1. Auditing standards differ from auditing procedures in that procedures relate to a) Measure of performance. b) Audit principles. c) Acts to be performed. d) Audit judgments. 2. The independent auditor of 1900 differs from the auditor of today in that the 1900 auditor was more concerned with the a) Validity of the income statement. b) Determination of fair presentation of financial statements. c) Improvement of accounting systems. d) Detection of irregularities. 3. The first general standard of generally accepted auditing standards which states, in part, that the examination is to be performed by a person or persons having adequate technical training, requires that an auditor have a) Education and experience in the field of auditing. b) Ability in the planning and supervision of the audit work. c) Proficiency in business and financial matters. d) Knowledge in the areas of financial accounting. 4. The first standard of field work, which states that the work is to be a...
This blog is created to help finance people, accountants, non-accountants, and accountancy students understand more and in an easier way, all the accounting and auditing standards, business and other commercial laws, and application to real life.