Hi, Jana! I liked the way you presented your work. The thoughts and ideas are well-written. I definitely agree with you with regards to the best internal control framework. Your insights about the framework is broad and you explained it well. I commend you for doing a good job. Can't wait to read more of your works.

    LIGUTAN, JAQUELINE V. (2019-104055)

  76. Internal control frameworks are systems implemented for organizing, categorizing, and sometimes prioritizing an organization’s internal controls, which are systems executed to build business value and mitigate risk (Murdock, 2017). The best internal control framework is the COSO Internal Control Framework, which among the other types, encompasses the best and appropriate elements vital for achieving an entity’s objectives. It includes control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring control. The control environment is the values of the organization which affect the overall conduct of its people. A risk assessment, which is one of the most vital elements in assuring the attainment of the objective, will allow the organization to mitigate the risk involved or circulating the entity. Control activities set the overall conduct of the organization through the implementation of policies and procedures, which assure the proper and effective operation of the entity. Information and communication ensure the circulation of information throughout the organization that is vital in performing the control activities. Monitoring activities are the evaluation of the entire process that allows for the recognition of loopholes in their operation, which will enable them to make the necessary adjustment or corrective action. Hence, there is no doubt why COSO Internal Control Framework is the most commonly used internal control framework, as it is more compatible with the primary objective of organizations, which is to succeed in attaining their goal.

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World.

    Dizon, Jake C. (2019-106975)

    1. Hi, jake! We share the same thought about what is the best and appropriate internal control framework to use in an organization. Job well done!

    2. Hi, jake! We share the same thought about what is the best and appropriate internal control framework to use in an organization. Job well done!


      ALMODIEL, CHENCEL-ANNMAE F. (2019-105222)

    3. Hi, Jake! like how consice your work yet you explained your perspective very well. The smmoth transition with the way you explained the elements of COSO is really commendable. Well done!

      Rate : 10/10

      SANGOL, LEAREIN J. ( 2019-106977)


    Upon my research on the following internal control frameworks, Criteria of Control (CoCo) framework is, for me, the best one yet. Personally, CoCo is very textbook; hence, it is easy to understand and apply. In an information paper released by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) in August 2006, CoCo defines control as comprising “those elements of an organization that, taken together, support people in the achievement of the organization’s objectives. I highly liked the concept of CoCo as it put the emphasis on its employees or manpower first rather than anything else. In this way, the organization has strong foundations through the prioritization of its employees.

    CoCo outlines 20 control criteria which can be used by the management to supervise the performance and the decision-making of such (, n.d.). In addition to this, it gives a lot of breathing room of what may be done by the management for it to boost its operations through the framework. The principles of the CoCo framework are organized as follows: purpose, commitment, capability, action, and monitoring. Since the principles are self-explanatory, the management would not have a hard time applying this framework to their very own organization. Lastly, I would give an emphasis on the monitoring principle of the framework. As stated by Jacobson (2021, monitoring includes the internal and external environments, performance, challenging assumptions, and the like. Hence, in this framework, monitoring the performance after the execution of the plans is vital as this would verify if the plans in the beginning are appropriate for the goals of the company.


    International Federation of Accountants. (August 2006). Internal Controls – A review of Current Developments. Retrieved on November 9, 2021 from

    Jaconson, A. (February 15, 2021). Control Framework CoCo. Retrieved on November 10, 2021 from (n.d.). CoCo Internal control framework: definition & key concepts. Retrieved on November 10, 2021 from


    1. Hi Patrick!

      I like how you expound your idea about why CoCo is the best framework. The information you provided is very clear. Keep up the good work!

      Rate: 10/10


  78. For me, among the internal control frameworks that are present in the discussion, COSO Framework is the most functional and effective. According to, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) was created and designed to provide thought leadership through the development of comprehensive frameworks and guidance on internal control, fraud prevention and enterprise risk management. Its goal is to enhance and improve organizational performance and oversight, as well as reducing the extent of the risk of fraud. The COSO framework divides internal control objectives into three categories: operations, reporting and compliance.

    a) Operations objectives, such as performance goals and securing the organization’s assets against fraud, focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of your business operations.
    b) Reporting objectives, including both internal and external financial reporting as well as non-financial reporting, relate to transparency, timeliness and reliability of the organization’s reporting habits.
    c) Compliance objectives are internal control goals based around adhering to laws and regulations that the organization must comply with.

    The five COSO components of internal control represent the five objectives of an acceptable internal control system: control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring activities. Garcia (2020), further elaborated that although the COSO internal control framework isn’t a legal requirement, it is considered best practice and therefore adopted by the majority of companies in the United States (Garcia, 2020).

    By formally adopting the COSO framework for internal controls, the organization conveys to regulators, employees, volunteers, investors, donors and others that it is committed and focused on good governance and accountability. Furthermore, the COSO internal control system may assist in assuring investors or contributors about other parts of your firm, such as sustainability reporting. (BakerTilly, 2019). A well operating internal control process provides users with reasonable certainty that a company's financial statements are accurate and that they can be relied on to make sound decisions.


    BakerTilly. (2019, October 22). The COSO internal control framework and your company's internal control processes. Retrieved from

    Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. (2021). Welcome to COSO. Retrieved from

    Garcia, T. (2020, July 2). What is an Internal Control Framework? Retrieved from

    -PALACIO, Darlene L. (2019-103509)
    CBET 01-503A

  79. As per my perspective, the best internal control framework is the COSO Internal Control Framework because it is clearly aims to aid the organization to achieve essential goals and improving performance. Also, the COSO Framework assists those firms in developing internal control systems that adapt to changing business and operating environments, reduce risks to acceptable levels, and promote good decision making and governance. In addition, the framework designed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) for reviewing internal controls has become the commonly accepted framework for internal control, and it is widely accepted as the benchmark by which organizations evaluate the effectiveness of their internal control systems. Internal control, according to the COSO model, is "a practice carried out by an entity's board of directors, management, and other personnel to offer reasonable assurance of the achievement of objectives." The COSO Framework consists of 5 components that aims to achieve the organization’s mission on an effective internal control and those components are Control environment, Risk assessment, Control activities, Information, and communication, and monitoring wherein, all of those may contribute to systematically recognizing, analyzing, and managing important risks across all organizational operations. In conclusion, those mentioned above is the reason why I choose COSO as the most effective internal control framework.

    Auditboard. (2021). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks.
    Internal Control - Integrated Framework. (2013). Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

    RETONE, RENCE LOUIESE E. (2019-105248)

    1. Hi Rence! just giving appreciation on your work, you explained it in a concise and informative manner. Good job! 101/10

      Longno, Micah Lei C (2019-106978)

  80. According to COSO (2013), Internal control is a process effected by an entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding achieving objectives relating to operations, reporting, and compliance. Organizations use internal control frameworks to achieve essential goals and sustain and improve performance. There are numerous internal control frameworks that organizations may use, such as COSO Framework, COCO Framework, COBIT Framework, GTAG Framework, ISO Framework, ITIL Framework, and CMMI Framework. Among these available internal control frameworks, I consider the COSO Framework the best and most effective internal control framework.

    The COSO framework is widely acknowledged as a leading framework for planning, implementing, and performing internal control and measuring internal control efficacy. It enables organizations to effectively and efficiently develop systems of internal control that adapt to changing business and operating environments, mitigate risks to acceptable levels, and support sound decision-making and governance of the organization (COSO, 2013). Furthermore, COSO has five components broken into 17 principles. The five components of the COSO Framework are control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring activities. These components and principles give the managers thorough direction when establishing or mapping internal controls for audit risk assessments and management. Furthermore, the five components operate together in an integrated manner and collectively reduce, to an acceptable level, the risk of not achieving an objective. The Framework sets forth the requirements for an effective system of internal control (COSO, 2013).

    Different organizations have used COSO Framework since its creation in 1992; thus, its effectiveness has been proven throughout the years. Through the five components and its principles, the COSO Framework can achieve internal control that helps the entities achieve its objectives, assess and mitigate risks, enhance operation, and improve the overall efficiency of the organization’s performance.
    Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). (2013). Internal Control - Integrated Framework. Retrieved November 8, 2021

    Audit Board. (2021, March 3). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks.

    GESTA, CHARLOTTE G. (2019-100594)

    1. Hi, Charlotte!
      I like the presentation of your discussion. The references used really piqued my interest and your points have been clearly made. Your argument for the best internal control is clever and as a reader, I've been pursued that the COSO is the best. Overall, it's work well-done!

      Rate: 10/10

      Talabong, Ela Rain F.


    Internal controls are the activities and procedures that an organization implements to maintain its integrity, minimize business risks, and play a vital role in corporate governance. It will be easier for an organization to manage its different procedures and measures in internal control by utilizing a specific framework. According to Auditboard (2021), an internal control framework is a structured model that classifies and categorizes presumed controls or control issues.

    Murdock (2017) stated that there are several control frameworks that are usually voluntarily implemented to improve performance. One of the most known internal control frameworks in the business world is the COSO's Internal Control-Integrated Framework (ICIF). Also, there is a subset of internal controls related to information technology. IT control frameworks include Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17799, and The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). And, when it comes to project management, assessment, and performance improvement, Capability Maturity Model Integration is widely used (p. 101).

    Out of all internal control frameworks, in my view, COSO is the most reliable and effective for an organization. The overall goal of the COSO framework is to enhance organizational performance and monitoring and reduce the risk of fraud. It can help a business improve the quality of every policy, process, and report through its internal control activities (risk assessment, information communication, monitoring, etc.). In addition, by using this, a business will have larger cost-saving because it allows the organization to design processes, establish more effective internal controls, and manage compliance costs.

    Auditboard. (2021, March 03). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks.

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing:
    Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group

    FRANDIAN A. BLANCO, 2019-103951

  82. The best internal control framework and the most effective for me and to an organization is the Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO) Framework. Every businesses have a risks that need to be taken care of by internal management to ensures that business will run smoothly. Assessing ang controlling will narrow down the risks that will be taken with only an acceptable tolerance.

    According to Garcia (2019), the COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization) Framework is a framework for designing, implementing and evaluating internal control for organizations, providing enterprise risk management. The goal was to create a framework for providing guidance on internal control, allowing organizations to establish controls. Included also here the five core principal of this framework so that it could identify and handle these incoming risks, this would be: risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, control environment, and monitoring activities.

    Internal control is considered as a shield of a business to any danger. In which, it led to continuity of a business and helps providing an accurate financial information in effect. I see Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO) Framework in a way that it is different and better than the other framework because this framework values the link of an objective, risks, and control in an organization. This is the reason why it is the most widely known for. Lastly, it not all about the internal control, but also it focuses on the corporate responsibility and ethical governance. Making sure that business is not just a business, but it has purpose to people surrounds it, internally or externally.

    Garcia, T. (2019). Please Wait. . . | Cloudflare. What Is COSO. Retrieved November 10, 2021, from


  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. “Internal control” is the control exercised within the business by management and overseen by the board. It also includes the control of activities that have been outsourced (Chambers and Rand, 2010). Internal controls are procedures that assist a company stay secure and achieve its goals. They help to reduce risks and safeguard assets, as well as maintain record accuracy, increase operational efficiency, and promote compliance with company policies, rules, regulations, and laws (Audit Board, 2018). A successful internal control consists two things, control and compliance. Control being a part of the process in achieving company’s objectives and compliance as the execution of those processes. Internal controls help the organization achieve its objectives through effective and efficient operations that are in compliance with the regulations. Meanwhile, internal control framework is a structured guide that organizes and categorizes expected controls or control topics (Audit Board, 2021). Organizations are required to implement internal controls under Section 404 of the SOX legislation to ensure accurate financial reporting. SOX controls, also known as SOX 404 controls, are regulations that help a company's financial reporting process prevent and detect errors. Internal controls are used to avoid or detect problems in organizational processes, ensuring that the organization meets its objectives (Sorenson, 2021).

    There are three internal control frameworks that fits the SOX requirements namely, COSO, CoCo, and Turnbull. The most effective one to use is the COSO Framework because not just it is the widely used framework but also because COSO is a committee composed of the different representatives of organizations that establish guidelines that helps organizations in risk assessment, fraud prevention, and internal control. It is the most frequently use internal control framework to run an efficient and effective financial statement control environment. Through the five components of the COSO, the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring, users can have "reasonable assurance" that a company's financial statements are accurate and that they can depend on them to make informed decisions.

    AuditBoard. (2021, March 3). Auditing with COBIT, COSO, and ISO control frameworks. Audit, Compliance, & Risk Management Software | AuditBoard.,expected%20controls%20or%20control%20topics.&text=When%20an%20organization%20uses%20a,the%20framework%20as%20a%20baseline
    AuditBoard. (n.d.). 7 reasons to maintain your internal controls compliance program. GRC Software: Audit, Compliance & Risk Software | AuditBoard.
    Sorenson, N. (2021, June 28). Internal controls for SOX compliance: A practical guide. Pathlock.

    Rogelio, Jan Lorraine M.

    1. Hi Lorraine, I also agree that the COSO framework is the most effective to use in an organization and I commend you for giving information to support your answer.
      Rate: 10/10

      Johanna Marie V Rotoni (2019-103691)

  85. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, a private sector, issued the Internal Control—Integrated Framework in 1992, revised and reissued in 2013, and was finally effective from December 2014 whose goal was to improve the quality of financial reporting through focusing on corporate governance, ethical practices, and internal control (Murdock, 2017). This internal control framework is composed of five components such as Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring activities; and emphasizes the importance of management judgment in designing, implementing, and conducting internal control, and in assessing the effectiveness of a system of internal control.

    This is the best framework as it has broad scope including financial, non-financial, internal reporting, and an executive summary that provides overview intended for the board of direc­tors, chief executive officer, and other senior management. Every employee, regardless of position, should be familar with this as it helps them understand all the benefits of tightening their internal controls.

    The tool doesn't work if the the workers, managers, and executives won't use it. By proper execution of this framework, lot of risks can be prevented such as unethical values, management's incompetency, fraudulent acts, distorted policies and regulations, irrelevant information in financial reports, and communication deficiencies in an organization.


    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. pp 101-102.

    -BATALLER, ERICA ANN R. (2019-103327)

  86. A systematic guide that organizes and categorizes expected controls or control subjects is referred to as an internal control framework. Management creates internal control processes with the framework as a baseline when an organization effectively employs a control framework (usually in audit risk assessments and risk management). As a result, the business was able to establish and control methods that both produce and retain value while reducing risk.

    In an effective internal control system, the following five components work to support the achievement of an entity’s mission, strategies and related business objectives. First is the Control Environment that exercises integrity and ethical values. Next is Risk Assessment that performs risk identification and analysis. Control Activities is third on the list which conducts application change management. We also have what we called Information and Communication which job is to measure quality of information and effectiveness of communication. Lastly, we have Monitoring that conducts separate evaluations and reports deficiencies.

    Upon reading, analyzing and contemplating about these five internal control framework, I've come to the conclusion that the best and most effective to help an organization is the Control Environment. It represents a company’s culture of internal controls. The goal of this specific internal control framework is to evaluate whether the organization has a culture of discipline and compliance or a culture of loose internal control policies and procedures.

    Dalmacion, Khyla Bernadette S.

  87. Internal controls are processes intended to aid safeguard an organization and minimize risk to its objectives. Internal controls prioritize to minimize risks and protect assets, ensure accuracy and credibility of records, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to policies, rules, regulations, and laws. Since all of the internal control frameworks exist for the same reason .It is serving the business organizations as a guide that organizes and categorizes expected controls or control topics leaving the business free from error and giving a lot of advantages when it comes to minimizing the risk of the business entity. Knowing each and every one of the frameworks will give us a lot of idea on what is the type of IC framework most suitable in applying it on the business.

    In my opinion Committee of Sponsoring Organization, also known as COSO is the best and the most effective internal control framework among the rest. It is primarily because it aids organizations by making it sure that the operational effectiveness and efficiency, financial reporting reliability, and applicable laws and regulations compliance are being met. These can be achieved when their operations are running effectively and efficiently .Also mitigating risks to acceptable levels, and supporting sound decision-making and governance are being reached.

    AuditBoard. (2021, November 9). AuditBoard.
    What is the COSO framework? — reciprocity. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2021, from

    Rosete, Jun Roi S.

  88. Hi, lea! Reading your work gives me a lot of information to input in mind. It is well-written and precise. Looking forward for your next works!


    ALMODIEL, CHENCEL-ANNMAE F. (2019-105222)

  89. Hi, helen! I like how you directly answer the question given without putting a lot of unnecessary info's that doesn't really connects to the main point. Good job for this!


    ALMODIEL, CHENCEL-ANNMAE F. (2019-105222)

  90. Hi Carl!

    I also do agree that COSO is the best so far framework among others. It shows in you work how you've done a lot of study and came up with your output. Keep up the good work!

    Rate : 10/10


  91. There are 7 Internal Control Frameworks developed by different auditors and risk control experts, and among those seven, I believe that the COSO Framework is the best and most effective to be applied in an organization as well. Based on my research about the other 6 Internal Control Framework, they are mostly focused on some specific areas, it might be helpful to other type of businesses but generally, it is not practical for other types of businesses.

    The COSO (IC) Framework is the best in terms coverage in the business. According to Snook, this framework focuses on achieving objectives in operations, reporting and/or compliance, based on what I have learned, these three areas are essential and can crucially affect the overall performance of an organization. The operation area is the body or system of the performance of the business, while reporting is a task within an organization that will show the transparency, timeliness, and reliability of the organization’s performance in terms of internal and external financial reporting as well as non-financial reports, and lastly is the compliance, which is all about following and complying to laws and regulations. Satisfaction of the customers is very important and applying this framework is best in that matter because it will not limit the organization to its policies and procedures, it will open up and widen the area to consider to help improve either the operation itself and/or the products or services that they offer. Another thing is that this will also cover the assurance of security of the organization and its higher officials in a reasonable manner. And lastly, this covers the whole organization such as all the area, unit, or process that needs to be improved.

    Aside from what I have mentioned above, there are five components in this framework, Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring. With all of these components include in this Framework, the organization will surely function well because it covers almost all of the areas within the organization and the crucial parts that needs monitoring.

    In conclusion, the COSO framework will be effective in an organization because an organization might be big or has a lot of departments to begin with where in it will be difficult if each department will need to use different frameworks depending on its type. With COSO Framework, it’ll be easy to manage all departments because it covers the whole organization and almost all of the important matters that will need attention for the current and future operations.


    Snook A. (2019, November 21). COSO Framework: What is it and How to use it.

    Johanna Marie V. Rotoni (2019-103691)

  92. Kirsten Gaven PoblacionNovember 9, 2021 at 9:13 PM

    The human body is comprised of different parts that are interconnected with each other. Each part corresponds to different functions, and are all considered essential for our body to perform accordingly. Both interior and exterior parts are vulnerable and prone to different accidents and ailments. The human body, as presented, represents an organization. Assessing the risks coming from external environment is vital. Possible changes do affect the organization's internal control, and may potentially make it ineffective.

    Personally, I admire the concept of COSO's Internal Control Integrated Framework. COSO’s goal was to improve the quality of financial reporting through a focus on corporate governance, ethical practices, and internal control. In order to achieve these goals, there are several factors to consider, and it all boils down to the ones who supervise the organization. The employees are a key to the success of the business, and the management must communicate the principles and beliefs to their employees, and promote a healthy culture and ethical environment. With this, if they are able to formally present values, they should be able to portray it as well. The management shouldn't assume that values are instilled to their team's minds, hence should periodically check up on them, and ask for their insights. This way, not only the employees but also the management, would be able to regain their awareness about the different beliefs and principles that exists within the organization. In addition to this, the management is to reckon with the SMARTER model when developing organizational and personal goals. In this case, goals are clarified, job would be done more efficiently, that results to productivity, employee satisfaction, that then leads to higher quality customer services.


  93. Kirsten Gaven PoblacionNovember 9, 2021 at 9:16 PM

    Obviously, if there are goals to attain, risks are co-existing with the business. Risk assessment is a major step in achieving the organization's goals. COSO's IC-IF specifies that the organization is susceptible to all sorts of events; both the positive and negative that pertains to opportunities and risks respectively. Internal auditors' objectives must include the evaluation of the connection between objectives, risks, and controls.

    To sum it up, I believe that COSO's IC-IF is the best fit for an organization. It covers a lot of considerations that even I did not expect to play a major part in operating the business. It is well-structured, and its depth is profound.


    Reference: Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. pp 101 - 118 Retrieved November 10, 2021

    1. Hi gaven,

      I love how you explained the topic so well. You covered all the necessary information. Great job!

      ISIP, IRIS G. (2019-103614)

  94. Hello Marvie, you expressed your own opinion in a precise yet detailed answer. You provided information from credible sources to support your answer which shows that you really master the topic.
    Rate: 10/10

    Johanna Marie V. Rotoni (2019-103691)

  95. What is the best internal control (IC) framework and why is it the most effective for you and the organization?

    Internal control is a set of procedures and methods that need to be executed within the company in order to prevent fraudulent activities and guarantee equitable results for relevant decision-making. A venture must choose an internal control framework that is inclined with the nature of the business to come up with good outcomes.

    Some of the most common internal control framework available to be implemented includes the Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO); Control Objectives for Information Technologies (COBIT); and International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

    Among these three internal control frameworks, in my perspective, the most effective control is the Committee of Sponsoring Organization or COSO because aside from the fact that is the most widely used control; it also assesses broad components such as (1) Control environment or the workplace environment and is described by the way the organization is structured, the manner of leadership, the degree of openness, management’s operating style, having and practicing the tenets of its code of ethics and statement of values; (2) Risk assessment that mainly talks about identifying, analyzing, and the management of risk to mitigate its effect to achieve the goals of the organization; (3) Control activities wherein establishments implement policies, procedures, and practices to control the undertakings of the management; (4) Information and communication relates to a structure that ensures that the right people get the right information at the right time; and (5) Monitoring which pertains to detecting whether such plans are functioning effectively and responding to such inefficient transactions to control deficiencies.

    Hence, if an organization succeeds to enforce a good COSO framework, it will surely bring profitable results to them since different areas were considered.

    Kenton, W. (2021). Internal Controls. Retrieved on November 10, 2021.

    Pearson It Certification. (2010). Regulatory Requirements and Risk. Retrieved on November 10, 2021.

    Murdock, H. (2017). Operational Auditing: Principles and Techniques for a Changing World. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. pp 103-133.

    Griarte, Lovely Rose B. (2019-105060)


  96. A structured guideline that organizes and classify anticipated controls is called an internal control framework. Internal auditors uses it when documenting and testing a control environment. There are many frameworks to choose from and utilize. Some of the known most common control frameworks used by internal auditors are the COBIT, COSO and ISO.

    I think the best and most effective internal control is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). It is widely considered as the definitive standard in which organizations assess the efficacy of their internal control systems.

    Internal business controls, as defined by the Committee of Sponsoring Firms of the Treadway Commission (COSO), enable organizations ensure that their financial statements are accurate, their assets and stakeholders are safeguarded against fraud, and their operations are efficient and successful.

    Internal control is a dynamic and integrated process. The framework is applicable to all entities, including large, mid-sized, and small businesses, as well as for-profit and non-profit organizations. It can be challenging to design and implement an effective internal control system. Any internal control system must be adaptable to changes in the company and operating environment since there are new and improved increasing use and reliance on technology, swiftly changing business models, increasing regulatory requirements and scrutiny, as well as other problems happening as time goes by.

    In conclusion, the COSO is the most effective internal control framework since it enables the implementation of the aforementioned features of how internal control operates despite the changing environment.


    Auditboard. (2021). Auditing with COSO, COBIT, and ISO Control Frameworks.

    Sunthorn, Honey Lizette B.

    1. Hi Honey! I agree with you that COSO Framework is the best and the most effective internal control framework in an organization. I like how you articulate your ideas regarding your chosen framework. Your output is well-organized and informative. I've also learned additional information from your work. Great job! My rate for this work is 10/10.
      -Bangate,Lovely V. (2019-104176)

    2. Hi Honey! You did an excellent job discussing the topic, it is well-organized and it is clear that you have a thorough understanding and research of the subject. I also agree with you that COSO Framework is the most effective internal control framework. Good job!

      Rate: 10/10

      MARANAN, PATRISHA C., 2019-100624

  97. Hi, Helen! I commend you for a very detailed work. You didn't miss any supporting important information regarding the Internal Control and your chosen Framework. Keep up the good work! [10/10]

    Rate : 10/10

    SANGOL, LEAREIN J. (2019-106977)

    As defined, Internal controls are the mechanisms, rules, and procedures implemented by a company to ensure the integrity of financial and accounting information, promote accountability and prevent fraud. Internal controls can help improve operational efficiency by improving the accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting. One of the best internal control framework that can help the organization to achieve the company's objective is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) framework.
    The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) framework for internal business controls helps organizations ensure that their financial statements are accurate, their assets and stakeholders are protected from fraud, and their operations are running efficiently and effectively. For me, it is the best internal control framework as it provides enterprise risk management and allows the organization to establish controls throughout their environments. COSO Internal Control has five principles and these are Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, Control Environment and Monitoring Activities. It helps the organization in preventing fraud, theft and regulatory enforcement over poor controls. With the help of COSO internal control, the goal of the organization can now be achieve without taking unnecessary risk.

    Kenton, W. (2021) Internal Controls. What is internal controls?

    Garcia, T. (2019) What is the COSO framework?

    CASTOS, Channel N.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. In my perspective, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission’s (COSO) framework suits the internal control of most of the organizations. The COSO framework for internal business controls helps organizations ensure that their financial statements are accurate, their operations are running efficiently and effectively, and helps organizations comply with laws and regulations. (Guide to COSO Framework and Compliance,2019). This became an ideal framework since it compasses wide-range scope of risk management activities that strengthen the internal control within the business. This risk management encompasses three objectives: operation, reporting, and compliance that are being evaluated throughout the life of the business.
    The COSO framework constitutes five risk management components including Control environment, Risk assessment, Control activities, Information and communication, and finally, the Monitoring activities. These focused aspects contribute to managing the business effectively and reducing the risk exposures from subsequent uncertainties hence, they protect the overall welfare of the entity involving its assets, stakeholders, and its operation.

    In addition, it ensures internal control is being practiced accordingly from function level, operating unit, division level, and to the entity as a whole. It is crucial to observe these controls at all levels to guarantee that top management and their employees were bound with the same objectives. Also, their behaviors and actions are being regulated to refrain them from any misconduct that will ruin the reputation and the profitability of the business.

    Be mindful that there was no such thing as a one-size-fits-all mentality in choosing a framework. It is up to an organization's board and management team to decide what framework to be adopted to keep pace with the changing risks and objectives. After all, the Auditing framework exists for a single reason- to help the organization succeed.

    Guide to COSO Framework and Compliance. (2019). Retrieved November 10,2021 from


  101. Hi Sophia! It is indeed part of the business to take risks in order for its growth and development, however, without effective internal control system in place might lead to its failure. That's why choosing the best IC frameworks for the business is important, as it will be the guidance for designing and implementing Internal control system. Your work is such a masterpiece! 10/10

    Lexter M. Tandayu (2019-106755)

  102. According to Kenton (2021), internal controls are the systems, policies, and procedures put in place by a corporation to ensure financial and accounting data accuracy, encourage accountability, and prevent fraud. Using an expert-designed model to build and execute internal controls can help guarantee that the system does not make the business an easy target for fraud. The one who creates the most commonly-used frameworks is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

    COSO's Internal Control-Integrated Framework is the best and most effective for an organization. The COSO framework defines internal control as "a process carried out by an entity's board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance of the achievement of objectives in the following categories: effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations."

    The COSO framework is the concept that defines internal control as a continuous process regulated and influenced by management and a brand's board of directors. Internal control, when utilized correctly, may assist assure operational success, improve efficiency, and even help a business stay in compliance with rules and laws. There are five components of internal control: the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring activities. The control environment is the collection of standards, processes, and structures that serve as the foundation for implementing internal controls throughout the business. Risk assessment entails analyzing the risks caused by internal and external changes in a firm. Control activities are the duties and activities that aid in the achievement of internal control objectives. An effective system requires internal messaging highlighting the significance of control duties and clear communication of expectations with external partners. Lastly, monitoring activities are used to keep track of a company's processes or internal controls. These components work together to support an entity's mission, strategy, and associated business objectives. COSO framework is important and the most effective to help the company achieve its goals and objectives in the business's success.

    Garcia, T. (2020a, July 2). What is an Internal Control Framework? Retrieved November 10, 2021, from
    Jones, A. (2019, September 26). Internal Control: 5 Key Principles of COSO Framework. Retrieved November 10, 2021, from
    Kenton, W. (2021, September 3). What Are Internal Controls? Accessed November 10, 2021, from
    Snook, A. (2019, November 21). COSO Framework: What it is and How to Use it. Accessed November 10, 2021, from

    MARANAN, PATRISHA C., 2019-100624

  103. Hi Jana! I agree with your work that COSO Framework is the best and most effective internal control framework for a company. I also commend you for putting additional information like the five components of it. Your output is well-organized and informative. Good job!

    Rate: 10/10

    MARANAN, PATRISHA C., 2019-100624


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