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Promotion Method

For the first week, writing your own articles is the easiest way to get started.
Articles dictate a lot of the success and the drive of traffic for you.
When you’re writing an article, mainly focus on writing good articles related to selfhelp,
so that it gets published more often by the other publishers. This way, it helps
you to gain more traffic with your articles.
Another reason to write good articles are that they can really help to add value to
other people and if those other people like it, they will usually share your articles with
their friends.

The Internet Is the "Information Highway"

Folks are logging onto the Internet to look for information about internet marketing all
of the time – it really is that plain and simple.
It's your job to provide them with the necessary information if you're going to have
ANY success online. The importance and the overall benefits you'll receive from
being able to create some quality, somewhat entertaining self-help articles (and
content) on your own really cannot be stressed enough. Just go ahead and do it!
Here are some tips to help and assist you in making your articles.

How To Write An Article Easily

One of the methods you can use to prepare yourself when tasked to write an article
is firstly creating an outline. Creating an outline for all of your future articles makes
you more prepared.
You have an idea of what you need to do first and make a plan for your successive
steps. Being prepared makes the job so much easier and faster. Being organized will
allow any disorientation to be shunned away.
An outline can act as the design, or blueprint, of your article. This will guide you
when you're creating the introduction, body and conclusion of your article. During this
point, you can write down some of the ideas and sentences that you personally feel
will look good in your article. This could be some of the focal points that could help
make your article more creative, interesting and appealing to the reader.
A carefully planned and fully prepared project would guarantee and moreover ensure
a problem and worry free procedure that can virtually go without any more hassles.
Creating an outline for all of your articles will get you ready to breeze through writing
an article in no time at all. Here are some more tips and guidelines in how to create
an outline for all of your articles…

Do a couple of brainstorming sessions and jot down your brilliant ideas first.
Think of some unique ways to attract the interest of your reader.

Designate a time frame whereby you can write down all of the ideas that you can use
for your future articles. By this point, you should have done all your necessary
research and information searching. Review and reread your ideas and notes, gain a
level of mastery and sufficient familiarity with your topic so that writing them down
later on would be easy for you.

The next step is to discover your sub topic and sub titles. As you need to provide a
first sentence for your article, one that will immediately grab the full attention of your
reader, you will need some as well for your sub topics. To be concise, you will need
to get all the facts that will not only support, but go against your point.
These are the frames (or skeleton) of your article. Now it’s time to add the flesh and
the meat of your article.
You will need to connect all of your paragraphs and sub topics together. This will
form the main body of your article. While the introduction will usher in the ideas of
your paragraph, you will need a detailed conclusion. The conclusion will wrap up
your points and really drive in what you are trying to say in your article.
The outline for your article will also require you to write brief a draft first. This may
take more than one attempt, but do remember, that it is called a draft for a reason.
Your outline shall be perfected as each subseqeunt draft is written and this draft is
meant for your eyes only, so there’s no reason to feel ashamed of it. As you go on,
you will begin to clearly see the bigger picture and write an article that will perfectly
suit what is demanded of it.

Read and reread what you have written down so far.

Always refer to your outline so that you won’t drift away from what you first had
written down. It's so easy to get caught in the moment and lost in your writing frenzy
- your outline will help you keep on track. All those hours spent whilst outlining your
article will not go to waste and this will serve as your guide in writing articles. Trust
completely and rely on your outline because this will prove to be a very helpful tool in
writing all of your articles.

Write In Bursts

The problem for most people is that they look at writing as a long, difficult and
monotonous task that would be “impossible” for them to ever accomplish.

So they never actually start. They make excuses.
“I don’t have time to write.”
“I’m too busy.”
“I’m not smart enough.”

These are lies we often tell ourselves to avoid starting writing.
There is one EASY way to write that not only makes writing easier, but it makes it
better too.
The first thing to do is to break up your writing into smaller chunks. These pieces are
called “bursts”. A “burst” is defined as “a sudden, intense display, of activity, energy,
or effort”.
What you want is an explosion of sudden words on the page.
This should be a 10-20 minute period of intense writing. You can even make them
shorter if you’d like to. Start at a small 5 minutes and move up from there.
What you’ll begin to see is the time flying by. Once you train yourself to write in
“bursts”, you’ll start writing for longer and then longer.
Another reason why writing in “bursts” is so powerful, is that it can help you to
eliminate distractions. Because you’re writing in these explosive bursts, you won’t
have to barricade yourself in a room for hours after hours!
While you’re doing it, write or type as fast as you can! One thing that makes writing
so difficult is that we don’t write as fast as we can speak. Because of this, our brain
has time to utterly slow down the writing process. It does so by critiquing what we’ve
already written, throwing some new ideas in the way, and creating other worthless
distractions. These things all move you out of the flow. They sabotage your writing.
This is why you can be writing something brilliant one minute and then frozen staring
at your computer screen the next.

In order for the words to flow out of you, you have to physically write faster. Whether
you’re writing, or typing, it must be fast, almost like you’re finishing it in a hurry.
When you do that, you stop yourself and your brain from going back and critiquing
your writing. The physical act of typing fast keeps your brain more active. It keeps
the words flowing out of you, straight onto the page.
By physically making yourself write fast, you ironically stop yourself from mentally
sabotaging yourself.

One way to do this is to time yourself with a clock. Write like you’re trying to win a
race of some sort. This forces you to try and get everything out of your mind and
onto the page as fast as you possibly can.
That’s what you want. Writing in this way will prevent you from constantly second
guessing yourself and allow you instead to get all that good stuff you have in you, out
of your brain and onto the page.
If you need more help on this, in certain cases, caffeine or music seem to help.]

Getting In the “Zone”

Often you hear athletes, artists, musicians, writers, and even others talk of being “in
the zone”. When people say they are “in the zone”, what they are actually referring to
is the feeling of doing something without having to overly think about it.
When you’re in the zone, a steady, focused stream of words will flow out of you and
onto the page. When you’re in the zone, you feel like the words are coming out of
your mind and onto the page like some sort of laser beam. You lose track of how
long you’ve been writing and/or what you’re writing about.

You just write, really!

In fact, it almost doesn’t feel like “writing” because the words feel like they are
“pouring” out of you, not the monotonous task of writing them.
How do you get yourself in the zone?
Getting in the zone comes from writing pieces often and from sheer practice. It is
something you will feel happen to you after you’ve become comfortable with writing
like a maniac. It does take time and practice.
You can’t expect to just sit down, and then suddenly, find yourself in the zone. The
best way to get yourself into the zone is to write more. The zone isn’t something you
can just click your fingers and land in. It’s something that you gradually flow into.
The only way to get in it is to start by writing.
Once you get the ideas flowing, you’re that much close to getting in the zone.
Once you get in the zone you want to remain there. The thing is, when you’re in the
zone you really don’t have time to think about it. Distractions can keep you out of the
zone or at the least take you out of the zone once you’re already there.
Never analyze it. The fastest way to kill your writing is to start over analyzing it while
you write. That's a big mistake.

Once you do this you ultimately slow yourself down, you slow your brain down, and
you start restricting the flow of ideas coming out of your mind and onto the page.
This kills your flow and puts a tight choke hold on your creativity.
When you’re letting the ideas flow you are really using the creative part of your brain.
Once you start analyzing you are using the analytical part of your brain.
If you keep trying to switch back and forth, you’ll only frustrate yourself and more
importantly, your brain. Your writing will be more difficult. You’ll get pissed off with it
and you’ll quit.
Sometimes when you first start writing, you’ll start to go off on a bit of a tangent. If
this happens, just roll with it at first. Remember, the point is to get all the ideas and
words (your inner voice) out of you, and instead onto the page. Let the ideas and
words roll out of you. Go with the flow you're in.
Once you start to get the hang of these techniques and begin to put them into
practice, you will start to develop your own unique writing style.
Your writing will begin to have its own unique “voice”. Your words will start to read
just like they are spoken.
Finding your inner voice takes a little time to master. You will start to see little bits
and pieces of it come out every now and then, when you start writing. And then, once
you get yourself comfortable, you’ll start to see your personality and individuality just
pour out into your writing.
Once your brain starts spitting out ideas, sometimes it just can’t stop itself.
When you give your brain the freedom to create new ideas without restraint it will go
from one idea, to another, to another. That’s essentially how it works. Each idea will
branch into another and then another. I'm sure you the picture here.
It is inevitable that when you’re writing there will be times when a degree of self
doubt creeps in.
You know when they say, “Dance like no one else is watching”?
Well, write like no one is going to read it. You just have to be your unique self and
write. As soon as you start critically thinking about what other people will say and
think about your writing, you’re in big trouble.
It’s a fact that not everyone who reads what you write is going to like or enjoy it.
You’ll be lucky if even 50% of the people out there like it.
The minute you try to write to please everyone, you’ll begin pleasing no one.

You can’t let the fear of criticism stop you from achieving any time writing. As soon as
you learn to stop thinking about what others think, you’ll experience an incredible
rush. You’ll feel absolutely free.
This will allow you to relax and start being creative, instead of sitting around second
guessing yourself and making up excuses not to write.

A Bit on Editing

After you’re done squeezing the ideas out of your brain and onto the page, then it’s
time to edit and organize everything professionally. You must keep the editing and
organizing process completely separate from the writing process.

The 2 tasks will naturally conflict with each other.

When it’s time to write, just write. When it’s time to edit, just edit. This will make both
processes that much more powerful on their own.
While we’re talking about editing, let’s touch base on your grammar for a bit.
Too many people let their fear of grammar and their overwhelming fear of making
grammar mistakes hold them back. This is because we’re all taught at a very young
age that grammar is difficult, grammar is complicated, grammar is boring and
grammar is important.
When you get that mentality drilled into your brain at a young age, it’s easy to see
why almost all of us have a fear of making any grammar mistakes.
What is important and what grabs reader’s attention is writing, especially when it has
its own unique voice. Writing that comes straight from a person’s mind, heart, soul,
whatever you want to call it, or where ever it's from. That is what people want. That is
what keeps people glued to their computer screens or books, not their perfect
You can worry about your grammar once you have poured the words out of you and
onto the page or screen. Grammar is secondary when it comes to marketing. More
important is that you get those words, thoughts, feelings or emotions out of you and
onto the page.
Often, writing when you are fatigued or exhausted can result in some amazing
results. This is because your brain is too tired to constantly fight itself. Your creative
brain will run free meanwhile its “censor” is drowsy. Think of it as the old security
guard who fell asleep in his chair.

The best writing tends to come from people who are highly enthused about
something. When you get into the zone, you’ll begin to see your enthusiasm jump
right off the page when you write. Enthusiasm is contagious.

Red Hot Tips To Get Your Articles Read

Making a good article doesn’t have to be massively strenuous . There are just some
points that you needed to be reminded of, and some guides to follow and once you
get the hang of it, writing articles will be fun, as well as profitable for you.
To make sure that your articles get exposure, here are six red-hot tips to get your
articles read. These tips will make your articles more readable and interesting.

1) Use short paragraphs.
When the paragraphs are very long, the words get jumbled up in the mind of the
reader just by looking at it. It can get quite confusing and too much hard work to
read. The reader will just quickly disregard the paragraph and instead move on to
much easier reading articles that are good to look at, as well as read.
Paragraphs can be a single sentence, sometimes even a single word!

2) Make use of numbers or bullets.
As each point is stressed out, numbers and bullets can quickly make the point
easy to remember and importantly digest. As each point, tip, guide or method is
started with a bullet or point, readers will know that this is where the tips start and
are being stressed. Format your bullets and numbers with indentations so that
your article won’t look like a single block of boring, square paragraphs.

3) Use Sub-headings to sub-divide your paragraphs in the page.
Doing this will break each point into sections, but they still will be incorporated
into one complete article. It will also be easy for the reader to move on from one
point to another; the transition will be smooth and easy. You will never lose your
readers attention, as well as the point, and direction to where the article is

4) Provide a good attention-grabbing title or header.
If your title can entice a person’s curiosity you’re already halfway towards getting
a person to read your article. Use statements and questions that utilize certain
keywords that people are looking for. Provide titles or headers that not only
describe your articles content, but should also be short and concise.
Use titles like, “Tips on making more money with a successful mindset”, or “How
to achieve financial freedom in a year” .You could also use titles that will
command people, for example, “Make your first million in six easy ways”. These
types of titles reach out to a person’s subconscious emotions and makes them
automatically interested.
Again, if the readers don’t like your title, they’re not going to read the body of your
article, much less make it down to the resource box where you’ve placed your
reseller link. Take a lot more time when creating a traffic pulling title than you do with
any other part of your article.
Always start your articles with attention grabbing headlines.

5) Keep them interested from the start till finish.
Right from your opening paragraph, use real life situations that can be easily
adopted by the reader. Use good descriptions and metaphors to hammer in your
point, just don’t overdo it. Driving your examples with graphic metaphors and
similes will make it easier for them to imagine what you are talking about. Wholly
making the experience pleasurable and enjoyable for them.

6) Utilize the figures when necessary and not just ordinary and insipid statements.
Using specific facts and figures can heighten your articles feel because it makes
it authoritative. But do not make it too formal, it should be light and easy to read
and flow. Imagine a friendly teacher having a little chat with an eager student.
Of course it doesn’t mean that you need to incorporate 6 of these tips into your
article. Though, where ever possible, use them.

Writing A Resource Box That Makes People Click

Let’s talk a little more about your resource box.
As a website visitor reading the articles they have searched for, they can find at the
end of the article a small resource box that can be clicked on to link them to the site
that has initially submitted the article. Of course the article will be in direct relation to
the site.
In your case, the article will be related to self-help topic and the resource box should
lead to your affiliate link.
Like the article itself, the resource box must also be very eye-catching to demand the
attention and full interest of the reader. While the resource box encompasses only a
small space, providing the right keywords and solid content for your resource box will
provide more edging for the reader to click on your link!
A good resource box will get you a lot more traffic, seeing that your entire article’s
“promotion” depends on this singular, tiny spot.
Keep in mind that you only get a small space at the bottom for your resource box so
you better make the most out of it. Try to catch the attention of your reader with
some resource box content that can make them give it a second look.
Unlike TV ads, you don’t have any visual aids to further drive your point in, but you
do have the power of imagination as a reader. With the right content, you can make
them think more and become intrigued.

So Don’t Want To Write Articles By Yourself?

If you’re just not good in writing and can’t write articles, that’s totally okay too.
You can hire a writer easily with as little as just $5 at

When you’re hiring a writer on, make sure that you find great writers who
can write unique articles up to 500 words long.
Here’s a short example on how you can message the writer when you’re hiring:
Hi, please write an article about self-help of achieving success based on

Include an interesting headline that can create curiosity amongst readers, such as
“The Secrets Of Creating Wealth For Ordinary People”, “How You Can Be A
Millionaire With The Right Mindset”, “The Importance Of Success Mindset To
Become A Millionaire”, etc.
Please focus more on the quality of the article instead of implementing keywords.
Thank you!
If the writer did a great job with your work, you can then hire the same writer for
future articles.
Once you have your articles ready, you can start to use them to promote WakeUp

1. Post The Article At
The first way you can get traffic with your article is to get it published on
There are many article directories out there, but focus mainly on EzineArticles
because it is the single most largest article directory on the internet.
Secondly, when your articles are listed on well-known article directories like
EzineArticles, they might be used in future as content on other websites.
Here’s an example:
Let's assume we need some content for our self-help website.
We could start writing some articles that would pertain to
self-help and add them to our website as we naturally progress
But the problem is time! How many "QUALITY" articles can we
write during a week? It takes some time and a lot of effort to
product a quality, informative and entertaining article. And
time is something we're a bit short on, especially when just
setting up a new site. We want to get our website riddled with
lots of high quality content ASAP!

So what do we do?

We browse a few articles on EzineArticles and grab some free
articles written by the other authors and add the articles
that we find interesting to our website!

The important thing to remember is that we only want "Top
Shelf" quality, laser-targeted, articles that will fit
perfectly into our website and its demands.
And the only requirement is that we include the author's
resource box somewhere in the article.
No problem! We'll gladly credit the author of the article for
their hard work. They'll, in turn, receive some high quality
links from our website and we've just grabbed ourselves
INSTANT Content for our site as well. Sounds like a lucrative
trade, wouldn't you agree with me?
And what's even more powerful is the fact that once we begin writing our own articles
and submitting them out into, we'll reap the same logical rewards
from other webmasters looking to add content onto their own websites!
Perhaps they'll even use a few of our articles.
It's a win-win situation for everyone involved!

From the webmasters point of view:

· They receive quality, informative content for their website.
· Their website will increase in the search engine rankings (search engines love
sites with a lot of fresh, regularly updated content).
· Their site will be of a greater benefit to its customers and visitors, mainly
because of the quality of information it will provide to them.
· They'll receive future "repeat traffic" from the continuously updated, fresh,
entertaining content they can add regularly.
· More and more webmasters will refer traffic to their website because it
becomes a valuable resource on the web (sort of a hidden gem!) - and more
traffic ultimately leads to more sales, win-win once again.
· This will increase their "Link Popularity" and ultimately increase their search
engine rankings and traffic in the meantime.
From the author’s (that's you) point of view:
· They receive hundreds (possibly thousands) of links from related websites
through their articles being published on other websites with similar related
· They'll gain credibility and recognition as a respected author and an expert in
their field.
· It's likely they'll open up new doors of opportunity -- such as ezine publishers
and alike who may actually want to reprint their articles in one of their monthly
ezines letters, or similar websites who may want to trade links for increased
· Auto-pilot free traffic from hundreds of other sites.
And that's just a few of the countless opportunities that can arise from writing your
own articles and content.

2. Post It On Self-Help Forums
Another easy way to make quick money is to promote through self-help forums.
As you can see, there’s a reason why I’ve suggested article marketing because the
same article can be “recycled” again and again to be used for other marketing
When you’re posting on forums, don’t promote directly as the main purpose of a
forum is to share opinions, questions, and information for open discussion of the
topic and not to sell products.
This is also why using domain redirecting is better than
And while you can create articles and post them on forums, in most cases you’d
receive poor results. At the worst, you could even get kicked off the forum for “copy
and paste” participation rather than active, thoughtful participation.
Nonetheless, niche forums are a great place to get some extra link exposure, meet
new prospects and even meet potential joint venture marketing partners for the
You need to approach forum marketing the right way if you want any good
And that’s exactly what I will teach you now, as we’re going to talk about how to get
easy free traffic from forums.
Let’s get started...

Where To Find The Self-Help Forums

Finding forums in a self-help niche is really quite easy. Just go to Google and type
self-help related keywords, followed by the important word “forum”.
For example: “self help forum”, “self improvement forum” or perhaps “personal
development forum”, etc.
Or search for them at and
This is why at such an early chapter, I talked about promoting WakeUp Millionaire,
because self-help is a huge market and it has many forums and groups for it!

How To Establish Yourself In The Community

Picture this…
You move into a new city. You don’t know a single soul in your new neighborhood.
But one day you walk out of your house and spot five or six of your neighbors
standing on the sidewalk talking.
What a great time to introduce yourself to several new people at once!
The normal approach would be for you to wait until you see a lull moment in the
conversation, apologize for your intrusion, and then properly introduce yourself. Your
neighbors are likely to warmly accept the “intrusion,” introduce themselves back to
you and perhaps ask you a few probing questions.
After a short while, you're likely to go back into your house so that the group could
continue with the conversation.
Let’s imagine for a moment that instead of using the above approach, you instead
walked right up to the group of new neighbors, pushed a couple of them aside so
that you could get inside their circle, and then starting loudly spouting your strong
minded opinions into whatever they were talking about.
How well would that go over with your new neighbors? Not very well at all.
The same is true for a forum.
Namely, a forum/group is a community of like-minded people. There are certain
unwritten rules and etiquette rules you are expected to always follow. And just like
any other community, forums also have networks of people who know and
subsequently trust each other – and they’ll definitely be taken aback if you just burst
onto their forum (their homely community) and act like an intruder rather than a new

TIP: Some people say things like, “but I’ve been a member of other forums for years
now – so people should respect me and my experience.”
Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. That’s like moving to London, being rude to all of
your neighbors and saying, “But I’ve lived in big cities all over the world for the past
two decades – so I should get your full and automatic respect.”
If it doesn’t work in an offline community, it probably won’t work in an online
community either, like a niche forum.

Here’s a step by step plan for establishing yourself on any forum:

Step 1: Register for an account and then lurk for a while.
Go ahead and register for your forum account and fill out your new profile. But before
you start posting, spend a few days just lurking. Lurking simply means browsing
through some of the posts. Having a look around. Get a feel for the forum and its
style. Learn about some of the other members. Understand the written rules as well
as the unwritten ones.

Step 2: Start posting (but don’t be too eager!).
Once you understand how this particular forum operates, then you can go ahead and
start posting. You may begin with a brief introduction. Then you can move on to
answering questions or perhaps posting some of your own questions. (I'll say more
on that in the next section.)

TIP: Don’t bombard the forum with lots of posts. You’ll automatically be viewed as a
potential spammer. That’s because forum spammers often plaster the forums with
needless posts just to get their post count up and to get more signature exposure. In
other words, don’t simply post an “I agree with John” type of post. Again, more on
this later.

Step 3: Build your reputation.
Your next step is to just continue making some good posts. Answer questions as
thoroughly as is possible. Seek to establish yourself as a kind of expert on the forum
– not by telling people you’re an expert, but rather by showing them what you know
(by helping people with their questions). The more respected you are in the
community, the more clicks you’ll now get on your link.

How To Create Valuable Posts

You can’t just blanket a forum with a bunch of “me too” and “I agree” posts and
expect to build yourself up a good reputation.
Instead, you need to provide some value to the forum.

Here are seven of the different ways you can post on a forum:

1. Post an introduction. This is one of the first posts you should make on
the forum, before anything else.
2. Welcome others to the forum. You can also post to other people’s
introduction threads and heartedly welcome them to the forum.
3. Ask questions. Here you should post thoughtful questions. Don’t post
questions other members have already asked a million times on the forum.
Please, don’t ask questions that you can easily find the answer to on
Google either.
4. Answer other people’s questions. Don’t just give a one or two line
answer. Instead, give as much information as you possibly can.
5. Share your opinion. Not every post you make needs to be full of facts
and strict figures. Sometimes you can share your curious opinion – just be
sure you don’t state your opinion as a fact.
6. Comment on other people’s answers and add information. If someone
else has already posted a good answer to a question, you can post that
you agree with the answer and enlarge on it. However, you should also
take this opportunity to post additional information that adds value to the
thread (rather than merely posting a simple “I agree”).
7. Post about hot topics. Finally, another way to add value to the forum is
to be the first to post some self-help news and other hot topics. (Just be
sure someone else didn’t already make a similar post).

How To Get Exposure for Your Promotion Url

Once you’ve spent several days working to establish yourself as a trusted, valuable
member of the community, you can start with dropping your signature link at the end
of your posts. Be sure to read the rules of the forum first, as they will vary.
Some forums allow you to immediately include a “signature link” at the end of your
posts, however others require you to post a specified number of messages prior to
this, or even be an active member for a specified period of time first.
Earlier in this handbook, I told you how to create a resource box for your article. You
create your forum signature link in exactly the same way. Usually, you write as if
you’re writing a headline. And that means your signature line should:

· Be oriented towards the reader and packed with benefits. Your readers
only care about themselves and their own problems, so your signature link
should tell them how just by following your link will quickly and easily solve
any of their problems. Use the word “you” rather than words like “I”.

· Arouse their curiosity whenever possible. Remember, one good way to
arouse curiosity is by promising to tell them a “secret,” or by promising a big
benefit, but not letting people know how they’ll get that big benefit, without first
clicking on your link.

Here are a few examples…

Example: Read the story of how this guy became a millionaire without any college
education – by clicking here.
Example: Read the story of a WakeUp Millionaire by clicking here.
Example: Discover the 3 key secrets to become a millionaire – just click here.

3. Turn the Article’s Content Into A Video
Once you have your articles, you can also turn them into structured videos.
This way, you are using the same content but gaining additional traffic through
another marketing and viral channel.
When you turn them into video, it can be a screen capture style where you just make
it geared towards being a presentation and screen capture them. You can use sites
like and or animated characters at to create videos based on your own images and text. Another way is to record yourself is by speaking.

Once you have turn your articles into videos, you can then later submit to

The reason we only submit to Youtube is because Youtube is the largest video
directory that's available on the internet. You can submit to others to gain more
exposure if you have the time, also including:

4. Guest Blogging With Your Article
Lastly, you can guest blog with your article.
Guest blogging means that you find similar self-help related blogs and offer to be a
guest with them and publish your article. Other blog owners will appreciate that, as
they can save the time writing articles on their own. The only thing is, blog owners
love unique article so you have to modify your article accordingly for them to deem it

The best way to find self-help related blogs can be done by using the same method
of searching forums.
Just type in self-help related keywords followed by the important word “blog” on
Google. You will find hundreds of different blogs to choose from.
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See also: Advanced Methods
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