Quick Way Of Generating Cash
In this chapter of blog, you will learn the quick way of how you can generate some cash in
the next 2 weeks. Just follow the steps and you can start making money online.
The Fast Cash Method
In the first week, you will learn how to make affiliate commission cash by using the
“direct linking method”.
Direct linking means, whenever someone clicks on your affiliate link, they will go
straight to www.wakeupmillionaire.com through your affiliate link. This way, if they
order the product, you’ll immediately earn the 70% commission.
Advantages Of Direct Linking:
Quick - Because your goal in the first week is to start making some quick money
online, direct linking method is the optimal way to achieve it.
Free - With direct linking, you don’t have to create a website, and you're still able to
make money online.
Easy – If you were to create a website now, you will probably spend days or weeks
before you can start making any money at all. At this early stage, it will be much
easier for you to make money by using solely direct linking.
“Link Cloaking”
By default, your affiliate link is like "http://john123.cando2.hop.clickbank.net/". You
can promote it how it is, but it looks ugly, which will deter people from clicking your
affiliate link. To prevent this from happening, you can cloak your link and thus it
makes your affiliate link looks a lot better.
You can use a free linking cloaking service (they’re also called link shorteners) at
http://l1nk.com. L1nk.com will allow you to shorten your affiliate link to make it “look”
better and more presentable.
Another way is to buy yourself a domain at NameCheap.com.
After you have bought your domain, you can then use the redirect feature on
For example, you buy a domain “www.yourdomain.com” and when you just bought it,
the domain itself is blank and nothing will show up. You can use redirect feature in
Namecheap.com with your unique affiliate link to redirect people to
www.wakeupmillionaire.com. So when someone clicks on www.yourdomain.com,
they will instead go to www.wakeupmillionaire.com.
I do recommend you buy a domain because it’s a quirky form of branding which not
only looks professional, but also visitors will feel safe clicking it. Other than that, you
have total control on how you can use your domain.
If you do not know what domain name to buy at this stage, you can just buy a
domain with your own personal name. For example, I bought a domain with my own
name markiegrabillo.com
If you do not know how to buy a domain, you can watch the video tutorial below at
You need to think about making money online as a business, and every business
requires some costs to make money. As a business cost, a domain is considered to
be REALLY cheap in the long run. By just making one sale from your affiliate
commission, you can make back the money that you initially invested on a domain.
See also: Promotion Methods
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In this chapter of blog, you will learn the quick way of how you can generate some cash in
the next 2 weeks. Just follow the steps and you can start making money online.
The Fast Cash Method
In the first week, you will learn how to make affiliate commission cash by using the
“direct linking method”.
Direct linking means, whenever someone clicks on your affiliate link, they will go
straight to www.wakeupmillionaire.com through your affiliate link. This way, if they
order the product, you’ll immediately earn the 70% commission.
Advantages Of Direct Linking:
Quick - Because your goal in the first week is to start making some quick money
online, direct linking method is the optimal way to achieve it.
Free - With direct linking, you don’t have to create a website, and you're still able to
make money online.
Easy – If you were to create a website now, you will probably spend days or weeks
before you can start making any money at all. At this early stage, it will be much
easier for you to make money by using solely direct linking.
“Link Cloaking”
By default, your affiliate link is like "http://john123.cando2.hop.clickbank.net/". You
can promote it how it is, but it looks ugly, which will deter people from clicking your
affiliate link. To prevent this from happening, you can cloak your link and thus it
makes your affiliate link looks a lot better.
You can use a free linking cloaking service (they’re also called link shorteners) at
http://l1nk.com. L1nk.com will allow you to shorten your affiliate link to make it “look”
better and more presentable.
Another way is to buy yourself a domain at NameCheap.com.
After you have bought your domain, you can then use the redirect feature on
For example, you buy a domain “www.yourdomain.com” and when you just bought it,
the domain itself is blank and nothing will show up. You can use redirect feature in
Namecheap.com with your unique affiliate link to redirect people to
www.wakeupmillionaire.com. So when someone clicks on www.yourdomain.com,
they will instead go to www.wakeupmillionaire.com.
I do recommend you buy a domain because it’s a quirky form of branding which not
only looks professional, but also visitors will feel safe clicking it. Other than that, you
have total control on how you can use your domain.
If you do not know what domain name to buy at this stage, you can just buy a
domain with your own personal name. For example, I bought a domain with my own
name markiegrabillo.com
If you do not know how to buy a domain, you can watch the video tutorial below at
You need to think about making money online as a business, and every business
requires some costs to make money. As a business cost, a domain is considered to
be REALLY cheap in the long run. By just making one sale from your affiliate
commission, you can make back the money that you initially invested on a domain.
See also: Promotion Methods
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