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Owning a Mailing List

How to Own A Mailing List With A Squeeze Page

If you want to build your mailing list, the easiest way to get started is by using a
“squeeze page”.
Basically, a squeeze page is a single web page that only focuses on gaining
subscribers – that’s all. The reason we want to use a squeeze page to build a list is
because the conversion of visitors subscribing to your list is a lot higher, easier and
Instead of designing the squeeze page, it is much better to just get squeeze page
templates that are already proven to work for building your list.
You can find it at
This will help you to save more money than hiring a webpage designer or taking your
time learning how to design on your own. With the templates, you can also keep
using them time and time again in the future.

Mailing List – Your Key to a Sustainable Income

It is IMPOSSIBLE to manage the emails of all of your subscribers manually. If you
have 1,000 subscribers in the future, you don’t want to send your message to them
one by one. Yes, you can send it to them in bulk, but this is not professional at all
and it looks just like spamming.

The concept of having a mailing list is to communicate with your subscribers as if
you’re talking to them personally and directly, they don't want to feel like a number.
You have to use an autoresponder service to manage your list. The famous ones
include Aweber, Get Response, Mailchimp, AutoresponsePlus and a few others.

The First eMail – The Welcome Mailing

Here’s the secret to building a responsive list: Work on your new relationship with
your subscribers from the moment they first join your list.
You see, a lot of marketers are focused on what they can get out of the relationship.
And so they think about what kinds of new promotions that they can send to their list
to squeeze even more money out of their subscribers.
But you know what?
Your subscribers do NOT care about your current financial situation. They do NOT
care if they’re in your sales funnel or NOT.
All they want to do is solve their problems. Period.
As such, that needs to be your main focus too. If you focus on solving your
subscriber’s problems, you’ll naturally get what you want along the process, too. And
you need to start developing this relationship right from the very first email you send,
also known as “The Welcome Mailing”.

Here’s how you can start building that relationship immediately…

Step 1: Let New Subscribers Know What to Expect
The truth is, I didn’t offer completely true information when I said that the
relationship-building starts with the first email that you send to your subscribers.
Actually, it starts even before your prospective subscriber actually joins your list.
That’s because your squeeze page or other newsletter information should lay out
what your subscriber can expect in the future.

Here are the types of issues you’ll want to cover on your own squeeze page:
· What kind of content can the subscriber expect from me?
· How often will they receive this content?
· Will you share the subscriber’s personal information with others?

Here are three tips to keep in mind as you begin building your list:
· Do not repurpose your list. You’ve told your subscribers what they can
expect. So, if you now go ahead and change the rules and repurpose your list
– such as sending 100% pitches when you told them they’d get a “content
rich” newsletter every week – then you’re breaking the trust set with
subscribers. And when trust breaks, sales go down and your prospects hit the
“unsubscribe” button.

· Tell subscribers multiple times what to expect. The truth is your eager
prospects don’t read everything that you write. It’s true. So in order to get the
message across to everyone, you should tell subscribers what to expect on
your website (squeeze page), within your terms of service documents and
also within the first couple emails you send.

· Whet their appetite for what’s coming next. You build a relationship by
getting subscribers to open up and read your emails. And one way to get a
higher open conversion rate is to whet your subscriber’s appetite for what’s
coming to them in the next email.
For example: “Stay tuned, because in three days you’ll discover my 5 secrets of
achieving success!”.

Step 2: Create an Unannounced Special Bonus
You probably offered some kind of an incentive to encourage subscribers to join your
list in the first place. Just taking this simple step helps you to build your relationship
with your list.
However, you can take it a step further by offering an unannounced EXTRA bonus
for all new first-time subscribers.

Tip: You may offer something special related to self-improvement only for the
subscribers who buy WakeUp Millionaire through your unique affiliate link. This
works particularly well when you deliver more added-value to your subscribers.
What type of bonus should you offer?

Basically, the goal is to provide something that’s in-demand amongst your subscriber
base. Your bonus can take the form of:
· An ebook or report.
· A video.
· An audio track.
· A multi-part ecourse.

Here are three more tips for creating your exclusive bonus:
· Create a unique bonus. Don’t just bundle resell rights or private label rights
content and name it a bonus. Instead, create something truly unique to you –
something your subscribers literally can’t find anywhere else.

· Make it valuable. Just because you’re giving it away doesn’t mean it should
be worthless. On the contrary, your bonus should be so valuable that your
average prospect would often be willing to pay for it (perhaps as much as $50
to $100 or more!).

· Give away your best content. Some newsletter publishers give away
second-rate content while saving their best stuff for their paid for products.
Don’t be afraid to give away some of your very best content to increase sales.
Once you’ve created it, then move on to the next step below…

Step 3: Write the Email
You’ve created your new-subscriber bonus. Now it’s time to actually create your new
subscriber Welcome Mailing.
In just a moment I’ll give you an example of what your welcome email might (or
should) look like. But first, let me share with you these four tips…

· Don’t think of your subscribers as cash cows or ATM's. Your subscribers
didn’t join your list for YOUR own pleasure and profits – they joined it because
they needed their problems solved. As such, you need to focus on solving
their problems. Otherwise, you risk alienating your new subscribers and
pushing them AWAY from the sale – and of course, you can’t very well make
money from a list with no subscribers.

· Get personal. You don’t have to share your life story with each of your
subscribers – and you certainly don’t want to bore them to death with
irrelevant details. But don’t be afraid to share relevant stories and some
personal facts.
For example: You can share personal stories about your journey of becoming a
millionaire (and then further encourage your subscribers to share their stories, too,
perhaps on your blog comments).

· Create an initial autoresponder series. While I’m referring to your initial
“Welcome Mailing” in this lesson, ideally you should create an initial
autoresponder series of at least seven of the emails. That’s because this initial
series allows you to progessively build your relationship with your new found

· Offer evergreen content. Finally, remember that even though you may be
creating your Welcome Mailing and bonus this week, some of your
subscribers may not see the content for many months to come, perhaps even
a year or two from their join date. That means that you need to create
evergreen content, which is content that remains “fresh.”
Ask yourself, will the content be just as fresh and relevant six months from on now
as it is today? If not, tweak it to fully remove any references that eventually cause the
content to 'expire' or grow stale.
Now let me give you an example of a Welcome Mailing…
Subject Line Template #1: Welcome to [Name of Newsletter]
CB Passive Income | 42
Example: Welcome to Millionaire Journey!
Subject Line Template #2: I’ve got a surprise for you, [First Name]
Subject Line Template #3: Free download: How to get [benefit]
Example: Free download: How to create 3 income streams in your life!

There you go, now you know how to create a Welcome Mailing that helps you start
with building a relationship with your new subscribers… right from the moment they
first join your list.

Now your next step is easy – take some action and start creating your unannounced
bonus to fully welcome your new subscribers!

The News-Centered Mailing

One of the biggest difficulties in communicating with your prospects via email is the
high “noise” level you experience. Consider this…

· Your prospects’ inboxes are full. If your newsletter was the only email to hit
your prospect’s inbox, it would be certain to get read. Instead, your email is
competing with various spam, emails from friends and family, work emails and
other newsletters they've subscribed for. Sometimes the sheer number of
emails means your newsletter will simply get lost in the barrage of information
and accidentally deleted. At other times, the reader makes a conscious
decision to either delete your email outright, or perhaps set it aside for later
due to present time constraints.

· Your prospects are constantly being exposed to other ads and
information. Full inboxes aside, your prospects are being pounded with other
nonsensical information 24/7. They see and hear a barrage of ads on the TV,
radio, newspapers, web, billboards, flyers and elsewhere. Because of this,
they’re on information overload what with the constant web-surfing and similar
means of getting information.

So what does all of this mean?

It means your emails need to break through that loud noise barrier. They need to
grab some attention so that your prospects click on them.
And one way to do this is by casually entering the conversation that’s already
going on in your prospect’s head.

For example: Consider this… Imagine that your prospect is currently at a party,
talking with others about how she’s now dreading the upcoming beach season
because she needs to lose weight, before she even dares wear a bathing suit again.
Now imagine if you go up to her and say, “HEY! Does your dog jump all over people
when it sees them?”
She’s going to look confused. And she’s probably going to ignore you, because
you’re irritating her with your completely irrelevant comments.
That’s kind of what traditional and/or poor advertising is viewed as.
Now imagine instead if you went up to her and said something like, “Did you know
that lifting weights actually speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn more
Ahhhh – now you have her attention, only because you smoothly entered the
conversation. You’ve got her 100% attention span.
Listen, you can use this same technique when you send a mailing out to your
subscribers. And one technique is by sending what I call a News-Centered Mailing.
You’re not a mind reader of any sort, so it’s hard to know what your prospects are
thinking right at this moment. But if there’s a big news story happening in the selfimprovement
niche right now, then there’s a good chance that your prospects have
heard of this story before – and they’re subconsciously thinking about it.
So, if you send out a mailing that’s relevant to this story they're thinking of already,
then you’ll get their attention. And while you have their attention, you can smoothly
transition away from the news story towards a soft pitch for WakeUp Millionaire.
Sounds good? Here’s how to do it in three easy steps…

Step 1: Seek Out Current News Stories in Self-Help Niche
The obvious first step is that you need to seek out fantastic news stories in the selfhelp
For the best results, choose any current stories, those that are just breaking or
developing. If there isn’t any “late breaking” news in your self-help niche, then look
for seasonal stories.

Here are four tips for finding those news stories…

· Browse some reliable news sites. Be sure that you’re only pulling news
stories from credible and reliable sources, such as the AP, Reuters, CNN,
BBC, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News and other major providers. If you
find a news story on a niche blog or other site, be sure to independently
confirm it on a reliable news site before you actually use it.
· Get alerts. Some news sites will let you set up alerts that tell you when a
particular type of news story is printed with them. If your favorite news site
doesn’t have this feature at present, then you can use a service like Google
Alerts ( This service sends you an email
whenever something is posted online that contains your pre-determined and
specified keywords.
· Select stories that refer to a specific problem. That way, you can offer your
prospects a solution.
For example: If the article talks about how becoming a millionaire and possessing
the right mindset are linked, it makes it easy for you to offer WakeUp Millionaire
directly to your prospects.
· Choose stories that hint towards the solution. You don’t want the article
itself to mention a specific product, otherwise your readers will buy that
product straight away. Instead, you want the news story to speak in general
about the solution at hand, which establishes credibility when you then
recommend a specific product or other solution.

Step 2: Figure Out How to Link These Stories to Your Own Offers
Once you’ve selected the news stories, your next step is to figure out how to properly
link them up to WakeUp Millionaire.
If you choose stories that mention a problem and a generalized solution, then all you
have to do is promote a more specific solution.
For example: The news story about becoming a millionaire says people should have
the right mindset to become a millionaire. You can then offer a specific solution, such
as the WakeUp Millionaire product.

Step 3: Craft Your Mailing
You’ve selected your news story and figured out how to link it to WakeUp Millionaire.
Your next step is to sit down and write up your mailing subject.
In just a moment, I’ll give you an example mailing to show you exactly what a newscentered
mailing may look like. But first, let me share with you these three handy

· Feel free to add your own editorial comments. In other words, what’s your
take on this breaking news story? How does it impact the self-improvement

· You see, if you just link yourself to the story, then there’s really no need for
your prospects to read any of your emails since your prospects are probably
already familiar with the on-going story. That’s why you need to add
something new, whether it’s a new tip or just adding your opinion and spin
about how the event impacts your readers.

· Be cognizant of copyright issues. It’s not okay to copy a news article into
your own email, as this will most likely create additional copyright issues.
Instead, link it to the news story. Not only does this save you any legal
hassles, it also adds credibility to your email when you link to an already
trusted news source.

· Summarize the story. If you just link to the news story, it’s unlikely people will
click through and come back to you. So instead, tell people all about the news
story in your own summarized words, and then link to it so that those who
want to, can of course get the full details.
Now let me show you an example (keep in mind this is a somewhat fictional
Subject Line Template #1: Did you hear about [news story]?
Example: Did you hear the latest about Donald Trump’s press release?
Subject Line Template #2: The startling truth about [news story]…
Example: The startling truth about why motivation doesn’t work...
Subject Line Template #3: Here’s how [news story] affects you…
Example: Here’s how the sub-conscious mind REALLY affects you…
And there you have it – the easy three-step process for:
1. Finding news stories.
2. Linking those news stories to Wakeup Millionaire.Finally, crafting your

Your Journey to Making Money Online

Making money online is just like building a real business but in the online form. There
is a lot more to learn before making a sustainable full time income for a living.
It’s a never ending education for you.
Obviously, this is just the beginning for you. There’s really no point in putting more
knowledge forward to you until you’re able to get started and make your first $100.
Then when you’re ready, you can always reach out to me to learn some more.
What’s important now is to get started and take your initial action. Without any
action, you will just be doing the same thing over and over again hoping to find the
next magic pill.
All the methods that I’ve shared with you have been proven to work for me
personally, and also for thousands of others to make money online.
If you can just follow exactly what you will learn in the first 2 weeks, you will start to
see the results. Once you’re ready, you can begin to scale up by setting up your
Fanpage or blog and building your own mailing list.
Everything has to start somewhere, and now, this is your time to get started and
make some money on the internet.
Take action now and I look forward to hearing your ever-lasting success story.

Here’s the link to get started again:

To your success,

Patric Chan
Best-Selling Author
And Internet Entrepreneur


Mark Anthony Grabillo
Blogger, Intenet Entrepreneur
And MLM Entrepreneur

Please follow me on facebook


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